The two components of the guidelines are then merged in a matrix to create the Parole Guidelines Score based on the intersection of the risk score and the offense severity rating. The offender has the option of waiving either hearing. TDCJ reduces the amount of time your loved one must serve before they are eligible for parole or mandatory supervision. There was a total of 111,401 parolees (both parole and mandatory supervision) under supervision of the Pardons and Parole Division. If the rules are broken, the Releasee may be subject to revocation or other sanctions. However, the parole panel may require a Releasee to reside in a different county to protect the life or safety of a victim, a witness, or any other person. If the hearing officer determines that the preponderance of the evidence supports a violation, the officer moves to the mitigation phase of the hearing. An inmate to be released on parole or mandatory supervision will be furnished with a contract stating the conditions and rules of parole or mandatory supervision or parole in Texas. Inmate and Unit Statistics. The scores are added, and the higher the score, the greater the risk the offender presents for successful parole and vice versa. The parole panel consists of three voting member and a majority (2 out of 3) is needed for a final decision. The higher the score, the better chance he or she has to be voted for parole. Denton This is the estimated date upon which TDCJ anticipates the inmate may gain release. The analyst presents the findings to the parole panel and they will choose one of the four options listed above when a revocation hearing is requested. doesn’t know. A panel may require that a Releasee submit to electronic monitoring or other technological services designed to track a person’s location if the Releasee is identified as a member of a criminal gang and has three or more times been convicted of, or received deferred adjudication community supervision or another form of community supervision or probation for, a felony offense in Texas, another state, or the U.S. A panel may require that a Releasee participate in a sex offender treatment program specified by the parole panel if the Releasee was serving a sentence under Chapter 21 (Sexual Offenses) of the Penal Code, is required to register as a sex offender, or the panel makes a finding that the Releasee constitutes a threat to society because of the Releasee’s lack of sexual control, regardless of the offense for which the Releasee was serving a sentence. (J) negotiations. Johnson Everyone wants the soonest possible reunion with their loved one. Offenders placed on parole or mandatory supervision must serve the remainder of their sentence under supervision of the PPD, the parole panel may impose conditions of release, and a violation of the condition can lead to the revocation of parole or mandatory supervision and re-incarceration. (ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE PUBLIC LIBRARY), Phone: (682) 777-3336 The availability of programs and endeavors to earn good conduct time credit varies from unit to unit. This can be somewhat confusing, as the TDCJ, statutes concerning parole, and this guide often refer to it as simply mandatory supervision. The vote can occur up to two (2) months prior to the month the case is scheduled for review by the Board. Only about 882 inmates were out on early release from supervision and reporting to the PPD. A new drug conviction (drug delivery or possession) was the number one reason for revocation, causing almost 31% of the revocations. The defendant cannot intentionally or knowingly communicate directly or indirectly with a victim of the Releasee’s offense or intentionally or knowingly go near a residence, school, place of employment, or business of a victim. If TDCJ determines that an inmate is incapable of program participation, he can still earn good time credits. Parole panel members must grant an interview with a victim, guardian of the victim, or a close relative of a deceased victim if requested. The process begins with the offender's file being reviewed for all appropriate documents, including letters of … Bill Title: Relating to the award of good conduct time to certain inmates; changing parole eligibility. The parole panel will generally take one of the same three action listed above for preliminary hearing. 26. What is Mandatory/Discretionary Mandatory Supervision? Approximately 8 months prior to the parole eligibility date, a Parole Eligibility Report is prepared and the prisoner will be scheduled for consideration by the Board. Depending on the terms of probation ordered by the court, a final conviction might be avoided. The notification must clearly explain the decision and the panel’s reasons for the decision. Tarrant Only prison-sentenced inmates serving time for first, second, or third degree felonies receive good conduct time. The offender is made aware of their rights in the revocation hearing to: If it appears a Releasee has violated a condition or provision of parole or mandatory supervision, the issue date of the warrant until the date of the Releasee’s arrest will not count as time served under the Releasee’s sentence. Members of the parole panel may request