[72], On another trip in Apotos, this time accompanied by Antoine and Chip, Sonic was forced to battle a force of Badniks. Luckily, Duo arrived and saved them. [101] Later that same day, Mighty would be the one to help keep Sonic in check and bring him to his senses when the Dark Gaia Energy he'd swallowed responsible for infecting him eventually caused him to mutate into the Werehog (the same form in which he was able to effortlessly take on the Soumerca Egg Army on his own) and his sanity to slip away. Upon arriving at Scrap Brain Zone, they discovered Robotnik and made a quick victory, but later discovered that the mad scientist was still alive. It is not to be confused with the similarly long-running Sonic the Comic from the UK.. Do not redistribute or archive these character mods without the original creator's permission! Between January 2009 and October 2015, comic writer, Ken Penders directed a number of legal cases against Sega and Archie Comics Publishing related to the rights of his characters in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It ran from July 1993 to February 2017. Following an undisclosed hiatus in early 2017, Sega of America finally announced on 19 July 2017 that they ended their publishing partnership with Archie Comics, therefore ending the comic series.[2]. Moss quickly deduced that the root of his problem was his need to be in control, and that mastering his Werehog form would require acceptance of his own uncontrollable nature. Skin [2][26] Sonic would continue to make new friends on his adventures, such as the powerful robot Emerl,[27] who was later destroyed and rebuilt into Gemerl by Eggman. In response, Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Rotor formed two new teams. Sonic threw himself into the battle and continued to provide assistance to his allies while encouraging an anxious Mega Man about their efforts to rescue his father. Meanwhile after Nack the Weasel was declared the winner, Sonic asked Espio the Chameleon if he was happy to see his loss against Bean the Dynamite avenged. Returning to the Sky Patrol, they found Antoine waiting, and after restoring Bunnie's memories left the distraught Rabbot to be comforted by her husband. He is a mobian hedgehog endowed with the power of super speed and the ability to control the Chaos Emeralds. On 21 September 2005, Archie Comics started a new series based on the animated television series Sonic X. This arc marks the end of the "Shattered World Crisis." After being unexpectedly joined by Eggman, Wily, and Xander Payne, they learned that Sigma's plans involved fusing more worlds together and obtaining infinite power by draining their power. After they defeated the evil doctors, Sonic would return to his own time, slowly forgetting the events ever happened. Sonic ends up saving the universe, but it is, unfortunately, reset with alterations, which are seen in issues #166 and 167. Sonic immediately engaged Metal Sonic while Mega Man fought Bass and Treble. Sonic is in some ways different from his game counterpart - in the comics, he was displayed as having a rather strong sense of humor, as well as important familial ties with his family and friends; characteristics absent from most other incarnations. After rescuing Amy by defeating Metal Sonic in a race, Sonic successfully prevented Dr. Eggman from obtaining any Time Stones and defeated the evil doctor.[11][13]. Peach Sonic checking up on Shadow, from Mega Man #52. Sonic and Mega Man team up, from Mega Man #25. Tails and Knuckles left to join Proto Man and the Chaotix, Mega Man and Rush departed to collect Silver and Blaze, and Sonic and Amy took off to find Shadow. [67] Although Mighty still finds Sonic's ego to be overbearingly large,[68] the two are nonetheless respectable and dependable allies, who both make a formidable team. While the two each have good hearts, their attitudes towards mission vary considerably, to the point of them arguing, as seen throughout the time spent by them and Amy Eusbes Shrine, which leads Rotor's pragmatic, no-nonsense attitude to clash with Sonic's nonchalant, selfless nature. Where Sonic and his friends work to save the world from the forces of evil! Like the other Freedom Fighters before them, the two-particularly Sally-were deeply shaken by their newly regained memories. Kaiya Lynn takes it hard and gets a creamy facial Noting the absence of both Amy and Silver, he was looked over