I have mink, champagne, black, hooded of various … My situation is rare in that I have had a totally wild adult mink as a companion animal, and this includes living with me for a number of months, without being in a cage or box, and me being without any gloves or any protection at all. Well you're in luck, because here they come. I would rather be eaten than die from rodent poison or stuck to a glue board. What matters are the traits inherent to the species. You see me as some blood thirsty monster, because I want to hunt naturally, instead of having an unfair advantage while using a man made weapon that can kill an animal before it even knows I'm there. A lot of times snake will flat out refuse frozen prey, so should we just let it starve? Letting an animal suffer it's ENTIRE LIFE just so it can be killed "quickly and humanly" by someone else, then chopped up and prepared for you, so you can self-righteously wipe your hands of the death of the animal, and feed it to your pet feeling all good about your self, because you never had to see or take part in the dirty work of preparing it. If you were to truly do correct research, then you would be enlightened and then possibly be able to recite correct information. If a pet has no experience with handling the outdoors they are more likely to freak out and get lost and confused. This is why we won't see eye to eye. I cant find out if I need a license for a mink in California dose anyone know if they are legal? Your beloved "humane, efficient methods" of hunting are quite cruel and extremely unfair in my eyes. Loving predators, yet hating predation as you do, is clearly a conflict of interests. I don't think I have ever seen someone be so against animals living as they are made to be. If you want to think about what you’d want as a person, I’d rather a wild animal kill me and use my meat to feed their cubs than to have a ragged saw go through my throat as I hang upside down for a long period of time with blood rushing to my head just so only my abdomen would be eaten. We, as humans, control a huge amount of aspects of our environment. Never mind that I've never touched a surfboard in my life. At no point do you actually describe any wild mink at all, nor does Joseph Carter, but you pretend to do this. Maybe you should CALM DOWN and actually comprehend what you're attacking. Seems to me that if a person cannot stomach nature being nature in it's entirety; then they probably shouldn't be keeping carnivorous pets. What I do think you need to investigate more closely, however, is how "humanely" the animals in the cans were slaughtered. If you want animals treated the way they were born to be treated you should be applauding this man. Just like your quote of mine is taken out of context on purpose to remove my logical thread, the logic of which is easy to follow in my comment; so too, your descriptions wild minks are based on fantasy, just like your claim that I do not consider all minks to be individuals is based on your fantasy of who I am. Why then do you feel it is more "humane" to force them to live an entirely unnatural life eating dead stuff, and being locked in a house like a prisoner? Savannah Scott They are not legal. It was in poor taste to try to make someone else look bad just because they are the animals trainers. But what I do get tired of is people that have no clue about my lifestyle or the environment Joseph Carter, I and others like us live in, trying to tell us how we need to live our lives. These "humane, efficient methods" you have love to talk about so much, often leave wounded animals to slowly die in some hiding spot. HONESTLY HOW MANY TIMES MUST I REPEAT MYSELF? Fish, smaller rodents, birds, and invertebrates are much more common food items and are quickly and readily dispatched by a mink sized animal. So far no one has even agreed with what you said minus "animal cruelty is bad" so that just makes you look dumb, especially when you try to retort with circular reasoning. Yes when you get a clean shot, the death is quick and rather painless. Once the virus is introduced on a farm, spread can occur between mink as well as from mink … It won't change my mind. Often times feed rodents are put into frezers live and are jusst left to freeze to death. They will satisfy your needs of affection, cuddles and kisses. Might as well delete this entire page and forget you even tried to make a difference because only liberal vegans will agree with what you say. Wisconsin is the leading mink-producing state, generating well over 1 million pelts. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on February 07, 2015: When I said 'does not involve hunting for food' I was referring to a video where you sent a pit bull after an opossum that you didn't end up killing: "While here I took my little brother Ammon 'possum hunting with our family dog Mitzy." Here is a good example a friend of mine sent me. All organisms die, but not all of them suffer. She is a very slow eater, and not greedy at all. how much do one mink cost so i can get a for a last chirsmas prize because i do not get nothing for chrismas. Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on September 07, 2014: This is an excellent hub. I don't think even YOU understand what you believe, because there is absolutely no rhyme, reason, or consistency to any of it! It is an apex predator and hunts for its food. But because he allows the hunt to go as they would in the wild doesn't mean you can label him and a cruel animal abuser of torturer. There is not enough established nutritional science to declare that you know what a mink should eat. "You're going to discover that cervical dislocation from a set of mink jaws after a 30 second wrestling match is not so much worse than suffocating in a net, being herded into a building that reeks of blood and fear before having your throat cut/getting hit with a pneumatic hammer, or being hung upside down by your legs on conveyor belt and having your head sliced off by a set of spinning blades.". Once animals are raised in captivity they are not wild animals. You and I also both know that using mink to viciously maul wildlife and sending pit bulls to attack opossums for 'sport' is animal cruelty. We have budgeted for her $200 to purchase a pet and $200 for cage, leash toys etc. She was looking fro live, moving food, and started to look to my fifteen year old goldfish, who I love. A trained animal has the 'report back to base' in their brain that you've modified with operant conditioning. I consider the life of another creature as very precious, no mater how small, and regardless of if the creature is considered a "pest" by others. And I have rescued many wild mice too, and released them ! Nature works how it works. You live in a plastic fantastic world, and you like it that way. Apart from once, interestingly: a man said somewhere online, he and his dog were walking by the river. A license is not required here to keep a pet mink, and people just assume minks are "cool ferrets". My wild mink would probably lose most of her desire to live if I fed her dead mice. It is in fact semi aquatic, so it should have access to water. I feed WASAVA-compliant foods to predators. I've basically devoted my life to keeping and learning about pets, all pets, that's why I have a bachelor's in biology, but more importantly I have my own pets and books on zoology and psychology that I use for my conclusions as well as my personal insight, so I'm hardly a 'parrot', although I know you're just saying that because you disagree with my stances. You are clearly 90% emotion and 10% logic. If you are interested in owning a mink, check your local laws. The point I make is a simple one. You claimed you read this article, and if you did you'd see that it is not at all a care manual but more of a discussion about the domestication status of minks, why they make bad pets, oh and of course you know, how I feel about using them to hunt. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXTREMELY INSULTING THIS IS TO ME, and it is very clear that you don't care to fix the lie you are spreading. Now taking deposits for baby mink to be born in the 2020 breeding season. And one wild mink has things in common with all wild mink, including certain behaviour. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on October 24, 2019: Mink International Rescue And Recovery: I reviewed the article and cannot find where I said that minks are not domesticated. I'm sharing this article. Tossing them to an animal is INHUMANE. If I saw an animal getting eating alive and I had a gun, I would certainly shoot that animal, even though that's unnatural. Instead of focusing your attention on him for faulty reasons why don't you use your energy to help end the mink farms... Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 05, 2015: Rachel Jones from Cardiff, UK on May 05, 2015: pretending to describe wild mink is not the same as describing a wild mink. You might want to avoid formulas that contain a lot of fish because this can make their poop smelly. Even more upsetting is the fact that farmed minks in the United States are considered to be domesticated by federal law, despite how dangerous they are for their size. Only false truths and misleading information is the point. Here are some more videos of "cruel canned hunts that need to be stopped!". You have both misrepresented me and what I do, as well as spread a blatant untruth about what I do and why I do it. They re land animals a firm second. Because this form of enrichment is built on the torturous deaths of many small animals, and the needs of many outweigh the needs of one mink. But this taken into account: a wild mink being described in general which is what you have been doing in your article, has certain traits which can be broadly said to encompass all wild mink, just as all humans have certain traits which are more universal than others. No, I just think we see things differently. ", I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Farmed minks rarely have access to a swimming pool. That depends on what you mean by 'domestic'. I'm against them if they are someone's pets eating live. It's that simple. A big part of the reason I don't like hunting with guns, isn't just because it gives you an unfair advantage, it's also because of the EXTREME PAIN AND SUFFERING it causes when you don't hit the animal just right. Why the word considered? "So she’s promoting use to all go buy chicken from the store to feed our pet predators to avoid the cruelty of feeding live". Wow, as someone who cares about animals the way you