Her speech titled, “The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination,” became the most viewed video on Harvard University’s website and is one of the best motivational speeches on YouTube. Varadan’s second strategy is to skip the small talk and ask a more personal question instead. It takes a lot of character to hop back on your feet after a nasty fall, but it is what you must do to achieve your goals and become successful. Probably the most passionate motivational speaker ever. My favorite quote – The challenges in our lives are there to STRENGTHEN our CONVICTIONS. Mr. Washington reminded the graduates that it’s not all about the money. Now that you start to see and think differently, you catch yourself wondering…. Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about. He observes that students who use their curiosity are ostracized. Because people are afraid to change for the better, they put off their problems by thinking and saying that they are fine, when it’s obvious that they are not fine. And there are a lot of good motivational speakers around the world, but there are few that just stand out. Having said so, Tony Robbins’ inspirational speech, why do we do what we do, will make you appreciate what drives you towards achieving your goals. One of the American top fashion super-model who has been modeling since her teen years has a rather shocking and honest twist about beauty and looks! Once you master these tactics about the different ways to start a conversation, you will find it easy to start a conversation with anyone even if it’s a total stranger. I would suggest to every person that’s alive at this very moment and can still breathe to check out some of his speeches – You won’t be dissapointed! Inch-by-inch, make an effort to go the extra mile. To be a model, you have to be tall, beautiful, and have a perfect body. Please share your thoughts in the comments below and I will update the article according to the comments. Pamela Meyer – How to spot a liar TED talk video. In her TED talk video, Cameron Russell says that “Looks aren’t everything!”. Of cause, you will do nothing if you keep sitting there pitying yourself. She does not let her appearance define who she is and what she does. She also talks about what can be done to change the currently ingrained social response. Eventually, you’ll find your happiness. Stand up tall. Do you fear to fail? Brown also believes many people that set goals are setting their bar too low. Here is something you need to remember, every successful person was at one point a beginner. She warns the new Harvard graduates on the inevitability of failure as well as the necessity of risk for a living and quoted Plutarch, saying that, “What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.”. A motivational speaker or inspirational speaker is a speaker who makes speeches intended to motivate or inspire an audience. I don’t know if there is a person who wouldn’t get inspired while listening to Nick. Basically, they are viewed as a cut above the rest. Somehow they don’t fit into the good category. Why we have too few women leaders by Sheryl Sandberg, Randy Pausch last lecture: Achieving your childhood dreams, Oprah Winfrey’s 2008 Stanford commencement address, Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford commencement address, Looks aren’t everything. He advised the graduates to use their skills and talents not only to help themselves but also to help others and make the world a better place. They are way above that category, they are at the top. During the ceremony at the Maharishi University of Management, Jim received an honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts, for his significant lifetime achievements. In the book titled “Very Good Lives,” Rowling asks the most profound and rather provocative-question “How can one embrace failure?”. Many motivational speakers are mainly fluff and not much substance. She has a philosophy where she never lets other people define what she is. However, he also told the graduates to ensure that their hard work bore fruit. Sit down and decide which side you want to be on. It’s inevitable. I encourage you to live with life. Success requires hard work, persistence, and discipline. The greatest hindrance to personal success is self-doubt and being complacent to remain where you are. Drawing from personal stories of her own post-graduate years, the world-famous author gets to address some of the most important life issues with much acuity and emotional force. But, if you are truly committed to your goals and willing to make the necessary sacrifices you will be successful. In her speech about the danger of a single story, she focuses mainly on how people hear a single story about a place or people and they assume that a single source represents the place fully or the people in the story. Her speech was the most hilarious motivational speeches to watch on YouTube. These top motivational speakers in the world will inspire you, educate you and motivate you to succeed. Since 1970, he has traveled over five million miles across the world delivering powerful life improvement messages, cultivating the energy of change. Kid President Pep Talk | The Most Viral Motivational Speech! My favorite quote – What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. Jim Rohn shared his message with more than 6,000 audiences and over 5 million people all over the world. My favorite quote – Be miserable. He says that dropping out of college was the best decision he ever made in his life. This is about appreciation and contribution. He is trying hard to convince the players how important it’s for them to put a little more effort. http://voices.yahoo.com/top-5-best-motivational-speakers-12095778.html, http://makingmotivation.com/find-motivation-with-the-30-best-motivational-speakers. What does love, at first sight, has to be like this? Who doesn’t want to share their side of things or be validated? Lupita Nyong’o’s speech concludes that black beauty is not a thing that can be acquired or consumed. Al Pacino’s speech, any given Sunday is one of the most famous motivational speeches I have watched and I’m sure this speech is going to inspire you too. People walk out of those seminars and most never practice what they learned. It set the tone for what was to come. To tackle your dreams, you need to remember your dreams as a child. A very useful to elaborate on motivational speech topics. J.K Rowling speech is finally available in book form. The main reason why Nick was hopeless is that he focused so much on what he did not have. He was invited to give a commencement speech at Stanford University. Lizzie Velasquez Speech | How Do You Define Yourself? Not a single word. Hold that thought myth right there! Thomas also talks about how it may take years to accomplish your definition of success. Did you know that only 6% of CEOs are females? For the past years we've featured a Monday Motivation email every week as part of our Free Resource of the Day Emails. The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. Finally, the day and moment of reckoning came and I was face to face with the love of my life. In a normal lifetime, there are so many challenges, obstacles and bad lucks! For example, people assume that they are fine with losing their job. He says that if you want to be a winner in business, you have to be a leader. The inability to keep trudging forward and believing in yourself in spite of what everybody else and their dog is saying is one of the biggest reasons why most people fail to succeed. Sheryl Sandberg TED talk offers powerful pieces of advice for women trying to break the glass ceiling. A crazy, heart-stopping, roller-coaster ride that just has to take its course. He argues that it’s because we’re encouraged to become good workers rather than using our creativity. They’re the reasons why we work so hard. In other words, a staggering 94% of CEOs are men! He acknowledged that without God, he wouldn’t be the Academy Award-winning actor we all know and love today. Top 100 Free Motivational Speeches, Lectures, & Podcasts. It is time to get up and do something to make this world a better place. You’ll be happy in life when you start being yourself. What is the one thing that is constantly putting people down and preventing them from achieving their goals and the lifestyle they desire? Ask yourself what you can do to make the world awesome. Other people are in a relationship that is not working but they say that they are just fine. The one and the only one. The second master lesson is about the art of fulfillment.

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