by a concerned Tails, who reminded him that they were there to rescue King Acorn. The mission is called to retreat, and the Freedom Fighters move back to Knothole village. Sonic and Tails with Yacker, from Sonic the Hedgehog #252. However, he, Bunnie, and Antoine arrived to see the engine room barely holding thanks to the assault. Sonic is rather charismatic, allowing him to easily get along with others and make new friends. It is soon revealed by Nicole that Eggman's attempt to change the world had caused it to break itself apart. When Shadow had presumably perished after the destruction of Letter of Gabriel, Sonic felt sadness for his arch-rival's demise and used it to further motivate himself to take down Sigma, who indirectly caused this. [39][40] Another adventure with Silver saw Sonic and Tails attempting to save the Wisp alien species from Eggman's clutches. )[note 1] After exchanging greetings, Silver revealed that he was still in the process of finding and closing the various Genesis Portals, a large number of which led to Sonic's world in his present. Once again doing his best to assure his friends that he had things handled, he requested that Amy use her newly learned Mystic Melody to locate the Emerald. Rotor is another intelligent friend of Sonic's, not to mention a brawny one, at that. [87], Following his second inter-dimensional adventure, Sonic returned home and resumed his search for the Gaia Keys, though he soon ran afoul of Tundra the Walrus. Station Square launched a Nuclear Strike against Robotropolis by accident. This is followed by King Acorn issuing Robotnik as his new Warlord. Once the Emeralds are sent there, Feist takes them and combines them into a single gem for each color. Thrash the Tasmanian Devil banished a vast majority to parts unknown to avenge his kind being reduced to savage creatures. However, this no longer matters as of the Worlds Collide event the Universe had been reset with the new universe being more in line with the games. Front cover of the Sonic X #1.. Green (originally black) [50], With their allies assembled-and joined by Shadow's fellow Team Dark member E-123 Omega-the heroes massed at the Wily Egg, where they were confronted by a massive army of Robot Masters, much to Sonic's delight. Enraged and feral, Sonic attacked and swiftly defeated the Egg Soldiers, and would have killed Thunderbolt had Mighty not engaged him. Knuckles was convinced that Sonic and Tails were trying to steal the Emerald, and he attacked Sonic and stole the Chaos Emeralds from him after the pair arrived on the island. [59], Sonic and the Freedom Fighters managed to locate the captured scientists aboard an Bullet Train heading for the Rail Canyon Zone. Sally convinced Sonic to join them on the same mission to defeat Robotnik, to which Sonic accepted. Sonic was tasked with rescuing Chip, which he headed to the Gaia Colossus in Eggman Land to do, only for Eggman to intervene with his Egg Dragoon mech. After being reminded that she was still partially roboticized, they decided to wait until they could reunite with the others before giving her alternate memories. [78] The two then attacked each other, and eventually returned each other to their original forms. However, the events of the conflict with Sigma were undone, and Sonic found himself in touch with a very much alive Shadow. Just when the pair seemed doomed, however, an unexpected ally arrived: Chaos. Sonic has six head quills dropping back from the back of his head, two quills protruding from his back drooping downward and a short tail that points up. The battle soon ended and Coral restored the shield, and she was subsequently reinstated as priestess. When Dr. Eggman and his assistant, Dr. Julian Snively, began their strip-mining and processing of South Island as well as major construction and refinements on Westside Island, Sonic made his first appearance to the two doctors and followed them all the way to their base on the island, battling and defeating the duo within the Final Zone, while also rescuing Walter Naugus from the Special Zone, who was disguised as King Nigel Acorn.