an interview with the offender or individuals in support or protest of an offender’s release to parole. However, in 1996 the Texas Legislature passed legislation where the parole panel may now deny mandatory supervision if the panel determines the inmate’s accrued good conduct time is not an accurate reflection of the inmate’s potential for rehabilitation or that the inmate’s release would endanger the public. In FY 2014, approximately 5,629 offenders had their parole or mandatory supervision revoked. Parole is the release of a prisoner to serve the remainder of their sentence in the community under supervision of the Pardons and Paroles Division (PPD) of the TDCJ. A Releasee that served an offense for stalking (§ 42.072 Penal Code) cannot communicate directly or indirectly with the victim; go to or near the residence, place of employment, or business of the victim; or go to or near a school, day-care facility, or similar facility where a dependent child of the victim is in attendance. Thus, mandatory release is now referred to as discretionary mandatory supervision because an offender who committed their offense after August 31, 1996 must receive approval from a parole panel. If an inmate diligently participates in an industrial program or other work program or an agricultural, educational, or vocational program, he can accrue up to 15 days for each 30 days actually served. However, those convicted of an offense under Government Code § 508.149(a) (see list above) may have their annual reviews set off for up to five years by a vote of a parole panel. Each board member holds office for six-year staggered terms. The process begins with the offender's file being reviewed for all appropriate documents, including letters of … Am I eligible for probation? Line Class III – NO good conduct time earned during period of classification. An offender gains “good time” for good behavior and by participating in work and self-improvement programs. It also ensures your loved one is eligible for parole as soon as possible. Fax: (682) 238-5577, Serving These Counties:  Individuals have to wait six months before they are eligible for promotion in time-earning status. FI-2: Release on parole on a specified future date. Preponderance of the evidence means that it is more likely than not that there was a violation. Understanding how to get and keep good conduct time helps inmates make good choices. The parole panel has the option to assign certain conditions of release for a Releasee released on parole or mandatory supervision. If you are facing criminal charges: from a simple possession of marijuana to a complicated aggravated assault or even murder, we always recommend that you immediately contact an experienced criminal lawyer to talk through your case and get you on the right footing to fight your charges. Please call to set up an appointment. How soon is a person eligible for TDCJ parole? There was a total of 113,898 parolees (both parole and mandatory supervision) under supervision of the Pardons and Parole Division. At least 180 days before an inmate’s nonviolent parole eligible date, he or she will be referred to the Board for a parole suitability hearing and possible release. The PPD does not make release decisions but works closely with the Board of Pardons and Paroles to provide information needed for informed decision about possible release. What are the Mandatory Conditions of Release implemented by the Parole Board? A releasee (offender released on parole or mandatory supervision) must serve the entire period of parole or mandatory supervision. Specific details included in TDCJ inmate search parole information. A person’s parole eligibility depends on several factors such as when the offense occurred or if it was a violent offense. Probation is court ordered community supervision that is an alternative to jail or prison. Mandatory supervision is the release of a prisoner to community supervision by a parole panel after the offender’s calendar time in prison plus good conduct time equal the total term to which the offender was sentenced. 21.11(a)(1): Indecency with a child by sexual contact, 20.04(a)(4): Aggravated kidnapping with intent to violate or abuse the victim sexually, or, 30.02(d): Burglary of a habitation and defendant committed the offense with the intent to commit a felony of. The Division also makes a reasonable effort to notify the victims and the victim’s family of the possible parole. An inmate, who was a participant in an In-Prison Therapeutic Community immediately before release, must participate as a Releasee in a drug or alcohol abuse continuum of care treatment program. Parole officers employed by the PPD supervise offenders and ensure that they follow the terms of their release. After 6 months, if your loved one does not have any major disciplinary cases, they qualify as making satisfactory progress. When doing ball park eligibility calculations, family members sometimes rely on the general rule of thumb that if the inmate doesn’t get in trouble, he gets one day of good time credit for each “calendar” day he serves (Inmates normally refer to calendar … Earning good conduct time is one way to work towards an early release. The Parole Board generally spends less than 5-minutes reviewing an inmate’s file and the parole release rate has fallen to approximately 34%. Your loved one can accrue good conduct time based on their classification. FI-3R: Transfer to TDCJ rehabilitation program, such as Changes/Life skills, no earlier than a specified date for at least four months with a release on parole after completion. 