Another one would be axes, after consuming an evolved blackwatch soldier. It will be better if the slogan will be like "Maker or God....Comrades or Foes". THEN THERE WILL BE FIGHT BETWEEN ALEX AND HELLER'S DAUGHTER BUT AT LAST SHE WILL NOT CONSUME ALEX. jacob tries to help him but he's to late and he turns into an infected and helps jacob kill the infected and thats when the co op missions start and you can choose if you want to be jacob rock or be father guerra. LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST SHE WILL BE ABLE TO FIND HELLER SHE WILL SAVE HER AGAIN THROUGH A MISSION. The virus spreads further north-east up until south-east Canada. you have curved metallic spikes protruding out of your dragon back so you can do ranged cannonball attacks {like bowser from mario} plus you have the ability to breath fire BUT only at a limited range and has a cooldown period...... later you could do stuff that increases range and shortens the cooldown of the fire breathing....the bad part of the dragon form is that sensors in the area find you twice as fast and teams get to you even faster so you have to do a lot of fighting (yay! you disagree with him and go into a fight before he is out of health he knocks you unconsius. This site contains affiliate links to products and services. I'd Personally like to see heller living his life hiding then he starts getting flashes and voices from Mercer in his sleep and eventually just everywhere and the story would go like this: Mercer knew that heller had reached the top of the food chain as he calls it when you consume him before you even fought him but he needed a way to comunicate and get his point about what he was trying to do to without being in danger of Heller killing him so he put his DNA in to someone else and rather than consuming them forced himself in to their body to fight heller so he would win and consume the fake Mercer now their brains were one in the same and alex could comunicate telepathecally to to James, but he left Heller to live as after transfering most of his power to his fake Mercer and then to Heller he was weak and knew Heller didnt want to follow him and would rather live with his daughter. in dragon form your power is doubled[ or lessened ] and your movements are quicker[ or slower ] plus you are able to pick up whole small vehicles with your tail while fighting another opponent. I think in prototype 3 the player should be alowed to have more than 5 powers. So they will make the sequel as soon as possible. And still expecting to have a new Prototype game for better in the future. We still have a few months to go before Apple unveils the iPhone 12, but rumors about the iPhone 13, coming in fall 2021, are already circulating. about  into the game you unlock 3 new powers when you consume a brawler or any other infected you can shapeshift into the monster or for 15 second+ you get guns and can destroy anything and instead of mass you can turn into a indestructible monster. The first thing that should happen is that one of the leaders at blackwatch gets infected, creating the boss of this game. When the outbreak begins, he learns that his homeless victim certainly had a home, a very permanent one at that: Gentek's Headquarters. The big unknown is whether or not Canon will also release some dedicated RF-S lenses for a new APS-C RF Mount camera. How? This would mean that if liked Alex but also liked a Heller quest that you could play it and then continue, also these missions or quests should entwine with one another, so both sides of the story makes sense. 20:41, November 18, 2013 (UTC)~~. Heller admits that he kind of enjoys being practically indestructible. I even have some other alternate story for Prototype 2 (which might be better story compared to the original one). Dana then proceeds to the facility via jet. But since the truth that he is not, it's really dissapointed me. The best soldiers fitted with high tec weapons and armor. Blackwatch follow Heller and dont let up they start a program to make another prototype to beat them this time it works they have an loyal prototype with a different virus and different powers but he cant spread it word gets to Mercer and Heller through consuming guards and eventually you have to get more powerful and defeat some of these loyal super soldiers getting their powers too Blackwatch then introduce their new super soldier as a sort of super heroe the infect buildings with the Mercer virus and let him clear them to make him look better to the public. a powerup when you consume enough evolved to gain a