do I’d imagine you’d be more open to listening to other people who allow animals to hunt. But really they are not voracious either, as this is a solely human concept. So basically you are against every wolf, coyote, hyena, lion..... essentially every thing that doesn't shoot it's dinner with a gun! "The fact of pet purposes, and domestic, have zero to do with each other". Your complete and utter ignorance on nature is beyond embarrassing, and you'd be better off saving face by keeping your silly comments, and ridiculous opinions to yourself. All I have to say is WOW there is no point continuing this discussion further, as you don't have a SINGLE MOMENT of experience to base ANY of your opinions on. I think that's how it works anyway. I would like to note, very shortly. Ch. It's mostly BS. So yes, a humane kill is always superior. Answer: You will have to find a vet that sees exotics and ask them yourself. This advert is located in and around Hednesford, Staffordshire. I feel no obligation to appreciate the cruel aspects of nature. Like domesticated dogs, minks are altered from their wild forms, possessing smaller brains and other organs such as the spleen. Find Dogs, Puppies, Cats, most popular pet advertising site for pedigree and non pedigree dogs, puppies, cats, kittens and other pets. But that's fine, because you and I both know the truth.... you've probably never even SEEN a mink ;-), Wait a minute!!!! If I own a predatory pet would I not be just as cruel by not letting that animal use it's instinctive drive and talents do what it does best to survive kill for food. Whole prey can be added for enrichment occasionally. I completely agree with Chase, it took me back a bit to think to feed a predator a pray animal is inhumane but I do appreciate the fact that you find the thought to be enriching. Feeding whole carcass foods can be enriching for minks. You have openly insulted me in public by both calling minkenry a "blood sport" and even worse by spreading a lie about me and my hunting practices. Animal rights groups , that release this animal into the environment seal the fate of this animal as the males are territorial and will kill each other, and 95% uncovered will die at the hands of the pitfalls of the environment they are in. What happens in the wild has no impact on the ethical decisions I make for animals in my care. We humans should be celebrating our ability to provide a quicker death. This video basically depicts canned hunting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncfiQvaE7aM, You said on a forum: "I find no real sport in shooting a bird out of the sky. "They are only domesticated, when raised in captivity.". Rachel Jones from Cardiff, UK on May 17, 2015: you can't put a price on freedom, or escaping from something bad for you: both of these are similar and so this is my final farewell, farewell and good luck and all kind wishes. However I don't think too many people would agree orangutans are uncomplicated. Maybe in a perfect world everything we eat would die peacefully in it's sleep but that's not how it happens when you've got a thousand cows that need to be shrink-wrapped by the end of your shift. Where I'm I? Ferrets have no jaw power, no drive, they’ve been domesticated to be pets. Mink can … The animals my mink catch either die in a matter of seconds, to minutes, depending on the situation, or escape unharmed to live another day. What suffering? As for your statements on the dispatching methods, I do not support 'halal slaughter' (throat cutting). They do NOT EVER die hours, days or WEEKS LATER like in the wounded deer situation. Regardless I know how it works, that's the reason anything exists. I understand that you would rather feed the mink canned or professionally butchered food. In addition, you should also check regulations in your county, city, and (if applicable) HOA. If importing a mink from another state, you will most likely need a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, and may also be required to provide USDA documentation or some other record of origin. My wild mink companion is very easy going and a little bit lazy, but this makes her smarter. So there was nothing for her to attack. As far as "canned hunts" are concerned, they are a normal part of nature. "Oh and a few tidbits for you Melissa: rodents will indulge in cannibalism", "Ants, cuckoo birds, dolphins, lions, chimps, elephants, wolfs, have all been observed to kill for non survival reasons.". You can keep, maintain, propagate, buy, sell, or import some wild animals without a MassWildlife permit. "Natural predators kill the animals that are least fit to survive.". I've never kept a mink, the behaviors I speak of have a continuity among many mammals and birds. SWINGINGHAIR Mink Lashes, 3D Mink Eyelashes 19mm Natural False Eyelashes Siberian 3D Mink Lashes Natural Look Eyelashes Hand-made Fluffy Volume Lashes 1 Pair 4.5 out of 5 … Mink are semi-aquatic and require a … "not so much worse" was sarcasm. So far all but one of mine have returned on their own. Now if I had a sister that slept around and you said that, you know it would sure make a little sense wouldn't it? No. I figured if they admired the animal, maybe they would start to see them as more than just their skin. The farm-raised mink that are pelted for