They built the base around it and dissected the ANGEL to study it (hence it's just a skeleton with some equipment attached) but then Mari/Kaji "activated" it somehow as a means to sabotage the base for unknown purposes (well, we know Kaji was stealing something for Gendo and needed a diversion to escape with it, but we don't know if he was working together with Mari and what her goals were). This explanation is also plausible because there is very little reason to doubt it until the final act of the movie. the kaworu that i remember from the show was more adversarial to shinji, and the same in the manga. Because this took forever to do, I just copy pasted this from one of my sources, because seriously, they worded it WAY better than I could have: The reason I did not explain in the video why Shinji strangle Asuka is because it is very much a personal interpretation. Idk if it was just me but it seemed like throughout the episodes certain parts were cut out if not there was A LOT of jumping scene to scene to scene (just felt more than usual). No more hurting. You're free, of course, to come up with your own ideas, there are franchises like the Souls series that are deliberately vague because the creator wants you to create your own story, but it's possible to go too far, stretch what little we have too much. Rebuild of Evangelion (literalmente Reconstrucción de Evangelion) es una tetralogía de películas de la serie de anime Neon Genesis Evangelion anunciada por Studio khara para septiembre de 2007.Se las puede definir como un reinicio cinematográfico de la serie, adaptada al formato cinematográfico de alto presupuesto y con novedades significativas, no siendo por tanto un remake. Shinji is only responsible for leading Eva into it's pseudo-evolved form and nothing more. Some people theories state that it started up again after the spear was removed from Unit-01. I hope I'm right, because I still really want to see the film that was shown to us in that 2.22 post-credits teaser, and I think this would clear up a lot of confusion nicely. Eva, is a dark, complex anime series that spends a lot of time focusing on sexual exploration and the development of sexual and … throughout this process, the JSSDF are undertaking a full-scale invasion as per EOE. The MP evas and super-Rei dies. The flaws in everyone would be gone, and pain and suffering would be a thing of the past. Armed with A.T. Field. 3.0 is often stunningly animated and the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic but goddamn is that movie hot garbage. Therefore, Adam was placed into suspended animation by its own Spear of Longinus. Neon Genesis Evangelion, a.k.a. Fuckin plebs /s, I think this is sarcasm.....and I like it. Its a shame that your fairly insightful understanding of the rebuild events is being downvoted, but its a shame that you decided to take a completely unnecessary and frankly bizarre shot at Steins/Madoka. So to confirm if Asuka was still the same rejecting, hurtful person she was in Instrumentality (the kitchen scene), Shinji picks up where he left off and begins to strangle her once more. However, Kaworu's explanation and Shinji's direct responsibility for the apparent the destruction and death of the inhabitants of Tokyo 3 is called into doubt by later events. The first Rebuild of Evangelion movie came out in 2007, when I was in high school. That's why Asuka looks the same after 14 years in the 3.33 movie. Listen pal, I don’t mean to be the guy who scoffs to the max at your choice of audio, but for Neon Genesis Evangelion the original subtitled versions are the definitive takes here. Neon Genesis Evangelion is on Netflix, and, for better or worse, the streaming service has redubbed the entire series in English instead of recycling the original ADV dub from the late '90s. Shouldn't that have resulted in the third impact, given that he was a Lilin? He's got the capital Alpha letter where Shinji has the lower case one, and Mari says that Shinji was Seele's backup. iirc it was only in the rebuilds that they became bff. There's a lot of narrative hook despite it being in the middle of a series. in 3.33, Kaworu was the trigger. If you don't like them, fine. Besides, full explanation here is less than 1 MiB in size! Called Rebuild of Evangelion, this tetralogy is a complete retelling of the main story that not only mixes up the story with new plots and characters, but also uses 3D animation. The writing is just absolute trash which is a shame because I was so excited for the film after 2.0's ending (which was incredible, and once again selection of music - Tsubasa wo Kudosai - so inspired) but then 3.0 just goes for stupid for the sake of stupid. Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime 1-26) Death/Rebirth (optional, this recaps 1-24 and replaces 25) End of Evangelion (Episode 25 and 26 re-done [completely different, the "real ending"]) Rebuild (movies 1.11-3.33) Someone can correct me if I've messed this up. The Nemesis thing seen in the beginning of the movie is kind of an artificial ANGEL built by SEELE to guard EVA01's coffin. So while Impacts are specific events whenever a new one occurs it simply a continuation of the last one (in the Rebuild universe anyway). The most "official" explanation is from the Bandai Evangelion Movie Series 2 Trading Card, which says, "Shinji renounced the world where all hearts had melted into one and accepted each other unconditionally. All's right with the world. The name makes sense considering that it definitely took place but was essentially put on hold by the spear of Cassius. In the Geofront, Gendo proceeds to merge Adam’s body with Rei. The movie goes out of its way to obscure the answer. This leaves a crucial piece of Seele’s plan in space. The First Ancestral race spread these eggs throughout the 9 (count em, 9) planets, with only one egg on each. After this, Gendo and Fuyutsuki manage to obtain Adam’s spear of Longinus. But Shinji realizes even though he will suffer, even though he will feel pain, the relationships he forms will be genuine, he’ll be able to see the people he loves again, and his feeling would be his own feelings. Gendo can’t live without Yui, and thus starts the Human Instrumentality Project. Additionally, the merging of Adam and the donor created Best Boy Kaworu Nagisa, who holds the Soul of Adam. Is it both? Awakening happened when GNR (lilith soul) and the bit of Angel (adam) have combined with Eva-01 (lilith flesh). I agree that Third Impact happened. the landscape begins taking on a humanoid appearance, growing teeth and eyes. This causes Shinji to lose his mind, and the spear of Longinus returns from orbit, stopping in front of Unit-01. Rei is the real trigger. So shinji rejects instrumentality like every girl I’ve ever asked out has rejected me (oof) and snaps the spear of Longinus. If there’s anything you think I’m missing, please let me know! Ultimately, these answers (if any) will have to come from 3.0+1.0. I wish they would explain. How come when Gendo merged with the Adam fetus nothing happened? This causes Shinji to go into some sort of coma, where he overcomes his depression and learns to accept himself in a mind-fuck of a finale resulting in one of, if not the most infamous scenes in all of anime. If any creature were to possess both of the eggs of Lilith and Adam, they would become as powerful as the First Ancestral Race, thus only one seed per planet, with an Adam seed landing on earth. This release has been more than five years in the making. Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance. The inert Adam, and the Spear upon which he was impaled, were later discovered by the Katsuragi Expedition, in 2000. Shinji could only get Eva in it's pseudo-evolved state, but he didn't actually awaken it. Lillith and the 12th Angel and/or Mark.06 make contact, initiating Third Impact. Press J to jump to the feed. This caress reminds Shinji of the caress from his mother (right before he rises from the LCL), when one of her last lines to him was that "You can find the chance to achieve happiness anywhere". Neon Genesis Evangelion Ending Explained Cinemaholic. It is possible that there was an impact that happened in between 2.22 and 3.33, which you can read about here: The Neon Genesis Evangelion’s final reboot is current on deck and set for release in 2020. Find more subreddits like r/evangelion -- God's in his heaven. But it goes basically like this: WARNING: SPOILERS ABOUND. Its also entirely possible that, even though Kaworu impaled Unit-01 enough damage was done to consider what happened as an impact. 1.11 and 2.22 were refreshes of known plotlines without earth-shaking changes. Yeah that seems to be the going notion. Here's to clarity! So You Wanna Get Into Anime 10 Horror Anime To Watch. Is it an Eva, or an angel? His desire... to live with 'others' — other hearts that would sometimes reject him, even deny him. The children of Lilith were given a second chance. They put Adam in contact with a human, a ‘donor’, which was a really bad idea. Seele’s council backs it so that they, and only them, will enter instrumentality, and be united in a godlike entity, while all other humans would cease to exist. They created the seeds of life known as Adam and Lilith. But her response to his attack is a caress, fulfilling Kaworu's promise that the hope of love also remains. Japanese title (June 27, 2009); Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo. I tend to believe Mark 6 descended in Central Dogma and initiated a subsequent impact that was also stopped before completion. O Evangelion:BR é um fanblog brasileiro sobre Neon Genesis/Rebuild Of Evangelion criado por Leonel Rabelo em 2010. Kaworu says that killing him is the only way for Shinji to save humanity in that moment. One issue: Mind fuck original scenes in NGE is generally accepted as Shinji during Instrumentality, determining whether or not he wants to come back. The black moon's core begins to rise up, leaving Nerv HQ and the shaft to terminal dogma exposed in the air. Can't wait until evangelion gets released on Netflix and whole