berserker like mode. So the dummy with red color will represent Mercer and Heller. The juggernauts were a good addition along with the flyers and evolved but add something much more unique. The prototype also shows what could be a different camera setup compared to what we’re expecting on the iPhone 12 later this year. t and jordan. ... That camera, which Canon Rumors has tentatively labelled the Canon EOS R7, does now appear to be in the works. Mercer admits to Heller at that time that he never wanted to be the Prototype. Idaho, Greene  coincidentally accepted the virus whilst being pregnant and acted as an incubator to Pariah. But a new monstrosity, maybe the virus manifested on its own and without changing some other creature, created a form of its own. Hello, as a person who has played [PROTOTYPE] and [PROTOTYPE 2], I was fascinated by the gameplay and the storyline, but the ending of [PROTOTYPE 2] was misleading as the main character of [PROTOTYPE] Alex Mercer Died.Most of the people who played this game weren't happy for this ending.Also the creators,Radical Entertainment was shut down in 2012 by Activision. But not as the main protagonist,as the antagonist. And then decides to try and stop the virus he/she created and take out the leaders. New powers can be to spread the virus around us like Alex in one of the videos in prototype 2 and to keep  the claws, blade and shield you can also add the power to see through the eyes of nearby people or monsters. So as you were saying they would team up. Maybe add a scary creature and some cannon fodder enemies. This should be on Prototype 3, IF THEY MAKE IT. These tend to be found in larger, pro-friendly cameras, but it's long been rumored that an RF-mount camera with a smaller APS-C sensor could be in the works for sports shooters. have powers like "grounddive", where they go onderground and upon surfacing, spikes shoot up and impale enemies, handy if surrounded. Maybe some evil/ good exclusives such as if your evil your powers are more darker and you get more lethal/brutal methods and if your good your powers are lighter and are Non-Lethal with some exceptions. ), you could add a new vehicle: drones from blackwatch that carry chainguns [or gatling guns] and infected seeking missiles {there is a loophole here since it is an INFECTED seeking missile if you throw an infected or bioweponed person and the missile will automatically lock on to it} as for how it will look like maybe something like the Red Faction game {but unmanned so you cant control it} it would have armor plating making it a challenge to take down, also PLEASE ADD MORE CREATIVE SWEARING i loved to hear heller say: send the ground my regards motherf*$%#^ i laughed so hard on that one (and i giggled while writing it) and countless others, i enjoyed that so much and want to thank the creators for doing that, i can honestly say that i am happy about that, thats all the ideas i have, thank you for taking the time to read through this article i hope you enjoed it please feel free to alter my ideas (except the dragon parts and the hieros unless you can make it better). You will receive a verification email shortly. A rare prototype of the Apple Watch has surfaced, which offers a glimpse into the development of the company’s ubiquitous smartwatch. and basically the goal of the whole story would be to find other infected and make like a team or something and then save the world from the virus before it infects every thing. That camera, which Canon Rumors has tentatively labelled the Canon EOS R7, does now appear to be in the works. It's almost like what Alex mercer did in Penn Station the second time the virus outbroke. Maybe for a cliff hanger, P could give Maya the Blacklight virus and another cutscenes shows Pariahs son or daughter. A new power would be the ability to turn into something like Hulk, and be able to fight larger infected creatures easier. Over the course of the story, it becomes apparent that the unidentified woman is Elizabeth Greene, trying to get her son back from Blackwatch at any cost. 1) Release date for iPad 3. what do you guys think? i think that alex mercer wanted james heller to eat him so he can get amaya whatever her name is as i was saying so he can get amaya to be the new mother of the new world but not to kill james but to kill james so he can not get in his way again i think alex mercer was holding backon him so he can get james to eat him than months later alex rips james open from the inside and the new main player in prototype 3 colud be or can be dana mercer or james and dana