Curiosity. posted 08.02.03: Printer page Email article: Next time you go anywhere where there is sand, scoop some up and count each and every single grain of sand you hold in your hand. More sand than stars — that takes care of that chestnut. • The Earth is tiny compared to the universe - it could fit into the sun 1.3 million times. New research contends that the Milky Way alone is flush with billions of potentially habitable planets — and that’s just one sliver of the universe. Here are some facts to help: • There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth. The fascinating question of whether we are alone in the universe basically comes down to some intricate mathematical calculations. Paul Dalby . This is the closest planet yet that could support life. Hmm. Obviously if you include all that, there are incomparably more earthly sand grains than stars. @Bob: LOL. So, if the low end estimate for the number of stars matches the high end estimate for the number of grains of sand, it’s the same. Funny you should mention that, I have the … Thank you for correcting me, Bro was just telling me about it, and I immediately responded with the Prof Stephen Hawking thing. We are astounded to discover there are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on our beaches. Is there life on other planets Quora. there must be absolutely quadrillions, even quintillions of sand grains on earth. Update: Ah, Galaxy it is! NMS has 18 Quintillion. It's amazing and we really shouldn't look that high "we are still humans". He believes that many of the stars out there have planets, and some of those probably have life. He can't even count to ten on his hands! This is the closest planet yet that could support life . The fact that it contains so many sand grains compared to the number of stars in the sky is pretty awe-inspiring. Of upto 50000000 Earths that have grains of sand so there is alot more than that. There May Be More EarthLike Planets In The Universe Than. And though some are bigger than baseballs, most are more like grains of sand. By ERIC MACK – CNET. I see it now! So far we think that there are more stars than planets but what do you think. Yep. 5 5 1 155. 1 decade ago. Yes! All those suns, planets, moons etc will appear as a 'star'. But there are so many planets in the universe – some say more planets than all the grains of sand on Earth – that many scientists think it’s worth looking. 10 years ago. 1 decade ago. There are more planets and stars in the solar system than there are grains of sand in the World...? Answer Save. But that is only the stars in the visible Universe within range of our telescopes. OMG! Favourite answer. Astronomers in Australia say there are 10 times more stars in the visible Universe than all the grains of sand on the world's beaches and deserts. Given that there are more planets in the universe than grains of sand on every beach in our world? But here's the really neat part! Good luck finding … Press J to jump to the feed. Relevance. It may be little more than grains of weathered rock, and can be found in deserts and on beaches around the world, but sand is also the world’s second … Prof Stephen Hawking? "We studied planets of many masses -- like counting boulders, rocks and pebbles in a canyon -- and found more rocks than boulders, and more pebbles than rocks. On the scale of galaxies and stars, the planets of our solar system are little more than grains of sand caught momentarily in the light of the Sun. User account menu. 0 2. 5 years ago. "Earth-size planets … GOD'S WORD® Translation If I try to count them, there would be more of them than there are grains of sand. We can’t tell what happens beyond the horizon of what we can see, and the estimates of numbers of stars are just for the part we can see. How small does that make you feel? LikeItorNot. If I counted them, they would be more than the grains of sand. Log In Sign Up. Hmmmmmmm i wonder if theres any sand on land and under the water hmmmmmmmm i wonder maybe a little a bit … There may be more Earth-like planets than grains of sand on all our beaches. After all, there must be a really big number of sand grains on all the planet's beaches! When I wake up, I am still with you. There may be more Earthlike planets than grains of sand. Lv 7. YES! In regards to stars and sand, yes, there are more stars than grains of sands on Earth. There is an estimate of 100 billion up to 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. More or Less tries to count the nearly uncountable. 0 0. Posted by. Relevance. planets, facts about the sun or anything else they’ve learnt at school). if so then life must exist beyond earth- no doubt about it. That is more than the total number of grains of sand in all the Earth's beaches and deserts. The figure - presented to the International Astronomical Union conference in Sydney - is the kind that really can be called astronomical: 70 … It's hard to fathom such a large amount. Lighting the Way to Reality. It’s a close thing. How could I have been so BLIND ? International Standard Version Were I to count them, they would number more than the sand. So I decided to find out. Michael - There is some disagreement about whether there are more or less stars than grains of sand, so it must be a fairly close thing, or at least hard to estimate. But most of what you read on the internet seems to go for the more ‘poetic’ answer of there being more stars than grains of sand. Mind boggling, but I believe there are more stars than grains of sand. There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth : by ... Then one day began to wonder if it is really true. Favourite answer. Of course, sand comes in a variety of sizes. The larger meteors are sometimes broken bits off asteroids or other planets. What it proves is that the Bible is not the word of god. Lv 7. Obviously I couldn't count all the sand grains, but I could do an order of magnitude calculation. Dew. When I awake, I will be with you. AND NO! lol ur all ***** idiots, for startets its an estimate nothing more and you seem to forget the question "are there more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth" not "are there more stars in the universe than grains of sand on the beaches on earth". According to this article, there are 7.5 Quintillion grains of sand on Earth. 5 Answers . Do you know that the Universe has more planets in it than grains of sand on every beach on Earth? Answer Save. I have heard it said there are more souls than all the grains of sand on Earth. Sadly, I think the internet is probably wrong. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. A team led by an Australian astronomer calculated the number of stars in the known universe to be 70 sextillion 3. 1 decade ago. There May Be More EarthLike Planets In The Universe Than. More stars than grains of sand in the world by staff writer, Orig. Favourite answer. But there are so many planets in the universe ” some say more planets than all the grains of sand on Earth ” that many scientists think it’s worth looking. 1 decade ago. 12 Answers. Close. Who said that? It is possible there are more planets too that is something we will never know unless we can get out of the physical universe and see it from another perspective. So... you're saying that ... sand grains are...planet eggs! Anonymous. Do you think that god is a convenient christian? Relevance. We are uncertain as to the number of planets, so we cannot say how they are relative to the number of sand grains. (sorry, sleep deprivation and Mt. When I awake, I am still with you. That’s at least a billion trillion! Answer Save. Each galaxy contains between 50 and 300 Billion stars. 12 Answers. This is the closest planet yet that could support life. Archived. Show more The astronomer, Carl Sagan, famously said that there were more stars in our Universe than grains of sand on the Earth’s beaches. Zing! As far as we know, there are more stars than planets. The nearest he gets to acting out in The Planets (Tuesday, BBC2) is standing in the desert by a large rock — the Sun — pretending to hold Mercury in his hand. The following year, astronomers discovered more than a dozen other evenly-distributed clumps of galaxies, suggesting a structure to the universe that is so regular and immense that it defied the then-existent theories of cosmic origins. I think there are more stars, because there a billions in view, maybe ssome planets have been undiscovered, but im pretty sure stars are more easily made than planets. Dr Simon Driver, of the Australian National University, says the actual total could be much, much bigger still.

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