new generation gets mindfucked. The main point is that the events unfold differently and result in differences, the biggest part is the addition of Mari. Rebuild of Evangelion, known in Japan as Evangelion: New Theatrical Edition (エヴァンゲリオン新劇場版, Evangerion Shin Gekijōban), is a Japanese animated film series and a retelling of the original Neon Genesis Evangelion anime television series, produced by Studio Khara. Many anime fans have become so attached to the performances from that original dub that it's hard to ever be satisfied with any new dub. Adam was experimented on by Dr. Katsuragi and his crew. During Third Impact, Human Instrumentality, the mergerof all of humanity into a single life form,is nearly achieved. Thanks a lot for the complete explanation, Or you could just YouTube Evangelion explain in 7 mins. Rebuild Evangelion Unit-01. Somewhere in-between, probably. At some point the moon was dragged closer, and began to segment like the black moon in EOE. But no one would question it since their appearance is the same. It is the setup for Rebuild 4. Unlike the TV series, both Misato and Ritsuko seem to … Shinji knows that people can restore their bodies from the LCL as they imagine themselves in their heart (they have to make the same decision as Shinji to accept or reject instrumentality like Dio rejected his humanity). After Asuka’s breakdown, Seele sends Kaworu as a replacement, who is secretly both the first, 17th, and last angel, being in possession of Adam’s soul. In the beginning, there were a group of godlike aliens called the First Ancestral Race. Before he dies, Kaworu reveals that all life has AT Fields, even humans, and that removing that is what would cause instrumentality to initiate. Upon realizing his mistake, Kaworu’s attitude completely shifts. After befriending and then betraying Shinji, Kaworu makes his way down to Terminal Dogma to merge with Lilith, who he thinks is Adam. The ending I tried to understand and get the message (so far from what I have seen) but the whole Adam, spear and impact stuff was not in the series at all which kind of bummed me out. They're total idiots for being confused as to why everything got fucked up when they were shown that things weren't going to be fucked up. Also, you'll notice when Ritsuko Akagi says refers to Third Impact in 2.22 she says that Second Impact is 'resuming'. Can confirm. Rei then betrays him and merges with Lilith, body. After viewing 3.33 and going back and rewatching 2.22, I just assumed that after the shit-show of 3.33, Kaworu's soul travelled back in time, only to re-awake with the memories of 3.33 along with the determination to finally "show [Shinji] true happines". First, Kaworu's explanation doesn't account for the beheaded Lillith or Mark 6's presence in Central Dogma which is never explained. For one, in 3.33 they talk about Third Impact by referring to it as "Near Third Impact". The much-anticipated fourth Rebuild of Evangelion film, Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time has unfortunately been delayed again, this time due to … Ao longo de todos esses anos se tornou um dos principais fanblogs sobre o anime sendo acessado pelo mundo todo. Press J to jump to the feed. There's something about being an Evangelion pilot … So what do we think? Whether the Rebuilds are themselves an alternate timeline is a matter of considerable debate, but they are presently linearly and not hypothetically. Mark.06 and the 12th Angel, both, at some stage, reach terminal dogma. That was First Impact. While watching one of them I was taken aback by how one of the reviewers vociferously attacked the notion that third/near-third impact shouldn't have happened because Kaworu swooped in during the 2.22 post-credit sequence and stopped Eva Unit-01 from bringing Third Impact. Fast Forward 3 years. Status – SEELE died thinking it was instrumentality that was going to happen, but because one spear was missing and replaced with the copy (like the ones serial evas had in EoE) and that prevented the instrumentality from happening and instead did a half-way impact which ultimately did nothing and served no real purpose aside from awakening the Lilith and Mark-06 with it, aswell as having Mark-09 which was an Adam's vessel try to take control of the Wuunder. God's in his heaven. Later when Best Girl Asuka Joins the Eva Gang, an Angel attacks. But to call them "trash-tier" co-opts the entire community along with you; obviously, it does not agree with your tiericide. There’s no real concrete evidence for why but I think that it’s because while Kaworu refers to humanity as “lilin” almost like an insult, he doesn’t want to kill all of them, which is what would happen if Lilith and Adam DNA interacted. Or at least allowing Shinji to do things the right way this time? Some people prefer text, like me. They keep both for their future plans. Consequently, a large number of questions are left unanswered. So, I was wistfully scouring the interwebs this morning to see if the Evangelion 3.33 English dub would eventually see a