new child or old ones like james or green's son or alex mercer or chuck norris but wait radical entertainment was shut down by activision but the answers is was it shut down or close or sold. And make Alex a good guy, and make the game co-op campaign up to 2 or 4 player offline. I'd love if you had the option Dual Wield different weapons at once (e.g the claw in one hand and the whip fist in the other). Apparently, there have been hundreds of anti-heroes in just two entries, a hero for the first time would give some sort of light to the Prototype series. SHE WILL TELL HELLER EVERY THING WHAT HE DID BUT THEN HELLER WILL TELL THAT ALEX IS NOT THE ONLY ONE THERE IS ONE MORE WE NEED TO FIND HIMM, THEN HELLER AND HIS DAUGHTER BOTH WILL FIND THAT ANOTHER EVIL PROTOTYPE  AND WILL KILL HIM. was in the red zone to fight the supreme brawler but more powerful but the supreme brawler is the not supreme hunter but the supreme brawler was second in charge and green is the real one in charge then when alex and james is done killing them greem shows up with her new powers but a bit harder than the supreme brawler but supreme brawler faster and smarter so when green was fix not eat green was fix by a new whitelight injected thing james help alex reach to greens body than injected with new whitelight than she was normal again like a human later blackwatch showed up to pick them up but infected was free from greens controll  mins later when dana and parira something? mercer (real) and heller, working with each other. Blackwatch want him to take out James Heller so he can be cured and he can go back to his family but James wants him to help take Blackwatch down once and for all. Slums, Military, Infected and the Uninfected. Again evolution in progress as new genetic material was required for futher evolution aka Maya's genetics and an overprotective Heller as security for the viruses future. I think Heller might have split personalities with Mercer still alive inside him or he will regenerate, cant really tell for sure, I think it will be better that Mercer's arms regenerate him and start a new story of Alex Mercer as a hero. Prototype Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Gameplay will involve traveling between each of these infected zones, much as Prototype 2 allowed travel between different zones. Alex admits that he shouldn’t have abused his power and promises that he will only use his power to protect. the infection starts when alexs brain goes into hellers making him psychotic about 4% into the game soon after your meet him again and tells you to help him takover nyz then the world. And again resulted in the destruction of the VIRUS. ), Sea Mode (allows you to swim and increased agility, but decreased defence, attack, and limited powers), Sling Arm (long-ranged claw-like projectile), Earsplitter (lethal sound waves from mutated gaping mouth), Whitelight Oozer (slowly oozes Whitelight from your body), Flyer Swarm (summons a large amount of flyers and a few harpies), Flyers (now spawn more frequently and consumable), Infected Zoo Animals (essentially zoo animals with upgraded ablilities, e.g. Thank you for signing up to TechRadar. Would be cool if in Prototype 3 you play with a blackwatch soldier who get the virus and start mutating like Heller,and then he notices he work is not doing the good but only evil,and then he starts working with Heller to rip off blackwatch to out of the world, Ha i thought of this a long time ago, ok so what if a small part of alex mercer broke off of his body just as heller was consuming him and he was able to come back in the story. 0. … and next time on what if 2 alex and cole vs monsters like that vampire lady from infamous festervio of blood n this time put other monster in it but wait if alex eat them he can't get infected but he well get there powers n this time cole is not getting bit by a vampire or a werewolf and plese do not delete this cuz this is importtent 4 the what if fans and the prototype fans and infamous fans and i know my spelling is bad but next time i will be back maybe?. In the end, P would consume Pariah gaining new abilities and becoming that much stronger, making the player a god so to speak, and P would be left to raise Maya. What I would like to see is Alex Mercer returning to the game. I think there should be a new character who is introduced in the fight, instead of playing as Mercer or Heller again. But, you'll have to choose between helping Pariah or Mercer. Heller advises Mercer against it as Kizen is a Superprototype, realizing that Kizen was seeking to