fashion are domesticated. As is the case with most animals, getting them younger helps. Person who just saw minks international get roasted on October 25, 2019: Even though I thoroughly enjoyed your tirade against this article you need to calm down, the info posted is all facts that you misinterpreted because of your bias against owning a mink. The animals that are fit and strong, typically evade their predator and pass on their superior genes to their offspring. As for diet, show me a scholarly source that says they cannot be fed cat food. Your responses to people's comments are down right humorous, as you continue to dig yourself deeper and deeper into a black hole of utter and complete hypocrisy. Mink are built to do this just like they are built for water, and mink are water-animals first and foremost. Also, if the approved methods of slaughter are the basis on which you build your views of humane treatment of animals, then you must be a cruel person indeed. whatever helps you sleep at night. I fully intended to eat that Opossum, but he was so helpless and scared, just laying their pretending he was dead. If you think live mice don't carry disease, you are very, very, wrong. Here's the deal. Just as all humans are individuals, so they are also all humans. Are you making a case that ethics are something we don't need to have? They come back because that is what they want to do. Captivity is entirely different bird. If keeping carnivore pets requires live feedings then keeping them is cruel. With proper paperwork you can own a mink in many states. You really hate nature and reality. They are not as readily legal as ferrets, but they tend to be legal in more states than other exotic pets such as foxes, monkeys, and exotic cats. I was doing nothing more than this mother cheetah was doing. Megan, the wild is inherently cruel and out of our control. I have addressed this issue several times before, and I kindly ask you again to change it. The best trap to use will depend on where you plan on trapping and which design you are comfortable using. A good rule of thumb would be to start with a 3-level ferret nation-like cage as a minimum, but the smaller the cage, the bigger the requirement for enrichment time outside of the cage, and this can be difficult to provide with animals that are not well socialized and can potentially hurt you. They probably have less stress than I do in my human life. They are not as readily legal as ferrets, but they tend to be legal in more states than other exotic pets such as foxes, monkeys, … They live REAL LIFE like a REAL MINK. I'm not a huge fan of him using a mink to hunt relatively large prey like muskrat and opossum as these are prey items that a wild mink might take infrequently and opportunistically involving a sick or trapped animal. We have a shop that sell minks in my area, and visitors often squeal at how adorable white minks are (they are about 2 months old when they are sold at the pet store). Do not confuse this with lack of aggression, enjoyment of living with humans, or homing ability that people erroneously believe are traits of domestication that make dogs and cats "good pets," as opposed to an exotic pet (this results in the indiscriminate persecution of anyone owning an animal that is not considered to be domesticated). I personally am an omnivore and enjoy hunting, fishing for my own meat. I agree that torture of prey is not acceptable. This she will do, and I obviously had to be mindful of this all the time. I want the animal I'm hunting to have a chance to escape, a chance to survive. I hope your are having a good day on November 06, 2019: Can I have a fox as a pet? I had fully intended to catch and eat an opossum that night, but when I got to the animal, and found that the dog hadn't bothered it because it had neither fought nor run, but instead laid still and "played possum". However, I have never made any effort to teach a mink to find its way home. Discover the pure mink oil difference. While closely related to ferrets, mink have been domesticated for fur farming and not as pets like ferrets and make a very different kind of pet. If we posted all of your comments back to back we could basically make you argue with yourself! Minks are a notorious invasive species in Great Britain. In reality, animals typically enjoy what they're used to. Just because you get dead mice from the store and feed it to a snake doesn’t mean they where killed more humanely than ones fed live to the animal. CO2 gas is currently used for rodents. Do you want to know why I didn't kill and eat that opossum? They can be very playful and even affectionate depending on how they are raised. He said the otter or beaver was very intolerant of man, and even more intolerant of his dog, whereas the mink were extremely tolerant of both man and his dog. Farmed minks rarely have access to a swimming pool. The more natural and real things are, the more uncomfortable you get. I'm of the mindset that we can keep our pets and consume animal products efficiently and humanely, regardless of where you live. Are you suggesting the natural order of things is unjust and immoral because a predator happens to have an owner? You should check with your state DNR/G&F or state Ag Dept. And buy a baby mink in California and if so where can i buy