An MP3 version of the Psalm 139 CD is available here. 3:55. 13 For You formed my inward parts; You [ f]covered me in my mother’s womb. If you’re new here, each week we all learn about and memorize a Bible verse together. A song. Psalm 40:12 For innumerable evils have compassed me about: mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of mine head: therefore my heart faileth me. Hoping you can tell me so I don’t have to click on every single link Thanks for the list! Praise God for what he’s done! […] Intoxicated on Life’s Ultimate List of Bible Memory Songs ~ There are over 1,400 songs listed for various Scriptures throughout the Bible. 1 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. Psalm 139 For the director of music. We all have DNA so what is it? For the director of music. 14 I will praise You, for [ g]I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart. Hi! Psalm 139:2 STU XRF TSK ... see how they mock me in song. Even from far away, you comprehend my plans. From the album, SELAH VOL.1: CD's and Downloads available at http://www.selahmusic.orgLyrics and Music by James Block Psalm 139:1-6 (Psalm 139:1-6) (2018) Popularized by The Corner Room YouTube | Amazon. You know me. Sing the KJV on Scripture Songs: ... Psalm 139:1-24 Song. For the director of music. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. - Mother in Connecticut What wonderful changes have been wrought in my heart from meditating on Psalm 139 every night for a month! ways for our children to memorize the Word of God, Psalm 1 — Seeds of Character (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 1:1-3 — Not One Falls (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 1:1-3 — Renewing Your Mind (Integrity Music), Psalm 4:8 — Hermie and Friends: Being Brave, Psalm 4:8 — Hide Em in Your Heart (Volume 2), Psalm 5:1-3 — Hermie and Friends: Being Special, Psalm 5:1-3,8,12 — God’s Guidance (Integrity Music), Psalm 5:11 — Fruit of the Spirit (Scripture Lady), Psalm 7:17 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 7:19 — Overcoming Fear (Integrity Music), Psalm 9:1-2 —Power of Worship (Integrity Music), Psalm 9:9-10 — Overcoming Fear (Integrity Music), Psalm 10:17 — Encouragement (Integrity Music), Psalm 13:5-6 — Hermie and Friends: Being Special, Psalm 13:5-6 — Once for All (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 16:5-6 — Weight of Glory (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 16:11 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 18:1-3 — Hermie and Friends: Being Brave, Psalm 18:3 — Scripture Songs: The Attributes of God, Psalm 18:32,30 — God’s Guidance (Integrity Music), Psalm 19:13-14 — God’s Grace (Integrity Music), Psalm 20:1-2,4-5a — Personal Victory (Integrity Music), Psalm 20:6-7 — Fighter Verses Songs: Set 1, Psalm 20:7 — The Character of God (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 22:11 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 23 — Hermie and Friends: Being Brave, Psalm 23:1 — God Prints: Totally Tangerine, Psalm 23:1-2 — Fighter Verses Songs: Set 1, Psalm 23:1-3,6 — Renewing Your Mind (Integrity Music), Psalm 23:5 — Spiritual Warfare (Integrity Music), Psalm 23:6 — Fruit of the Spirit (Scripture Lady), Psalm 24:8 — Personal Victory (Integrity Music), Psalm 25:4 — Scripture Songs (Grace Evangelical Church), Psalm 25:4-5 — God’s Guidance (Integrity Music), Psalm 25:4-5 — Hermie and Friends: Being Truthful, Psalm 25:6-7 — God’s Love (Integrity Music), Psalm 25:8-9,12-14 — God’s Guidance (Integrity Music), Psalm 27:1 — Personal Victory (Integrity Music), Psalm 27:11-14 — God’s Guidance (Integrity Music), Psalm 28 — Speak to One Another (Integrity Music), Psalm 28:67 — Hermie and Friends: Being Brave, Psalm 29:2 —Power of Worship (Integrity Music), Psalm 30:4-5 — Not One Falls (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 