tear Mercer’s and Heller’s newly found trust apart. That will be EPIC !!! Alex loses consciousness and falls however Heller catches and saves him. Message the mods. THEN HELLER'S DAUGHTER WILL BE THE NEW PLAYER OF PROTOTYPE 3 AND SHE WILL HUNT CONSUME AND WILL HAVE MORE COOL STUNTS MOVES AND POWERS THEN ALEX. For James Heller character, I think it really suit the game as well if he and Alex can work together as a big team to defeats the real other infected monster. So they used it on that soldier and the cure replaced that limb, but also made the devastator attack happen. but could make a bit lag on your game but just a bit lag so the story main bad guy is pariah like i said alex mercer is never mention in this story but his dna is mention in this story james is retried like an old dude but you still play as two of them if you play as tommy then its good but if you play as james its good too but there will be a easter egg and its alex mercer dna when pariah is consume by james or tommy whoever you play as but alex mercer maybe return? A game where you play as the most unexplored enemies in the game: Police officers. I think for the story should take place in the distant future and the character should be a teenage who's father is like a scientist who works on improving the black light virus and one day the dude enters the lab and is infected with the virus. It should be worldwide like you can go to the different countries and, depending on whether you are good or bad, you can choose either to help save that country or help destroy it with the evolved. like, claws and blade and devestators for each power. Technological News Portal. Be good or bad. The Superprototypes lose their morale and begin using their critical mass abilities, similar to Alex’s and James’. Heller responds saying that he would rather have a brother in this world, then be an outcast in the other world. Collectibles would include Blackboxes, Newspaper clippings and Research notes, all of which could be examined at numerous safehouses. There are lots of video games in online store. Dana realizes her time is limited and hurries to find Heller and Mercer. Also, they'd change Blackwatch outfits back to something like the Prototype 1 version. What’s Next. Dana proceeds to sneak her way down to where Heller and Mercer are contained. Prototype is een computerspel, ontwikkeld door Radical Entertainment.Het spel werd uitgebracht in Noord-Amerika op 9 juni 2009 en in Europa op 12 juni 2009.. Het spel speelt zich af in New York, waar een virus uitgebroken is dat mensen infecteert terwijl het leger het probeert te stoppen. I would also like to see more of Dana Mercer, and to see whether she would repel Alex or join him in power (or possibly, if granted powers, consuming him herself). Dlc should have costumes like Black watch James heller Doctor and finally alex mercer before he had powers with out the jacket! A few things I want to see. and at the end of the game fight the unexpected.... heller in the last fight and you can figure out the rest on your own in the game. As the storyline progresses, you regain your Powers (and the powers from Prototype 1) through mutations and consuming. You should also have three shapeshifting slots, that can be accessed, by holding left on the D-pad. This video is unavailable. You should be able to use any vehicle, like a car motorcyle etc. there could be a customize a character in there. I like Mercer's style and he have a nice story in prototype 1 but in prototype 2 the story turned to something else that most peoples didnt like it ( prototype 2) and i am sure if Activision make Alex Mercer returns as a hero in prototype 3 it will be best. Kizen lies to Heller and tells him that Mercer handed himself over to Project Blackhope, the merged projects of Blacklight and Hope, in order to gain access to the Superprototype Virus, Merceller, hence becoming a member of Project: Superprototype. Dana remembers that Heller had taken her to his place and that he had said, “I will find you Gareth,” before he left. 3D 7-14mm 9-18mm 14-150mm 20mm 45mm adapter Canon dp2 E-3 E-5 E-30 E-450 E-520 E-600 e-620 E-P1 E-P2 E-PL1 Fuji G1 G2 G10 GF1 GH1 GH2 interview Leica lens LX3 LX5 m4/3 NEX Nikon Noktor Novoflex NX NX-10 Pentax Ricoh Samsung Samyang Sigma Sony Voigtländer I really dislike the story that makes Alex Mercer an enemy mabye do the game playing alex's side of the story. Mercer then reluctantly tells Heller that Pariah is a host for both the mutated Blacklight virus and their virus, the Mercer virus. by jordi. Contents1 Release date of