Demetrius and Hermia appear, arguing. In act 3, what emotion does Oberon show he is capable of? 3. Then, why does Helena get mad at Hermia? Hermia, I always loved you, and kept your secrets confidential. Hernias are common in both men and women, but symptoms vary. What causes Helena to become angry with Hermia? Oberon realizes that the wrong man has been treated with the magical juice. Writing Reasons why Hermia should obey her father * She might miss him if she goes *He will get sad *might never see him again. When Hermia wakes up, she observes that Lysander is not there. 5. When Hermia returns to the scene, Helena accuses her of being part of the joke. LYSANDER Be not afraid. It is highly unusual for so many of the characters to be falling asleep and waking up on stage. Good Hermia, please don’t be so angry with me. Reasons why she should go with Lysander *She can do whatever They … With both Demetrius and Lysander pursuing her, Helena becomes angry. Most of the major characters - including Hermia, Helena, Demetrius, Lysander, Titania, Bottom and Puck - are both round and dynamic characters. Why is Hermia angry at Demetrius? Helena becomes angry with Hermia because suddenly both Demetrius and Lysander love her, and she believes it to be a cruel prank conducted by Hermia to make her feel even worse about herself, and for Hermia to gloat how both men love her. HELENA 335 A foolish heart that I leave here behind. Hermia, on the other hand, is unbending, as she is in love with Lysander. Then, we can see Hermia upset when she sees that Lysander has fallen in love with Helena, because of Puck’s charm which should be for Demetrius. 1.Hermia is feeling very angry at the start. I never did anything to hurt you—other than, out of love for Demetrius, telling him about your plan to sneak into this forest. Think of characters from television or the movies who are tricksters like Puck. He followed you. Before the play begins, Helena and Demetrius were in a loving relationship, as were Hermia and Lysander. HERMIA What, with Lysander? 4. How does he show this? Because Lysander's love for Hermia was so great and Demetrius had been wooing her in accordance with her father's wishes, Helena believes that they are cruelly mocking her. Who is ’t that hinders you? In your opinion, why does Helena refuse to believe her friend and her would-be lovers? 2.Hermia has been to see Theseus 3.Ignorent 4.She is suppose to meet him in the woods 5.Their going to his aunt’s. Hermia and Helena have enjoyed a close friendship since they were young, but recently their friendship has come under strain due to their entanglement in a knot of desire and jealousy. Helena refuses to believe her best friend and would be lovers. Egeus is angry with his daughter, Hermia, because she refuses to marry according to his wishes. Groin hernias are much less common in women. HELENA With Demetrius. HELENA 340 O, when she is angry, she is keen and shrewd. HERMIA Why, get you gone. Egeus wants Hermia to marry Demetrius. And I followed him, out of love. Obviously she does not understand why her lover is behaving like that; therefore she thinks that he is teasing her. Hermia is angry at Demetrius because she thinks that he killed Lysander and that is why he is missing. Source(s) A Midsummer Night's Dream DEMETRIUS No, sir, she shall not, though you take her part. She shall not harm thee, Helena. She leaves angrily, and Demetrius, worn out, falls asleep. Wondering if the aching in your belly or groin could be a hernia?

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