The era of their complete military dominance was now in the past. The pharaoh Mentuhotep II, the ruler of Upper Egypt founded the Middle Kingdom… 1630 bce) and the Second Intermediate period (c. 1630–1540 bce): Mentuhotep II campaigned in Lower Nubia, where he may have been preceded by the Inyotefs. OK – Old Kingdom Dynasties 3-6 MK – Middle Kingdom Dynasties 11-12 NK – New Kingdom Dynasties 18-20 SIP – Second Intermediate Period Dynasties 13-17 Thebes – The Southern capital. During the time of the Old Kingdom, pharaohs were buried in pyramids. During the later part of his reign, local officials grew in power and began setting up little kingdoms. Art took on new styles and techniques, like the block style, where art was produced from large blocks of stone. Scientists named these blocks the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, and the New Kingdom. However, the Nile began a series of insufficient flooding, which led to widespread hunger and death. Egyptian Dynasties Middle Kingdom 2055 – 1650 BC. It was during the Old Kingdom (2650-2134 BC) that the land of Egypt was unified under a central monarchy and became a wealthy and powerful kingdom. During the Middle Kingdom, between 2030 BC – 1640 BC, the Pharaoh’s struggled to hold on to Egyptian power. Middle Kingdom: 2055-1650 BC. They needed to protect their trade routes and resources now more than ever. Egypt is in her first renaissance, and the prosperity led to some amazing monuments. The reunification of ancient Egypt achieved by Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II—the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom—was followed by a great cultural flowering that lasted nearly 400 years. Thebes was the capital of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom. Eleventh Dynasty 2125 – 1985 BC The Middle Kingdom begins with the reunification of the country under Mentuhotep I who ousted the kings of Herakleopolis.He assumed the Horus name Divine of the White Crown, implicitly claiming all of Upper Egypt. Archaeologists divide ancient Egypt's history into three big blocks of time. Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egypt - The Middle Kingdom (1938–c. The first half of his reign seems to have been prosperous with trade existing with various places. The Middle Kingdom. His mortuary complex in Thebes contained some of the earliest known depictions of Amon-Re, the dynastic god of the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom. First Pharaoh Mentuhotep II is credited with being the founder of the Middle Kingdom. to c.1650 B.C. Dynasty/Rulers In each block of time, all pharaohs behaved in a certain way. 2040 BC Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II wins the civil war, reunites Egypt, makes Thebes the capital of all Egypt, establishes the 11th dynasty and builds the mortuary complex of Deir el Bahri 1800 BC The Kahun Gynecological Papyrus deals with women's health and contraception to 1650 B.C. The Middle Kingdom Time Period The Middle Kingdom lasted from 2055 B.C. Pepi II was a pharaoh from the 6th Dynasty, during the Old Kingdom, and his rule was Egypt’s longest, 94 years. These blocks of time were called kingdoms. Egypt - Pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom - 2130 - 1624 BCE Travel pictures from Egypt by Dr. Günther Eichhorn Custom search in A lot of the information on this page is from The Ancient Egypt Site (AES below) , the site Ancient Egypt (AE below) , and from Wikipedia . and comprised the 11 th through to the 13 th Dynasties. Thebes, a city in Upper Egypt, became the capital city of the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom. He ruled from Thebes after defeating the 10th dynasty rulers who controlled Lower Egypt, and re-unified the country. The Middle Kingdom was a time of achievements for the ancient Egyptians. The Middle Kingdom marks the reunification of the country under Montuhotep (part of the 11th Dynasty still kept within the First Intermediate Period by some egyptologists) and the ousting of the kings of Herakleopolis. and included the 11th and 13th dynasty. During the Middle Kingdom (mid-Dynasty 11–Dynasty 13, around 2030–1650 B.C. Middle Kingdom of Egypt Timeline (c. 2055-1700 B.C.) Memphis – The Northern capital. The Middle Kingdom spanned c. 2055 B.C.

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