30:5 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 31:24 — Personal Victory (Integrity Music), Psalm 32:1-2 — Forgiveness (Integrity Music), Psalm 32:8 — Ends of the Earth (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 32:8 — God’s Guidance (Integrity Music), Psalm 33:4-5 — Hermie and Friends: Being Truthful, Psalm 33:11-12 — Everlasting Hope (Integrity Music), Psalm 33:14-15 — Once for All (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 33:18-20 — God’s Comfort (Integrity Music), Psalm 34:1 — Hermie and Friends: Being a Friend, Psalm 34:4-5,15 — Overcoming Fear (Integrity Music), Psalm 34:4 — Hermie and Friends: Being Brave, Psalm 34:8 — Scripture Songs: The Attributes of God, Psalm 34:8-10 — God’s Provision (Integrity Music), Psalm 34:9-10 — Weight of Glory (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 34:10 — Seeds of Courage (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 34:11-13 — Hermie and Friends: Being Truthful, Psalm 34:11-14 — Seeds of Purpose (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 34:13 — Hide Em in Your Heart (Volume 1), Psalm 34:13 — Scripture Songs (Grace Evangelical Church), Psalm 34:17 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 34:18 — Seeds of Courage (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 34:18-19 — Not One Falls (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 34:19 — God Prints: Totally Tangerine, Psalm 36:7 — God’s Love (Integrity Music), Psalm 37:3-6 — Finding God’s Will (Integrity Music), Psalm 37:4-5 — Hermie and Friends: Following the Rules, Psalm 37:4-6 — Seeds of Purpose (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 37:23 — Scripture Songs (Calvary Bible Church), Psalm 37:23-24 — Finding God’s Will (Integrity Music), Psalm 37:23-24 — Hermie and Friends: Following the Rules, Psalm 37:25,29 — Overcoming Stress (Integrity Music), Psalm 37:31 — Scripture Songs (Calvary Bible Church), Psalm 40:1 — Fruit of the Spirit (Scripture Lady), Psalm 40:1-2 — Seeds of Courage (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 40:8 — Finding God’s Will (Integrity Music), Psalm 40:16 — Hope of Heaven (Integrity Music), Psalm 41:4 — Forgiveness (Integrity Music), Psalm 42:11 — Encouragement (Integrity Music), Psalm 46:1-2 — Seeds of Courage (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 46:1-3 — Refuge & Strength (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 46:1-3 — Hermie and Friends: Being Brave, Psalm 46:1-5,7-8,10-11 — Scripture Songs II, Psalm 46:2,11 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 46:4-5 — Overcoming Fear (Integrity Music), Psalm 46:8 — Hermie and Friends: Being Special, Psalm 46:10 — Seeds of Praise (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 46:10 —Power of Worship (Integrity Music), Psalm 47:1-2,5-7 — Rivers of Living Water, Psalm 48:1a — Scripture Songs (Calvary Bible Church), Psalm 48:9-10 — God’s Love (Integrity Music), Psalm 50:23,14-15 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 51:1-2 — Forgiveness (Integrity Music), Psalm 51:2-4a,7,9-10 — Hermie and Friends: Following the Rules, Psalm 51:3-4,7 — Shield of Faith (Integrity Music), Psalm 51:10-12,15 — Overcoming Guilt (Integrity Music), Psalm 55:22 — The Power of Encouragement (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 56:3-4 — Fighter Verses Songs: Set 1, Psalm 56:3-4 — Hermie and Friends: Being Brave, Psalm 56:3-4 — Hide the Word (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 56:3,6 — Hide Em in Your Heart (Volume 1), Psalm 59:16-17 — Encouragement (Integrity Music), Psalm 62:1-2 — Seeds of Courage (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 62:1-2,5 — Overcoming Fear (Integrity Music), Psalm 62:5-7 — Fighter Verses Songs: Set 1, Psalm 63:1-4 — Seeds of Praise (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 