Heather Elgood (2000), Hinduism and the religious arts. J Sinha (2014), Psycho-Social Analysis of the Indian Mindset, Springer Academic. Remember that smudging is for cleansing your body and environment, not to fill the room or your lungs with smoke! [31], The idea of wearing the upper garment or sacred thread, and its significance, extended to women. [11] The training of these began from childhood and included studies about dharma, culture, reading, writing, mathematics, geometry, colors, tools, as well as traditions (trade secrets). [22] In ancient and medieval eras, texts such as Harita Dharmasutras, Asvalayana Grhya Sutra and Yama smriti suggest women could begin Vedic studies after the Upanayana rite of passage. Hermann Oldenberg, for example, states that Upanayana — the solemn reception of the pupil by the teacher to teach him the Veda — is joined into texts of Vedic texts at places that simply do not make any contextual sense, do not match the style, and are likely to be a corruption of the ancient texts. All images and content on this site are copyrighted and exclusively owned by Becky Olvera Schultz. Some cultures use only shells such as abalone, believing the shell, an element of water, balances the other elements of fire, air, and earth (plants) while some cultures will not use shells believing that the water element of the shell nullifies the fire element of the smudging. Raman Varadara, Glimpses of Indian Heritage. The smudging ceremony is a custom of Native American and other indigenous cultures. In the center of the mandap, a sacred fire is lit. [34] YajñopavÄ«tam, textual evidence suggests, is a medieval and modern tradition. The 26-year-old rapper, just on the other side of her debut studio album … [30], The ancient Sanskrit texts offer a diverse view while describing yajñopavÄ«tam or upavita. [8] The Upanayana rite of passage was also important to the teacher, as the student would therefrom begin to live in the gurukul (school). “Agni,” the god of fire, is said to sustain life and thus gives life to the marriage. A deer tongue is then thrown into the Sacred fire. The Importance of Being Megan Thee Stallion — The rapper is at the top of her artistic game, finishing college, and defending her right to be young, Black, and free.— Megan Thee Stallion isn't hurting for stage time. A sacred thread was given by the teacher during the initiation to school ceremony and was a symbolic reminder to the student of his purpose at school as well as a social marker of the student as someone who was born a second time (dvija, twice born); he went about collecting fire wood in forests and food donations from villages on a daily basis. In many Pagan traditions, including some forms of Wicca, it's considered a good idea to put the item to use immediately to bind the consecration and strengthen the energy of the tool.If you've consecrated a wand, athame, or chalice, you can use those in a ceremony to consecrate another tool. The first is marked through the Jatakarman sanskara ritual; the second is marked through Upanayanam or Vidyarambha rites of passage. It is said that tobacco sits in the eastern door, sweetgrass in the southern door, sage in … Generally this ceremony should be done before the age of 16. Ceremonial & dance fans are made by Native Americans from all or part of a wing of an eagle. Stella Kramrisch, The Hindu Temple, Vol 1, Motilal Banarsidass. The smudging ceremony is a custom of Native American and other indigenous cultures. RK Mookerji (2011), Ancient Indian Education: Brahmanical and Buddhist, Motilal Banarsidass. It is believed the feather possesses the spirit qualities of the bird– to be the breath of life as well as connecting us to the heavens above and mother earth below. The fire can be small and confined to a brazier or dish for safety. All of them can be used to smudge with, though sage, cedar and sweetgrass also have many other uses. For centuries many cultures have used smudging as a way to create a cleansing smoke bath that is used to purify the body, aura, energy, ceremonial/ritual space or any other space and personal articles. A single plant or mixture of plants is placed in a shell or other fireproof bowl and lit. [26] For example, in Satapatha Brahmana, the Upanayana rite of passage text appears in the middle of a dialogue about Agnihotra; after the Upanayana verse end, sage Saukeya abruptly returns to the Agnihotra and Uddalaka. In some regions, in modern times, boys and girls undergo the tradition of Upanayana initiation when they start their formal schooling. Rajbali Pandey (2013), Hindu Saṁskāras: Socio-religious Study of the Hindu Sacraments, 2nd Edition, Motilal Banarsidass. Patrick Olivelle (2004), Manu's Code of Law, Oxford University Press. [5][9] The Baudhayana Grihya sutra in verses 2.5.8 and 2.5.9 states the teacher to "[l]et him initiate [to school through Upanayana] a Brahmin in spring, a Kshatriya in summer, a Vaishya in autumn, a Sudra in the rainy season; or all of them in the spring."[3]. This Sanskara (rite of passage) involves elaborate Karma Kanda which involves the participation of entire family and a guru (teacher) who then accepts the boy as a disciple in the Guru–shishya tradition of Hinduism. They wore a thread or upper garment over their left shoulder. [8] The ceremony was typically performed at age eight among the Brahmins, at age 11 among the Kshatriyas, and age 12 among Vaishyas. Ancient Indian texts assert that the number of the arts is unlimited, but each deploy elements of 64 ‘‘kala’’ (कला, techniques) and 32 ‘‘vidyas’’ (विद्या, fields of knowledge). Blowing on the mixture is not advised as it is seen as blowing one’s negativity into the mixture as well as blowing away the effectiveness of the plant. [13][14] A sacred thread was given by the teacher during the initiation to school ceremony and was a symbolic reminder to the student of his purpose at school as well as a social marker of the student as someone who was born a second time (dvija, twice born); he went about collecting fire wood in forests and food donations from villages on a daily basis. Tobacco can become a poison when abused and treated without proper respect. The dried plants are lit and aided in burning by waving a feather, fan or hand. Explore wedding reading examples from spiritual texts, poetry and even movies today. [6], Upanayana (Sanskrit: उपनयन) literally means "the act of leading to or enlightment or near the eye (or eyesight / vision/ Third eye/ Pineal gland)". ; Sacred Space - Create a sacred space and arrange a time to perform the ceremony (preferably at nighttime and outdoors under the moonlight). The tradition is widely discussed in ancient Sanskrit texts of Hinduism and varies regionally. [2] The sacred thread (yagyopavita or janeu) is received by the boy during this ceremony, that he continues wearing from left shoulder to the right crossing the chest thereafter. Asia Argento in the ceremony to remove her Sacred Gear.. The Upanayana samskara was and is not open[citation needed] to the avarna, such as the untouchables and tribal people,[20][21] deemed to be entirely outside the scope of the varna categorisation. Janai or janeau or poita or Yagnopavita (Sanskrit: जनै, जनेऊ) is one of the traditional saṃskāras (rites of passage) that marked the acceptance of a student by a guru (teacher or tutor) and an individual's entrance to a school in Hinduism. However, Gautama Gryha Sutra and other ancient texts state that there is no age restriction and anyone of any age can undertake Upanayanam when they feel they initiate their formal studies of the Vedas. In native cultures birds are highly revered because of their closeness to Grandfather Creator in the heavens. Many tribes consider tobacco to be the most sacred plant, chasing away bad or negative feelings and bringing on good and positive thoughts and to connect people with the spiritual world. Gayatri Mantra is given by the guru (teacher) to the sisya (student). Don’t leave bowls, smudge sticks, candles, charcoal or other items used for smudging unattended. ... "This is the only sacred word in my keeping. ... healing. The smoke is than wafted around oneself and environment creating a bath of smoke. This ceremony lasts for seven days. [34] However, the term YajñopavÄ«ta appears in ancient Hindu literature, and therein it means a way of wearing the upper garment during a ritual or rites of passage.

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