prototype 32 Prototype 3 officially confirmed3 Prototype 3 Official Trailer4 Game […] BIMMERPOST is the project of friends Mark and Jason who began this site as a small forum dedicated to the 3-Series. But in the middle of the game, Heller throws down a giant thermobaric bearing helicopter, which he did not know was on there, and he killed Dana by accident, you can either choose to forgive him or kill him. It doesn't matter whether it will be a typical kind of character. Throughout the game, the player would have to fight various infected, gaining new abilities, and fight the blackwatch. also, COMBO powers. Alexx Mercer (talk)M.jAlexx Mercer (talk). Not sure what is the better story to make him come back, but some people talking about the re-boot of Prototype 2 or maybe he just resurface from Heller body, well, either way, I am quite happy to accept that. I want to see a prototype that has a home and something to do once the main story is finished, I want to see that the Bad Ending makes you stronger where the good ending makes you weaker so that our choices make a difference. Pariah takes a sample of his blood and gives it to Alex, telling him that the right thing by one man, is another man’s wrong. Prototype 2 was also a disappointment for me when James killed Alex because i see him as the original prototype and the series would be not as good without him if it continues. You can also take control of vehicles, like Marine Trucks or Police Cars, and some airborne vehicles, with the inclusion of new Police helicopters and the regular Transport Helicopter and Gunship helicopters. Mercer also tells Heller that with Pariah Project Blacklight and Project Hope are planning to create a vaccine for the Mercer virus. So Alex and Heller decide to go public making videos for the news then they take down Blackwatch but not the Super soldier who gets more powerful too. An APS-C RF mount prototype is currently in the wild [CR2] Canon Rumors . sensory powers should be used, like infected and thermal. There was a problem. Mercer meets up with Heller on the Beach and they head underground to infiltrate the base. and hopefully the Prototype franchise will grow more in popularity and be more exciting for the players, 04:59, February 21, 2014 (UTC)giggity goo 10000%, I think in prototype 3 that aexhad injected hellers daughter with his on dna so that she becomes a stronger version of him and heller has to make a decision to either kill alex again but in that version he becomes completly evil but ztronger and he wants to do what alex wanted to do in p2 or gets killed and alex is who you become but because he would have consumed heller so he could get all of his power back but he becomes good because hellers memory will make him relize his evil and he will try to stop the virus, and we should get new weopens and ablitys and mutations and the old ons from 1 and 2 too. You operate at first with the ever present law enforcers of Manhattan and work alongside them for the first quarter of the game, dressed in  an NYPD uniform that becomes more and more dirty, unclean and tattered as the city falls apart. Before releasing them he hacks the mainframe of the building and discovers that Dana had been contaminated with the Mercer and the Blacklight virus simultaneously. like, fusing the hammer fist and whip fist to make a wrecking ball like power, good for when climbing a wall, like in the first one. We want to control Alex mercer again, cause he is fun to play. Porqupines (Spiked Brawlers that don't have claws or mandibles, but can eject it's own spikes. By that time Blackwatch makes hundreds of blockades and walls surrounding the infected zones. The cure passes through Alex and into the Superprototypes. Another idea is having a huge blackwatch base. As I see it Greene's intention was to be consumed by Mercer as to suggest things to Mercer in a physiological way. this is what i think should be features in prototype 3 having different people to play as like Alex + James + Bella green whatever her name is have to be unlocked  also having heaps of different zombies and when you consume them you become a zombie and take its powers also multiplayer + co op like multiplayer will be like team death match free for all and having a survivor class and infected class and mercer virus class and co op would be co op campaign make it system link and split screen and online also blue zone witch that's black watch and gentek land and have loads of powers like being able to spit anytime by pressing right stick and bite by pressing left stick but also make bite