[3][4][5]. It also included many elements unique to the comic. Sonic ran off to follow and defeat Dr. Eggman while Antoine defended Sally and Lupe. Sonic's change to his now familiar appearance with green eyes and golden shoe buckles. Gender Regardless, they are both dependable allies and shared a strong bond, especially during their first adventure. They soon ran into further resistance in the form of the Chaos Devil, which quickly overwhelmed them. Tails explained that he was upset that people all over the world got to see him lose like a chump, but Sonic assured him that people everywhere knew him as his best friend and the hero who saved Station Square. In this saga, Sonic finds himself in Green Hill Zone where he finds animals are being captured and imprisoned by an evil genius named Dr. Robotnik and his co-worker, Snively. However, they were saved when Sticks returned from a trip to the World of Street Fighter with some of that world's heroes, though Guile's Sonic Boom maneuver did not impress Sonic. After working with Tails to deal with his metal doppelganger, Sonic happily reunited with his friends, though his comments about the alternate timeline and the Genesis Wave left the pair confused. Sonic was happy Antoine was recovered and healthy when meeting up with him,[56] and Sonic was said to have helped him gain the courage he needed to protect the kingdom.[100]. After these early victories, peace returned to South Island, until Sonic's friend, Tails, was kidnapped by Dr. Eggman. Sonic took a breather from laughing at his foes when he noticed Tails pouting over his loss to Honey in the previous round. Knuckles refused and the battle continued, until Metal Sonic broke into Casino Park thanks to the Hooligans' sabotage. Real-world designer(s) After a heated argument, Sally breaks up with Sonic. Naugus then secretly helped Dr. Eggman by telling him that the Freedom Fighters were providing former King Elias an escort out of New Mobotropolis. These include: Features the debut of Sonic's classic Figure Eight maneuver. The Freedom Fighters managed to save them, but in the process, Sonic inhaled some Dark Gaia Energy that the pair had extracted from below the surface for study. Chaos ControlCroquet Special (requires Amy)[2]Figure-Eight Peel-OutHoming AttackRolling Combo (requires Tails)Spin AttackSpin Dash, Dude, I've raced through more Zones, battleships and death traps than you can imagine. News bears word and King Acorn demands the recapture of Sonic by Saint John. Sonic Adventure was readily adapted into the series with the appearance of Chaos, beginning in issue 79. Off Panel was in every issue for a long time and continued infrequently in the comic series. Tango's use of a spin dash-esque attack only riled Sonic further. Sonic does not actually destroy Chaos, as Chaos returns to his ancient beginnings to live in peace. The first appearance of the new and now familiar Eggman. [43] The Light Robot Masters appeared to challenge him, but proved no match for the corrupted Sonic. However, they are always back by each other's side in a pinch. [91] Sonic later headed for the city of Chun-nan to search for the next key, where he was aided by Dulcy the Dragon. Sonic and Tails engaged the fire-wielding robot, but fortunately were quickly relieved by a restored Silver and Mega Man. Ultimately, Sonic put a stop to the doctors' plans and defeated them. Sonic and Mighty were reunited with one another when the former's search for the Chaos Emeralds had brought him to Rocky Jungle Zone. [37][38] Sonic would also travel and be summoned to two realms, where he contended with the evildoers that endangered each one, respectively. At first Sonic was happy by himself, but after encountering and defeating Eggman once more and retrieving another Ancient Gear, he realized that he had no one around to joke around with at Eggman's expense. Tails is Sonic's best friend and sidekick, having helped Sonic a lot on his adventures. Sonic is incredibly resilient to pain and damage, capable of taking beating after beating from a large spectrum of adversaries without any lasting injuries. Tikal provided some counsel to help the heroes on their quest, and they set out with a new supply of Power Rings for the Sky Patrol. Chip took control of the Gaia Colossus while Sonic harnessed the Chaos Emeralds' power to become Super Sonic and engage the monstrous deity alongside his friend.