43.26: Possession or promotion of child pornography. You can compare this with data from a 2014 statistical report by the TDCJ. The Governor may remove a Board member at any time for any reason, except members appointed by a previous Governor. The data supporting this guide is provided in a 2018 statistical report by the TDCJ. Or an offense in another state that contains similar elements to one of the offenses listed above. It also ensures your loved one is eligible for parole as soon as possible. A victim may petition the panel for a modification of the conditions. Parole is the release of a prisoner to serve the remainder of their sentence in the community under supervision of the Pardons and Paroles Division (PPD) of the TDCJ. Rules and Conditions of Parole/Mandatory Supervision. Wise, 300 Burnett St., Suite 130, Fort Worth, TX 76102. The Board of Pardons and Paroles decides which eligible offenders to release on parole or discretionary mandatory supervision, and under what conditions. Enhancement of sentence for use of child in the commission of offense, Enhancement of sentence for offense in drug free zone, if defendant had previously been convicted of an offense and punishment enhanced under listed subsections, § 481.134(c),(d),(e), or (f), Health and Safety Code, An offense for which the judgement contains an affirmative finding that the use or exhibition of a deadly weapon occurred during the commission or flight from the commission of an offense, or an offense for which the judgement contains an affirmative finding that a firearm was used or exhibited during the commission or flight from the commission of an offense, Directing activities of criminal street gangs, Enhancement of sentence for offense in drug free zone, 5 years or sentenced term, whichever is less (no good time included), Any other inmate (except those chosen for Medically Recommended Intensive Supervision (§ 508.146 Gov’t Code)), Actual time + good time = ¼ of the sentence OR 15 years, whichever is less. What are the possible Discretionary Conditions of Release implemented by the Parole Board? 300 Burnett St., Suite 130 The following is an outline of the typical hearing procedure after an offender is arrested under PPD warrant: If the parole panel revokes parole or mandatory supervision, the offender has 60 days from the decision date to request that the case be reopened because of a significant error in the hearing process or newly discovered information. Then, we diligently prepare a parole plan to ensure the parole board sees your loved one’s development, support, potential employment, and the success they will have when released. 2. The Board of Pardons and Paroles (“BPP” or “Board”) consists of seven members appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Texas Senate and must be representative of the general public. Offender relatives, please call the unit before you go to pick up an offender. The Board uses research-based Parole Guidelines to assess each offender's likelihood for a successful parole against the risk to society. Earning good conduct time is one way to work towards an early release. Rarely is this date accurate. Board members must have been Texas residents for two years before appointment, and no more than three members of the board may be former employees of the TDCJ. In the main page for any given inmate, the only parole information given is the parole eligibility date. But if you click on the yellow-colored ‘Parole Review Information’ you are taken to a page with even more parole … All Board members and parole Commissioners are required to complete comprehensive training on the criminal justice system, especially parole procedures. Most offenders are eligible when their calendar time served, plus their good conduct time, equals 25% of their original sentence. The parole panel assigns required conditions of release for a Releasee released on parole or mandatory supervision. Just remember, if the offense occurred after August 31, 1996, release is in no way “mandatory.”. TDCJ calculates parole eligibility for everyone in TDCJ with limited exception. A releasee is eligible for early release if: The parole officer forwards any recommendations for early release to the Regional Parole Supervisor. We want to hear from you. How can I receive notification about an offender in prison or on parole supervision? Agricultural, vocational, educational, or treatment programs qualify. What is the Pardons and Paroles Division of the TDCJ? However, the panel will designate during each sentence the date the inmate would have been eligible for release on parole if the offender was only sentenced to a single sentence. These offenses include: Mandatory supervision and parole in Texas are not a commutation of a sentence or a form of clemency. COFER LUSTER LAW FIRM, PC TDCJ Parole Packets  THIS INFORMATION IS CURRENTLY