At 37, journalist Andrew Billen remembers his school pitch debut as if it were yesterday. It's the following of football, this inane passion. Actually, he still takes an interest in the international soccer scene, but football itself is not really the issue. He had been at the factory two years without his eccentricity coming to light. They’re men who, like you, don’t watch a minute of any sports telecast (be it a sports event, commentary or sports news) either live or from a DVR within seven days of the original broadcast. Your idiocy doesn't end there. At the grass roots, there was the flowering of fanzine culture, and the crossover between football and rock music that was at its most fertile in the Manchester scene of the late 1980s. RIYAD Mahrez's wife claimed she was "fined for being too hot" as she broke lockdown rules, asking cops: "Don’t you guys like to party anymore?" You worship players who are at best indifferent to you, and at worst despise you. Martin Frost, a 27-year-old advertising copywriter, tries to beat the football cognoscenti at their own game. It's not good for English football that we now have a three-teams-can-win-it Premiership. They think the game is more important than it is, it says something about the miserable kind of lives they must lead. The Scientific Reason Men Like Sports More Than Women ... Players on the champion Leicester City Football Club watch rivals on TV during their championship run. Take the transfer gossip pages with a pinch of salt (trust me, most of it really is made up) and certainly don't bother frittering your money on pointless pre-season friendlies or the Intertoto Cup (you never know, Uefa might eventually get the message). Football fans are idiots. Don't show me this message again “I want [the men I date] to be straight-acting.” This is a direct quote from a gay man in a recently aired episode of Channel 4’s First Dates . Sadly, intelligent, measured comment from fans - always a sickly child - is now on its deathbed. Start by refusing to become a slave to football's pointless merry-go-round every summer. "I suppose it has led to a certain alienation from my sex," he allows, noting that he tends to prefer the company of women. But elsewhere the standard has dipped, simply because of the top clubs' spending power. You get to the ground at 2.50pm, just in time to hear a local radio DJ induce a faux-atmosphere by shouting: "Are you ready? Every Match of the Day was a must," he recalls. A fan's loyalties were clear and simple. Everyone remembers that Manchester United pick-pocketed the first Premiership title in 1992-93 - what seems amazing now is that Aston Villa finished second, Norwich third, Blackburn fourth and QPR fifth. Older British men like Dennis, a retired businessman aged 70, cherish their boyhood memories of football, of a time when fans supported their local team, whose players spent their entire careers with the club, on working men's wages. And these men are tough, they get kick in the head and in other parts of the body and still go on. As a Liverpudlian male, however, he is assumed to be football-wise. And at least one newly-promoted side will go straight back down. It seems unlikely that the other half are all natural born full-backs. Or just thinking: 'Yeah, and?'. Appalled? Now 34, he grew up in Walton, close to both the Liverpool and Everton grounds, and yet remained almost completely immune to the pull of the stadiums. "I went off it when I discovered booze and girls and parties." Examples abound. Take a look at the man next to you. It's the belief that men evolved to stand in groups of several thousand, shouting. With the advent of the New Lad, innocent bystanders now face the additional menace of being cornered by football fans who want to share their feelings with them. Mr. Preg— A mean nickname for a fat guy with a large belly like pregnant women. It used to be that if you lost less than seven games you'd win the league - but since Boxing Day 2002, when Manchester United lost to Middlesbrough, the eventual Premiership winners have lost just one league game between them (Chelsea's 1-0 defeat at Manchester City) in 95 matches. When are you going to realise that when your favourite club isn't counting your cash, it's laughing at you? Instead, get out more. Let's make some noise!" Or, to rephrase that sentence using less incendiary language: when it comes to football, intelligent people act stupid. But we have found that the emotionally stunted man-child will have one of two (immature) responses when the issue is brought to his attention: 17 Gift Ideas If You Know Somebody Who Loves Football But You Don't. Realising that any answer was likely to be the wrong answer, John retreated from the playground to the library, and once again, his future course was set. Smart people would stand up to such exploitation. But it has become an increasingly ugly mix of Thatcherite greed and Gradgrindian inequality. Or your brother?” On a similar note, this one is just … Aaron is so tall that, even at a massive almost 300 lbs. Out of some 22 million men, about five million men paid to watch a football match last year; eight million enjoy reading about it; and 11 million watch it on TV. Football, as 'creative' advertising types never tire of telling us, is like a religion. 8, col. 1: ... Don’t … We know how passionate sports can make us feel, especially if a team wins a big game or loses one. Like sheep, the crowd responds, sings one song, and then settles back into silence. And what DJ Spoony, the show's regular host, knows about football could be written on the label of a 12-inch vinyl. Sadly, it's not reciprocated. I think that MOST girls don't like football is because it's pretty much unattractive to them. "It's socially, Read our full mailing list consent terms here, reinforced yobbishness. feminine men, neutral men, insecure men, nervous nice guys, etc). So why do supporters still lap it up, asks a bemused Sean Ingle, If a guy has a friend that has cancer the guy won’t ask the other guy how he’s … Trunk— The one who has a large belly like a trunk. Of course, the truth is that men evolved in small hunter-gatherer bands. “That will be the first opportunity for us to sign guys on that day,” Harsin said. It's not a game any more." This should not be so surprising: society in general is becoming increasingly fragmented in its tastes. His uncle took him to a football match when he was 10, but he was bored. "The game doesn't bother me. More... Free Our Schools! You just don't see basketball players with V shaped backs because wide guys don't jump as