Information about Principal Investigators may be added to the Reviewer file and used to select potential candidates to serve as peer reviewers or advisory committee members. The Division of Earth Sciences (EAR) offers two-year postdoctoral fellowships to provide opportunities for scientists early in their careers to obtain training beyond their graduate education. Freundschuh, Jeremy  In addition, fellowship proposers are expected to include a coherent program of professional development activities as part of their proposal. The expected annual budget for the EAR-PF program is $1.74 M, for up to 10 awards per year ($87,000 per year per fellowship). More comprehensive information on NSF Award Conditions and other important information on the administration of NSF awards is contained in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter VII, available electronically on the NSF Website at 8 Programs include Geobiology and Low Temperature Geochemistry, Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics, Geophysics, Hydrologic Sciences, Petrology and Geochemistry, Sedimentary Geology and Paleobiology, and Tectonics. § Can be: – Individually held. Otherwise this will be considered an incomplete or late proposal and will be returned without review. These reviewers are selected by Program Officers charged with oversight of the review process. Reviewers will be asked to evaluate proposals using two National Science Board approved merit review criteria and, if applicable, additional program specific criteria. Submission of such names, however, is optional. Insert text or upload a document that states "See Letter(s) of Commitment from the prospective host organization(s). In general, NSF expects that the fellowship will support work at an institution(s) other than the fellow's graduate institution or organization of current affiliation. TDD may be accessed at (703) 292-5090 and (800) 281-8749, FIRS at (800) 877-8339. Fellows must affiliate with appropriate research institutions and are expected to devote themselves full time to the fellowship activities during its term. These principles are to be given due diligence by PIs and organizations when preparing proposals and managing projects, by reviewers when reading and evaluating proposals, and by NSF program staff when determining whether or not to recommend proposals for funding and while overseeing awards. We expect this timeline will shorten significantly after the first cohort. The FastLane Help Desk answers general technical questions related to the use of the FastLane system. Additional merit review considerations apply. There is no limit on the number of fellows that an institution may host. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 12 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Large or particularly complex proposals or proposals from new awardees may require additional review and processing time. Partially completed proposals may be saved for future completion and submission. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based … She received her Ph.D. in 2020 from the Department of Geography at the University of California, Berkeley, where she worked with John Chiang on seasonal transitions of the East Asian summer monsoon. I am an NSF postdoctoral fellow at West Virginia University. – Institutionally held. However, applications must include sponsoring scientists' statements and the applicants must affiliate with an appropriate U.S. or international host institution, e.g., colleges and universities, and privately-sponsored nonprofit institutes and museums, government … Aisha R. Morris, The Census Bureau serves as host to selected NSF Graduate Fellows to enhance their professional development by engaging in mission related research experiences. The postdoctoral fellowship program is intended to recognize beginning investigators of significant potential, and provide them with experience that will establish them in positions of leadership in the scientific community. The individual is signing on his/her own behalf and by signing the proposal NSF is in no way inferring that the individual has assumed organizational status. Because the objectives of the fellowships include broadening the perspectives and experiences of the Fellows and promoting interdisciplinary research careers, careful consideration should be given to the selection of the scientific mentor(s) and host institution(s). NSF postdoctoral fellowships are awards to individuals not to institutions. Additional award conditions apply. Both criteria are to be given full consideration during the review and decision-making processes; each criterion is necessary but neither, by itself, is sufficient. If you have a Ph.D. in Geography (or anticipate completing your Ph.D. in the coming year), you may want to consider the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program at NSF SBE. effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after June 1, 2020. These "Broader Impacts" may be accomplished through the research itself, through activities that are directly related to specific research projects, or through activities that are supported by, but are complementary to, the project. I also aim to help develop underrepresented students into scientists through classroom exposure and community outreach. The OMB control number for this collection is 3145-0023. Once all documents have been completed, the individual must submit the proposal to and verify the desired funding opportunity and agency to which the proposal is submitted. Anticipated Funding Amount: To that end, reviewers will be asked to evaluate all proposals against two criteria: The following elements should be considered in the review for both criteria: Broader impacts may be accomplished through the research itself, through the activities that are directly related to specific research projects, or through activities that are supported by, but are complementary to, the project. In addition, the proposer will receive an explanation of the decision to award or decline funding. to 10. Such reports provide information on accomplishments, project participants (individual and organizational), publications, and other specific products and impacts of the project. These suggestions may serve as one source in the reviewer selection process at the Program Officer's discretion. It should be noted that HEGS is situated in the Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Division of the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate at NSF. Projects that are innovative and lead to new areas for development are encouraged. Proposals may only be submitted by the following: Proposals must be submitted by individuals. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the Innovative Postdoctoral Entrepreneurial Research Fellowship (I-PERF) defines a new career pathway for entrepreneurial-minded doctorate degree holders in science and engineering (S&E). Thus, individual projects should include clearly stated goals, specific descriptions of the activities that the PI intends to do, and a plan in place to document the outputs of those activities. Christine Gibb, Postdoctoral Fellow: Research Interests: Migration and mobillities; Environmental migration; Global environmental change; Religious governance; Feminist geography; Post-disaster reconstruction; Accompanied research methodologies; View Complete Profile: … Information on the EAR Data Policy is available on the EAR website ( An NSF award consists of: (1) the award notice, which includes any special provisions applicable to the award and any numbered amendments thereto; (2) the budget, which indicates the amounts, by categories of expense, on which NSF has based its support (or otherwise communicates any specific approvals or disapprovals of proposed expenditures); (3) the proposal referenced in the award notice; (4) the applicable award conditions, such as Grant General Conditions (GC-1)*; or Research Terms and Conditions* and (5) any announcement or other NSF issuance that may be incorporated by reference in the award notice. The five-year fellowship includes three years of financial support including an annual stipend of $34,000 and a cost of education allowance of $12,000 to the institution. The intention is to encourage individuals, typically within five years after award of their Ph.D., to diversify their expertise relative to that used in their thesis research. In FastLane: Since no person months and no salary are being requested for senior personnel, the PI (fellow) should be removed from section A of the budget. Subscribers are informed through e-mail or the user's Web browser each time new publications are issued that match their identified interests. Ad hoc Review and/or Panel Review. We also hope to form a cohort of fellows who can support one another during the postdoctoral research experience. I posted my research opportunity and made it public on the portal but now it say that it is ‘inactive.’ Did I miss a deadline? (See Section VI.B. If the location of work is the PhD granting institution or current institution at time of submission, the fellow must list two scientific mentors: a host mentor and an external mentor. NSF - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Biology. The NSF GRFP recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported STEM disciplines who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees at accredited US institutions. Within the fellowship period, one month per year of fellowship duration may be used for paid leave, including parental or family leave. This form will be automatically generated. Wenwen is a postdoctoral scholar at the Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA. Users: The program solicitation number will be pre-populated by on the NSF Grant Proposer Cover Sheet.

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