one thats all i dont want a lecturer on all this stuff ive have read in here.. just want my Question answered ASAP. Farmed mink are then dispatched via anal electrocution. Bye. Thanks for stopping by. What does this mean? As an example pick up a copy of "Beast In the garden". I have a chicken coop and a rat has moved in. Just my opinion. When a "pet person" losses their mink outside, they often never see their pet again. While it is not 100% the same amount of stimulation as tracking live prey, there are substitutes that can provide enrichment to captive carnivores. If that is just your opinion, then you have no business ranting about that as being incorrect. I just couldn't do it. This is boundary protection and the living of her mink life, where she has to feed herself and stay safe and alive. Before I get off subject, I was looking around to see if you could possibly own a mink, but I don't believe you can, although I'm not sure. They do this with dogs too. Predation is natural and morally neutral, and thereby it is perfectly humane to allow your animal to exercise its nature. Make sure you double check that your email address listed is correct. I felt bad for the little guy, and decided to let him go unharmed. My 12 year old daughter has it in her mind to somehow acquire a pet mink. My team and I have rescued over 550 'domestic' ranch mink from being lost and misplaced in the fauna, literally fighting for their lives, and losing them because due to 'pure' domestication' they lack the necessary skill set to survive, and require our intervention to do so. Simply giving my young mink a valuable learning experience. I’ve heard them compared to ferrets, but only people who don’t know mink would say that. Minks are not 'electrocuted' rectally like foxes and other animals to kill for their pelts. Our mechanized, industrial society has NOT improved on that. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 04, 2015: Wisper my snakes do not eat live mice. There are good parts of nature. It cannot be emphasized enough that this is not the case. Melissa holds a Bachelor's Degree in Biology and is a plant and animal enthusiast with multiple pets. That would be about same as having a wild mustang for a pet and alway keeping it in a sling in stables and not in a pasture where it can graze and run around. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on June 04, 2015: "CC" the truthfulness of what I say is NOT determined by the number of supportive posts on this article, sorry. You stated that. Fur farm minks are also subjected to cramped conditions, even though they are high-energy, continuous hunters. My suggestion is, if you love having "cool exotic pets" that you stick with chinchillas, squirrels, and other herbivores, as you clearly don't understand one thing about predators. I love nature. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/11/... Minks are also so aggressive that they will attack each other. I think it is hormonal and light and hunger etc that causes this. Box 115526 1255 W. 8th Street Juneau, AK 99811-5526 Office Locations Is that a reason to rage about this article? It was very interesting to note the characteristics of a mink compared to a lion. They are not as readily legal as ferrets, but they tend to be legal in more states than … "Domestication does not inferr the viability to make ranch minks into pets.". I find it quite strange that you consider minkenry as cruel, as it is nothing more than allowing a mink to be a mink. Therefore, as one might expect, a cage should be suitably-sized, although not even a spacious cage will offset all the energy of an animal adapted as a high energy hunter. For many reasons even stated here. The fur is dark brown on the back, blending into a slightly lighter shade on the belly. Continuous predators like mink, spotted genets, weasels, and otters require continuous stimulation compared to a lion, which uses short bursts of energy sporadically and rests most of the time. You seem to view this article as a 'threat' to something, either that or you're here to waste my time and beat your chest over a trivial error. If we can remove the suffering from the equation, we should. "I'm not against hunting, just unnecessarily cruel hunting.". You can find store coupons, AliExpress coupons or you can collect coupons every day by playing games on the AliExpress app. It's like having a complete wild, which in fact is true, animal in their hands, and they will be so afraid to sleep at night. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on July 20, 2015: "Seems to me that if a person cannot stomach nature being nature in it's entirety; then they probably shouldn't be keeping carnivorous pets.". Their incessant pacing might be indicative of stress and inability to satiate their drive. I train my mink to come to me when called. I believe these methods are routinely used. Its totally unfair, unjust and uncalled for. Everywhere I type in mink… In return a these animals receive a much more stable source of food, water, medical care and sanctuary. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 15, 2015: Joseph Carter--I'm going to unpublish this article for the time being and make some changes, possibly taking your name out of it.

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