63:7-8 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 65:4 — God’s Promises (Integrity Music), Psalm 66:18-20 — Forgiveness (Integrity Music), Psalm 67:1-2,7 — God’s Promises (Integrity Music), Psalm 69:1-2,4,19-20,29,30 — Scripture Songs III, Psalm 69:5 — Scripture Songs (Calvary Bible Church), Psalm 69:16 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 71:5 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 72:17-18 — God’s Promises (Integrity Music), Psalm 73:25-26 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 73:25-26 — Through the Waters (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 75:6-7 — A Ransom for Many (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 79:9 — Forgiveness (Integrity Music), Psalm 81:10 — Weight of Glory (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 84:11-12 — God’s Promises (Integrity Music), Psalm 86:5-7 — Fighter Verses Songs: Set 1, Psalm 86:11 — God’s Guidance (Integrity Music), Psalm 86:11-12 — Hermie and Friends: Being Truthful, Psalm 86:11-13 — Seeds of Praise (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 89:1 — Everlasting Hope (Integrity Music), Psalm 89:1b — Scripture Songs (Calvary Bible Church), Psalm 90:1-2 — The Character of God (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 90:2 — Scripture Songs: The Attributes of God, Psalm 90:14 — God’s Love (Integrity Music), Psalm 91:1-2 — Encouragement (Integrity Music), Psalm 91:4a — God’s Comfort (Integrity Music), Psalm 91:9-11 — Overcoming Fear (Integrity Music), Psalm 91:15 — Hermie and Friends: Praying, Psalm 92:1-2 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 92:1-2 — Speak to One Another (Integrity Music), Psalm 92:1-2 — Walk Humbly (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 93:1-4 —Power of Worship (Integrity Music), Psalm 95:1-3 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 95:1-4 — Seeds of Praise (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 95:2-5 — Once for All (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 97:10 — Shield of Faith (Integrity Music), Psalm 99:5 —Power of Worship (Integrity Music), Psalm 100:1-3 — Seeds of Praise (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 100:2 — God Prints: Radical Raspberry, Psalm 100:3 — Traveling Bible Time (Scripture Lady), Psalm 100:4-5 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 103:2-5 — God’s Provision (Integrity Music), Psalm 103:8,11-12 — Scripture Memory: Pop Symphonies, Psalm 103:11-12 — Forgiveness (Integrity Music), Psalm 103:13-14,17 — God’s Love (Integrity Music), Psalm 104:1 —Power of Worship (Integrity Music), Psalm 104:33 — Overcoming Guilt (Integrity Music), Psalm 105:1-5 — Seeds of Character (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 107:29-32 — Overcoming Stress (Integrity Music), Psalm 112:4 — Through the Waters (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 116:1-2,4,12-13 — Scripture Songs III, Psalm 116:7-9 — God’s Comfort (Integrity Music), Psalm 116:15 — God’s Comfort (Integrity Music), Psalm 118:1 — Hide Em in Your Heart (Volume 2), Psalm 118:19-21 — Shield of Faith (Integrity Music), Psalm 118:28-29 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 119:1-3 — God’s Promises (Integrity Music), Psalm 119:9,11 — Hide Em in Your Heart (Volume 2), Psalm 119:9-11 — Walk Humbly (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 119:10-11 — Hermie and Friends: Behaving, Psalm 119:10-11 — Hermie and Friends: Being a Friend, Psalm 119:10-11 — Hermie and Friends: Being Brave, Psalm 119:10-11 — Hermie and Friends: Being Special, Psalm 119:10-11 — Hermie and Friends: Being Truthful, Psalm 119:10-11 — Hermie and Friends: Following the Rules, Psalm 119:10-11 — Hermie and Friends: Praying, Psalm 119:10-11 — Hermie and Friends: Sharing, Psalm 119:10-11 — Shield of Faith (Integrity