[96]. [79] After the timeline was reset, Sonic immediately called and checked up on Shadow, and was elated to find him alive. Sonic's first meeting with Knuckles, from Sonic the Hedgehog #271. The Freedom Fighters look on in despair when they think they see Sonic and assume that he will rescue the princess. The early issues featured much of Sonic versus Robotnik, in which Sonic would constantly foil Robotnik's plans whether it be to tear down a forest or find the hidden location of Knothole Village. According to former writer Ken Penders, Sonic's true [first] name in the comic's continuity is Olgilvie Maurice Hedgehog. Fur Originally an alternate version of the late Robotnik, he retakes Mobotropolis and turns it back into Robotropolis. Enabling Chaos Control, the world began to reset back to the present time of Issue 225. Fortunately, they were able to return the two to normal, and after ribbing Knuckles and being tackle-hugged by Amy, Sonic laid out their game plan. Sonic and Amy invaded Scourge's Moebius and in the hopes that Amy's evil double will help oust Scourge. After gathering the seven Chaos Emeralds and Gaia Keys, the Freedom Fighters are attacked by the Battle Bird Armada on their way to Apotos and the Gaia Gate. He also enjoys somewhat antagonistic friendships with both Knuckles and Rotor. Welcome to Sonic's comic book adventures - A world unique & beyond what you know from the SEGA games! This time however, when Sonic tried to reset his world, Eggman messed up his concentration and the result was that Sonic's universe has been reset to an alternate timeline, one where Sally is not roboticized, Bunny is still half-robot and Antoine is not in a coma. Realizing it was all or nothing now, Sonic used Chaos Control. [19] Sonic however became reluctant to share the tale of Breezie's betrayal even with his closest friends.[16]. As their fight proceeded, Sonic bragged about having taken down hundreds of robots in the past; when the fight appeared to be a stalemate, Sonic decided to use the surroundings to his advantage, running through Green Hill Zone's loops to boost into Mega Man and then bounce around him in the springs before knocking him off his feet, only to be punched back by the Blue Bomber. Sonic's primary offensive maneuver is the Spin Dash, a technique in which he, while curled into a concussive ball or cutting disk, can damage, destroy, mow down, or burrow through many obstacles or foes. [77][78], As a result, Dr. Light was forced to call upon Quake Woman and some "reformed" Wily Robot Masters to try their luck. RunningHis friendsAdventuresPartiesStopping EggmanRelaxingBeing a heroHaving funChallengesRacingSaving the worldShowing offSpeedSpending time with his friendsHaving time for himselfJoking around with his enemiesWinning It is unknown why the Mobian year is so low by contrast, though it is speculated that the year was reset during the events known in Echidna theology as the "Days of Fury" (when Isaac's creators Professor Clarke & Doctor Niven attempted to preserve Earth's environment after the Xorda used the gene bomb, which ended disastrously). Dislikes Sonic's usual behavior getting on Silver's nerves, from Sonic/Mega Man Free Comic Book Day 2015. In the games, however, the Master Emerald is thousands of years older than Tails, or anyone else, for that matter. At Tails' urging, they refrained from restoring Chuck's memories, choosing instead to restore Antoine's. Sonic and Tails glared at Knuckles. In the all-out hedgehog brawl that ensued, Scourge used the power of the Anarchy Beryl (the Anti-Chaos Emerald) to make himself invulnerable, but Sonic deceived and defeated him. Knowing that it was the only real way to help their friend realize what had taken place, Sonic and Tails handed him Nicole, granted Rotor his own memories of the other reality. Language: English Words: 56,221 Chapters: 24/? But the conquest was short-lived, and when the Iron Queen was defeated, Snively freed Eggman from prison in order to save his skin. The last issue of the End Game saga, Sonic faces Ivo Kintobor (Robotnik) one last time. Sonic and Breezie, from Sonic the Hedgehog #268. However, after meeting the other Shijin Warriors, Sonic and his crew learned that the Gaia Key's guardian was trapped with the Dark Gaia Phoenix; a powerful phoenix spirit corrupted by Dark Gaia energy. Sonic wearing Chip's bracelet, from Sonic the Hedgehog #287. Sonic defeats Dr. Eggman during the invasion of Lupe's village, from Sonic the Hedgehog #277. [71] Sonic and the other Freedom Fighters subsequently traveled there in search of him, only for Sonic to run afoul of Dr. Eggman and a patrol of Egg SWATs. Archie Comics, which published Sonic the Hedgehog comics until 2017, started a Sonic X series in 2005. Sonic and Mega Man remember the old reality, from Mega Man #26. Sonic's journey through space leads up to many interesting story lines, such as the return of Super Sonic in issue 126, and his discovery that Tails' parents are still alive on a far off planet. The site also had forums dedicated to discussing the project and other topics.