high. One of the 10 or 11 teams who graze in mid-table will surprise us, but the rest won't. "Before that, I used to catch frogs." The equivalent urban image is that of flat caps and baggy shorts, symbols of lost values and certainties. Apple cheeks— A fat guy with heavy red cheeks. He discovered that he preferred gossip and writing to team sports, and these skills have formed the. I can't really explain why I don't like sports in the same way you probably can't explain why you don't like old Hong Kong cinema kung fu movies like I do. He is content to have been a player then rather than now, but unsentimental: "We were tied, we couldn't change clubs. So get involved. Want an ad-free experience?Subscribe to Independent Premium. Come on. And yes, that probably includes you. Source: 2021-01-14 ‘Don’t act like men because of football’ – Berry Ladies CEO advises female players That is, when prices go up, demand dips only slightly. And with any luck, football's imperialism - an imperialism which dictates that gossip about a rich player going from one rich club to another is the most important story in the sporting world - might start to crumble. Some gay men prefer Monday Night Football to box seats at "Cats." These days at home matches, what usually happens? This is part of the reason why it took an entire high school football team full of women for some of us to finally just consider that Bill Cosby might not be Cliff Huxtable. Boring because I learn nothing from it that I can use in my life (just like the news - how does knowing more about an athelete's game or a murder in another city help me be a better person?). Even if the game was dire, the chants and terrace witticisms would turn it into a spectacle of sorts - albeit one where hooliganism was rife. "It's a slightly `hipper' version of John Major's village cricket," he snorts. If it's the latter, you perhaps reckon football has always been this predictable ("Didn't Liverpool win everything in the 80s? He was not free to pick and choose among the glamorous clubs of Britain and the star players of Europe. The loyalty factor was there, in many instances because it was imposed.". Yes, if you support the big four. Football fans prefer to revel in their "hardcore" commitment. Just because men aren't adept at expressing their feelings, don't for a minute think they don't feel, and feel deeply. Just boring, unappealing and doesn't coincide with any of my interests at all. But can it be the whole story? … Soccer News of Thursday, 14 January 2021. Early experience appears to be critical. The loyalty argument. They mean it in a positive sense - ignoring the fact that religion is antithetical to reason and rationality. If he’s the one always doing the work, it’s going to get boring for him. Enjoy the sporting summer: Wimbledon, the Open, the flat season, rugby league, cricket, whatever - all sports where Corinthian values haven't yet been splayed by a pernicious win-at-all-costs mentality. The truth is usually more prosaic: the hack's verdict is just one opinion in a game awash with them. 5. Former public schoolboys and erstwhile angst- ridden bohemians scrambled to discover the Ordinary. "My only experience of football was one of those Subbuteo-style games, so I thought the thing was that the ball would come to me. de la cr? Football fans are idiots. What the football dissidents object to is not football, it's the fans. Football is spreading inexorably from the back pages of newspapers to the front, and from the end of news bulletins to the beginning. Football that's sharper and sexier than a decade ago? Even if a match is shunted to some unholy hour to accommodate Sky, you think nothing of travelling hundreds of miles to sit in a stadium with all the atmosphere of a wake, to show loyalty to your club. Most people really aren't interested in sports! Cue smiles in boardrooms across the land. You would be surprised how many of them claim not to be able to name the England manager (no, he isn't called Cantona) or to know who's top of the Premier League. Ian says he didn't come under pressure in the playground, but then his toughness was never in doubt. Go to a match 15 or more years ago, and by 2.30pm the terraces would reverberate with a Spector-esque wall of sound. He really is an idiot" - Groucho Marx. Whenever a star player leaves for a big club and more money, fans swarm onto Sky Sports News or the local radio, each spitting "betrayal" with Paisleyesque venom. These sports gift ideas are perfect for the gym, the game, and supporting his favorite team. Ten years ago, for instance, Manchester City would have built their team around Shaun-Wright Phillips. So, here's a plan of sorts. Or - as Lord Burns recently pointed out - that the Premiership clubs have undue influence with the Football Association. In the last 10 years, that figure was just six [Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Newcastle and Leeds]. Fans stand up for themselves more in mainland Europe; in England they just roll over. Elephant— A huge and fat guy. At the extreme end of the scale, it's hard to find men who truly detest football. Gay men can’t help themselves from hitting on straight guys. The problem with sports begins in our schools. And who knows, if … His suspicion is shared by pop critic Jon Savage, who views the football bandwagon with a jaundiced eye. “Did your dad teach you about football? Nowadays, Dennis observes, "It's big business, almost theatrical. After all, no one ever changed the world by sitting on their capacious backside, eating a pork pie and shouting beetroot-face abuse at Wayne Rooney, did they? When it comes to football, your rationality goes awol. Another problem is that supporters remain stunningly insular. But each May, most fans' response is thuddingly predictable: a moan, a brief moment of contemplation, and then a question - do you take Visa or MasterCard? Foreign supporters may be just as laddish, but they can be ignored because they aren't in your face. Now 36, he advocates prohibition. I know one agent who tells his players, who mostly play in the lower leagues, to kiss the badge when they first score for their new club. More importantly still, widen your focus to beyond your club. "While the pros are polite to supporters, they think them fools," wrote Rick Gekoski in his excellent book on Coventry's 1997-98 season, A Fan Behind The Scenes In The Premiership. Surprised? Sean Ingle is the sports editor of Guardian Unlimited. Yet many British men still somehow manage to let it all pass them by.

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