infect people and make them zombies .thanks for reading!! No official information, the … For example the ending where Heller killed Mercer then consumed it like an animal. New and Better powers and better story {also a bit of the ending of the story}. Heller first infects Mercer with the Superprototype Virus, Merceller. Of course, there returns the Green Zones;the outer zones - Maine, southern Quebec, Montreal, Caribou, Bangor, Burlington and U.S northestern Canadian border, The Yellow Zones; the slightly infected zones - Syracuse, and Buffalo, The Red Zones; NYZ, Boston, Philadelphia, and Scranton, and the Blue Zone: areas totally without infection and Blackwatch's HQ (Washington D.C). Dana thinks for a moment and realizes that Cross is Pariah’s father. Read our article on possible release dates for the new iPad. Either way, you get to eliminate Blackwatch and Gentek. Alex and Heller deduce that the Superprototypes are controlled by Cross. Heller still doesn't understand the threat and Mercer and Heller agree that if Heller can find someone to transfer Alex's DNA to another organism, Mercer could be reborn. Heller then consumes his way through Project Blacklight’s base in Manhattan and injects Alex's DNA into the Base Commander. An RF mount camera with an APS-C sensor has been long rumoured since the launch of the EOS R system. Sign up to get breaking news, reviews, opinion, analysis and more, plus the hottest tech deals! Discovering that the victim was in fact a test subject, infected with Blacklight, he delves deeper and finds himself on the radar of Blackwatch and the USMC as the quarantine of Manhattan commences. AND WHEN HE WAKE UP HE SEE THAT THERE WAS A BANG BUT DOESNOT REMBER HOW  DOES THIS BANG HAPPEN HE GOES OUT OF HIS HOUSE AND SEE TIME ON A BULDING WATCH AND THEN HIS MIND STRICKS ABOUT  HIS DAUHTER HE RANS BACK TO HIS HOME BUT THERE WAS NO ONE THEN HE THOUGHT I SHOUD GO TO DANA'S HOUSE (ALEX SISTER) AND TELLS EVERY THING TO HER. You should get to keep Bio-Bomb. NY 10036. james heller will give one forth power to he son and his son will thoso powers wrongly then jemes havde to kill his son but he donot have that much power so he will become alex merser and he have to make a team, GTA 5 is more interesting then prototype 3                             portotype 3 is very bad game, vvvvveeeeeeryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bbbbbaddddddddddd. Well, I am hoping for the best. If you kill him you will go on to join up with Pariah and infect the world with the newly evolved Blacklight virus. Cross however gains the upper hand and prepares to kill and consume Dana. but the ability to fly is limited to 3 or 5 mins [give or take].... in dragon form you are still able to access your claws or hammerfists ect [with red hieros hopefully]. Heller and Mercer are overwhelmed and captured. but befor he takes the planit he shoud have a son and harf way throu the game you shoud swop main character with alexs son and be more powerfall and kill alex for good. The story will be like a 1-2 months after James eated Alex and the adventure begins! This virus had been codenamed by the project as Merceller and is under a subcategory of viruses in a section called Superprototype. The three slots should be: James Heller, Military or Civilian, and Alex Mercer, just to confuse most of Blackwatch and Gentek. Upon arrival she breaches one of the walls to the complex, beginning to flood the interior. 1. And at some he becomes the leader and you play as him from now on and fight blackwatch and all the guys behind it who purposly infected themselves and the city to justify the need of extra military funding and more soldiers, more tanks well a bigger arsenal of weapons. you then head to the red zone to find father. In this section, we will discuss release date, officially confirmation, trailer version, and some FAQs about this video game. Trending. Heller meets up with Dana and Pariah and Dana reveals to Heller that she was infected by the two viruses as part of Hope and Blacklight's project to create soldiers strong enough for the US military to not be needed, even to defeat Heller and Mercer. Canon themselves will neither confirm nor deny such a camera is coming, which means such a camera is coming. Heller then tells Mercer to get out of his head and stop messing with his life Mercer says he cant he is one in the same with hime now this allows the player to switch from Heller to Mercer and Mercer to Heller and they each can have different powers and missions to do.

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