[3]. With the help of Nicole, Sonic and friends rescued everyone and sabotaged Eggman's powerful robot, transporting them to their new home of New Mobotropolis, made from Eggman's abandoned nanite city. Unfortunately, they arrived just in time to see the doctor being kidnapped by Metal Sonic and his new partner, Bass. Because of their differences and morals, they do not understand each other and they do not always see eye to eye. The Freedom Fighters were thus left with a new quest: to locate the missing Gaia Temples and Chaos Emeralds in order to restore the shattered planet.[2]. [41][42], At one point, Sonic had to, with a younger version of himself, battle two versions of Eggman and the evil Time Eater (unknown to Sonic, he had already done this before). The two doctors fled to Westside Island where they continued with their original plans, and Sonic would chase them down; however, his victory over the villains inspired the creation of the Freedom Fighters, who resided in Westside Island's Knothole, a hideaway from Dr. Eggman, who conquered their original home, Mobotropolis. It was revealed in issues #125 and #148 that Mobius is actually a future Earth (in an alternative reality, and in Sonic X, it is officially present on Earth), the year being 14,016 CE. Skills All this changed … Amy has been a maniacal fan of Sonic for a long time, but Sonic does not show as much attraction to her. Sonic finally succumbs to his dark side, from Sonic the Hedgehog #264. He is also stated to be the fastest thing alive in any world.[99]. However, he quickly resolved that he couldn't afford to return to the Sky Patrol until he got his new savage side under control. [67] He thus joined Mighty and Ray under Moss' tutelage, though as usual he initially found himself trying to prove his own superiority. Sonic the Hedgehog occasionally features homages to other mainstream or third-party comic books. Eventually, Sonic tricked Punk into crashing into his own teammate, Enker. The former exposes the evil counterpart while bringing back the real one, while the latter becomes king. Enjoy because you can have 26 of them loaded now! It is only in the moments of greatest loss (such as Chip departing to the planet's core to remain with Dark Gaia) that his macho and carefree appearance falls away. The heroes thus set course for the Lost Hex; along the way, Sonic talked to Mega Man about their first meeting. While Sonic is being transported to the Gulag, Swatbots attack the vessel and it crash lands. Recently, Knuckles' appearances have been infrequent but his story continues within Sonic's stories. While she was distracted, Knuckles landed an explosive punch which sent her flying into the spectator seats. Chip, the Light Gaia, is kidnapped, and the Chaos Emeralds and Gaia Keys are stolen from Castle Acorn's vault by the Hooligans. Attire Fortunately, Captain Amanda Tower and the Letter of Gabriel arrived with G.U.N. Soon after, he and the other Freedom Fighters taught Dulcy to be herself and to choose her own fate. Rotor reacted poorly, but managed to inform the pair that Sally and Bunnie were on deep cover missions, Antoine D'Coolette was with Uncle Chuck in Knothole, and Amy had disappeared mysteriously.[55]. One, Team Fighters, would go take the battle to Eggman while the other, Team Freedom, would be charged with protecting New Mobotropolis. Blue In any case, his middle name has been stated as "Maurice" and his actual last name is Hedgehog. Black Doom then paralyzed Sonic and his allies with a special gas and left them to be devoured by his offspring. Sonic defeated the two in the doctor's revived Death Egg, the Death Egg Mk. With that issue settled, Sonic suggested they meet with Mega Man's creator, Dr. Light, and they teleported to Light Labs. However, he was unable to reach him and began falling towards the planet's core, yelling Chip's name. Issues 131 through 144 introduce a side story line taking place 25 years in the future. Sonic's archenemy is none other than the diabolical Dr. Eggman, whose attempts at world domination have always been thwarted by Sonic. Fortunately, Big knew where their missing friend was located, and led them to the general area, which Sonic recognized as the Final Egg. Fortunately, Eggman and Wily managed to halt the villains and their unfortunate puppets using their Egg-Wily Uppity Robot Scrambler Cannon. Sonic begins to change, from Sonic the Hedgehog #254. [99], Antoine is another one of Sonic's friends (and teammates). The pair were about to combat the monster, when suddenly the world was enveloped by the newest Genesis Wave.