Music), Psalm 119:11 — Scripture Lady Sings the Word of God, Psalm 119:11 — Scripture Songs (Calvary Bible Church), Psalm 119:11 — Scripture Songs (Grace Evangelical Church), Psalm 119:28,32 — Traveling Bible Time (Scripture Lady), Psalm 119:30 — God Prints: Totally Tangerine, Psalm 119:33-35 — Hermie and Friends: Following the Rules, Psalm 119:36-37 — Weight of Glory (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 119:37-38 — Scripture Memory: Pop Symphonies, Psalm 119:41 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 119:49-50,147 — Everlasting Hope (Integrity Music), Psalm 119:89 — Scripture Lady Sings the Word of God, Psalm 119:97 — Scripture Lady Sings the Word of God, Psalm 119:103 — Scripture Lady Sings the Word of God, Psalm 119:105 — Hermie and Friends: Following the Rules, Psalm 119:105 — Hide Em in Your Heart (Volume 1), Psalm 119:105 — Scripture Lady Sings the Word of God, Psalm 119:132-133,135,165 — God’s Guidance (Integrity Music), Psalm 119:169-176 — By Heart Scripture Songs, Psalm 119:172,174-175 — Scripture Songs IV, Psalm 120:1 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 120:2 — Scripture Songs (Calvary Bible Church), Psalm 121:1-2 — Spiritual Warfare (Integrity Music), Psalm 121:3 — Overcoming Anxiety (Integrity Music), Psalm 121:5-8a — God’s Comfort (Integrity Music), Psalm 124:8 — God’s Comfort (Integrity Music), Psalm 125:1-2 — Fighter Verses Songs: Set 1, Psalm 128:1 — Seeds of Faith (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 130:1-2,5-6 — Everlasting Hope (Integrity Music), Psalm 130:3-4 — Forgiveness (Integrity Music), Psalm 130:3-4 — Not One Falls (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 132:3-5,8,13-14 — Songs of the Shepherd, Psalm 135:6 — Scripture Songs: The Attributes of God, Psalm 136:1-6,26 — Seeds of Praise (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 136:2-3 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 136:2-3 — Speak to One Another (Integrity Music), Psalm 138:7-8 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 138:8 — Weight of Glory (Mark Altrogge), Psalm 139:1-6,14,16 — Hermie and Friends: Being Special, Psalm 139:7-8 — Scripture Songs: The Attributes of God, Psalm 139:9-10 — Power of Thanksgiving (Integrity Music), Psalm 139:13 — God Prints: Totally Tangerine, Psalm 139:13-14 — Hermie and Friends: Being Special, Psalm 139:13,14 — Hide Em in Your Heart (Volume 2), Psalm 139:14 — The Power of Encouragement (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 139:23 — Scripture Lady Sings the Gospel, Psalm 139:23-24 — Hermie and Friends: Being Truthful, Psalm 139:23-24 — Strength that Endures (Integrity Music), Psalm 141:3 — Shield of Faith (Integrity Music), Psalm 141:3-4 — Fighter Verses Songs: Set 1, Psalm 143:8,10 — Finding God’s Will (Integrity Music), Psalm 145:1-2 —Power of Worship (Integrity Music), Psalm 145:8-9 — Scripture Songs: The Attributes of God, Psalm 145:17 — Scripture Songs: The Attributes of God, Psalm 147:3-5 — Healing (Integrity Music), Psalm 148:1-5 — Seeds of Praise (Seeds Family Worship), Psalm 148:1-14 — By Heart Scripture Songs, 7 Tips and Tricks to Help Older Kids with Scripture Memory, 5 Great Ideas to Help You Choose Bible Memory Verses for Kids, Kids & The Bible: 10 Ways to Help Them Focus on God’s Word, 3 Reasons Why Your Family Should Memorize Philippians 2, 10 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Memorize the 10 Commandments, The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality,, Teaching God's Word through Songs (for Little Ones), Christian Humility (Philippians 2:1-18) Mastery Workbooks, Christian Humility (Philippians 2:1-18) Intermediate Workbooks, Christian Humility (Philippians 2:1-18) Junior Workbooks, The Heart of Humility: Teaching Your Kids to Put Other’s First.

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