BEING PUBLISHED! The parole panel does not simply vote “yes” or “no.” The panel may withdraw a vote of approval at any point if new information is received. The most revocations by a new conviction was for Burglary with 1,231 revocations. In the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014, 35,001 inmates were released to parole or mandatory supervision. Inmate files go into review status about 6-months prior to the eligibility date. Burglary in habitation and offender intended to commit therein felony continuous sexual abuse of young child/children (§ 21.02), indecency with a child (§ 21.11), sexual assault (§22.021), or prohibited sexual conduct (§ 25.02). Participation as a tutor or a pupil in a literacy program qualifies as an educational program. Inmates with offenses committed before Sept. 1, 1996 who are legally eligible for mandatory supervision, will be released on their projected release date if they are not paroled, according to Free Inmate Locator. Parole assistance packages must be submitted within the Board’s required time line within that 6-month window. The offender is notified of the panel’s decision. an offense for which the judgement contains an affirmative finding that the use or exhibition of a deadly weapon occurred during the commission or flight from the commission of an offense (Code of Criminal Procedure 42A.054(c)), or an offense for which the judgement contains an affirmative finding that a firearm was used or exhibited during the commission or flight from the commission of an offense (Code of Criminal Procedure 42A.054(d)); a first or second degree felony murder (Section 19.02, Penal Code); a capital felony murder (Section 19.03, Penal Code); a first or second degree felony aggravated kidnapping (Section 20.04, Penal Code); an offense of indecency with a child (Section 21.11, Penal Code); a felony sexual assault (Section 22.011, Penal Code); a first or second degree felony aggravated assault (Section 22.02, Penal Code); a first degree felony aggravated sexual assault (Section 22.021, Penal Code); a first degree felony injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual (Section 22.04, Penal Code); a first degree felony arson (Section 28.02, Penal Code); a second degree felony robbery (Section 29.02, Penal Code); a first degree felony aggravated robbery (Section 29.03, Penal Code); a first degree felony burglary (Section 30.02, Penal Code); a felony for which the punishment is increased under Section 481.134 (drug-free zone) or Section 481.140, Health and Safety Code (use of child in commission of offense); an offense of sexual performance by a child (Section 43.25, Penal Code); an offense of continuous sexual abuse of young child/children (Section 21.02, Penal Code); a first degree felony criminal solicitation (Section 15.03, Penal Code); an offense of compelling prostitution (Section 43.05, Penal Code); an offense trafficking of persons (Section 20A.02, Penal Code); an offense of continuous trafficking of persons (Section 20A.03, Penal Code); or. However, the PPD may require a person released from supervision and reporting to resubmit to supervision and reporting at any time for any reason. 25. What is the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles? The BPP has assigned an Offense Severity Class ranking to all 2,642 felony charges in the Criminal Code. The date of parole eligibility is often called the Earliest Release Date (ERD). A denial will include the next review date, and an approval may include special conditions. Contact parole attorney Greg Tsioros today to discuss their case » Information You Need to Obtain TDCJ Parolee Information The sentence length that saw the most releases was 3 to 5 years, with 13,426 inmates released. Parker However, if more than one person is entitled to appear before the parole panel, only one person chosen by all those eligible to appear can do so. Victims, their family members, witnesses and concerned citizens may request notification through the IVSS portal ( or by contacting the Victim Services Division at (800) 848-4284, or 8712 Shoal Creek Blvd., Suite 265, Austin, TX 78757-6899. The panel may require that a Releasee serving an offense for stalking (§ 42.072 Penal Code) attend psychological counseling sessions if the panel determines that appropriate mental health services are available through the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, or through another mental health provider. As you will see below, failure to defend against your charges or having an attorney who doesn’t know what they’re doing could cost you some serious time – YEARS – spent in prison. The Pardons and Parole Division may allow a releasee to serve the remainder of their sentence without supervision or reporting to a parole officer if a regional parole supervisor approves. The Board considers many factors to determine whether parole should be granted. These are known as Senate Bill 45 cases. This website is updated on working days only and the information is at least 24 hours old. Additionally, good conduct time applies only to parole eligibility or mandatory supervision and does not otherwise affect terms of confinement.

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