[41]. However, the Naugus twins, Walter and Wendy, arrived nearby seeking revenge on both Eggman and Sonic. The search took Sonic, Amy, and Rotor to a seemingly uninhabited coastline, where they heard a mysterious voice coming from underground. Despite their valiant efforts, the task proved overwhelming, and Sonic began to exhibit further signs of transformation as the stress got to him. Working together, they helped her complete her mission: acquiring a shield generator for the Sky Patrol from Eggman's Death Egg project. The saga ends with Sonic successfully defeating Perfect Chaos, the final form of Chaos after absorbing all of the emeralds, by transforming into Super Sonic in issue 84. They have known each other for a long time, but their relationship is somewhat complicated. [60] The battle with the super Badnik proved more challenging than Sonic expected, and the stress of the moment caused him to exhibit further signs of transformation. Red sneakers with a white strap, cuff and gold buckle eachWhite gloves With new friends in tow, Sonic and the Freedom Fighters chased down the two doctors, with Miles "Tails" Prower close to Sonic's side as his sidekick and best buddy. Sonic is able to set time ten seconds before Sally's "death." ... resides within a mortal vessel, destined to be forever trapped in a reincarnation cycle. [85][86] Even then however, they would have failed had it not been for Eggman and Wily's interference. Fortunately, Amy arrived just in time to subdue Eta, and the heroes were able to escape the train with the two scientists. Upon freeing their monarch, the pair were surprised to find that he had become healthy and cheerful, which Sonic noted as one positive change to their world. Sonic joined Break Man in traveling to the world of Alex Kidd, where they recruited Alex Kidd and Stella to their cause. All this would lead up to Sonics return to Knothole in issue 50, where Sonic clears his name and heads to a final showdown with Robotnik. Earlier on, he'd gone to Tails' workshop where the young fox should've been getting ready to set off on a journey through the Mystic Ruins with him, only to find that his best buddy was nowhere to be seen, his bag of supplies spilled out across the floor. Then things got crazy with Silver entering the series for the first time, Shadow appearing in Scourge's universe trying to find Chaos Emeralds and Eggman sending a Metal Sonic. Sally foiled his scheme, but was roboticized in the process. Unfortunately, even Sonic was appalled when Nicole revealed that another Chaos Emerald was in the hands of an old enemy: none other than Breezie. Sonic and the others told Shadow to stop though. Robotnik escapes and Sonic leaves the base wondering where the rest of his companions have gone. Knuckles fought him in an attempt to get them back, but fails. 100 cm (3' 3")[note 1] He joined the Freedom Fighters in the second quest to locate Robotnik, where it was discovered that the Oil Ocean Refinery needed to be shut down, as it was used to power Robotnik's Death Egg Mark 2. [72] Like Knuckles, Sonic will occasionally tease Silver for his core traits, although the two share very similar morals. Knuckles is a member of the former, and Julie-Su used to be a member of the latter. After defeating them, Sonic came across the other two members of the S6 Squad, Scratch and Grounder, who pretended to use their double agent, Breezie, as a hostage, but Sonic managed to take both out. [46], Making their way deeper into the bizarre zone, which combined elements from both their worlds, the heroes soon ran into opposition: Copybot, backed by the Genesis Unit. Suddenly, a Warp Ring portal appeared behind the heroic robot, created by Mega Man's father, Dr. Light; this distracted Mega Man long enough for Sonic to disable his Mega Buster. Sonic rescues civilians as his change continues to advance, from Sonic the Hedgehog #257.

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