release-date (spoiler: it still hasn't), when I began watching some reviews of the 3.33 rebuild on Youtube. If the angels reached Lilith, or if humanity touched Adam, that would cause another worldwide catastrophe, but this time wiping out all life on Earth, except angels. Adam had a white, a fruit of life seed,and Lilith had a black, a fruit of knowledge seed. There is no reason to believe that single scene after the credits in 2.22 deviates from this scheme consistently held throughout the movies. To confirm (make sure of) rejection and denial.". He thinks merging Adam’s body and Lilith’s soul will give him the power to bring Yui back. It’s somewhat hard to follow, given that little focus is given to key background plot points. With the last angel destroyed, Seele turns on Nerv, and sends in the JSDF to take the Evas, as they are a crucial part of Seele’s plan. these evas all attempt to return to Lillith. Anyways i hope there isn't time traveling in this, because it would instantly downgrade Evangelion to madoka-tier or steins;gate-tier which ultimately means trash-tier. Planets that have an Adam seed have angels (but not many), while planets with a Lilith Seed have humans, and other life.If you’re wondering why there’s no other life on the other planets, it’s the same reason as our universe; all other planets except Earth have no habitable spaces. Why Are So Many People Confused By Evangelion Rebuild 3.33? They spear Lilith with it the moment before it could initiate third impact, for convenience. These Rebuild movies re-trace the core plot and theme of Neon Genesis Evangelion and do not form a continuation of the story, so aren’t essential. Asuka launches in Eva Unit-02, where she battles with the mass-produced Evas, where she completes her character arc, but loses her life in an ultimately futile gesture. She then becomes a huge, powerful, godlike being, initiating third impact, and beginning the Human Instrumentality Project. Seele manages to find both the soul and body of Adam, who is still an embryo. His whole plan was to stop Gendo and let SEELE go through with their version of the impact which would turn everyone into Evangelion-like creatures with both seed of knowledge and seed of life, that would help Shinji rebulid the world. This would also wipe out humanity a lot more than just humanity, considering who/what is interacting. Jumping to the conclusion that 3.33 is just an alternate timeline because Kaworu went back and changed what he did in 2.22 is TOTALLY what everyone should have automatically assumed. Gainax In recent years, Anno has opened up about how remaking Evangelion all … Kaji secretly stole the embryo from Seele, and was on his way to give it to Gendo. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I know it’s a bit long, but I think I ogt most of it right. Now it’s after Adam. So where to next? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The classic anime Neon Genesis Evangelion hit Netflix recently, but fans aren't thrilled about some of the changes made to the new version. She dissolves into LCL, and her soul in absorbed by the Eva’ core. Why would it attack them if Lilith is back in the Geofront? Just finished watching it annnnnd yeah twas a mindfuck. Soon after, Shinji launches in Eva Unit-01, with a pair of wings levitating him,where he witnesses the MP evas eating Unit-02. or somewhere in-between? Evangelion’s Apocalypse Explained Let’s start with the anime series’ ending first. At least until End of Evangelion, where throw all that out the window and pretend it never happened. This turns everybody into orange juice, and combines everyone’s soul into one superbeing. Cold? Which Evangelion series should you watch if the original show lef… Second, refuting your idea is the scene where Kaworu in fact impales Unit 1, ceasing the impact Shinji started. It's obvious. The area, and the failures of infinity are turned to core. Gehirn, headed by Gendo Ikari, creates the Evangelions in the Geofront (A.K.A. Am I warm? It's possible the Failures actually were created by Near-Third Impact, given their form of Eva-01, but I'd consider it more likely that Eva-01 was somehow involved in the above events. For instance, Kaworu explicitly says Shinji was responsible for the all of the devastation on Eath (and the moon for that matter). Yes, 2.22 did alter a number of things, but it wasn't entirely new, people who had seen the show had some basis to stand on. Gendo, who simply wants to reunite with Yui, makes his own plans, apart from Seele, but the lore doesn’t expand on what happens to the rest of humanity after that. The rebuild of Evangelion movies continue their production to this day. They want to reach Lilith, who Gendo keeps inside the Geofront, at Terminal Dogma. Whatever reviewer claimed it to be impossible that Third Impact occurred in the rebuilds just because Kowaru swooped in at the last second and 'stopped' it sounds a tad bit closed minded. Why is everyone actually blaming Shinji anyway?

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