Once you have covered the basics, make sure your kitty has enough stimuli, so your pet doesn’t get bored. The best thing you can do for your cat is to get her a substitute for you. The best way to protect your cat from cold weather is to keep them inside your house or provide an outdoor kitty cottage. Don't let your cat outside if you live in a dangerous area … But thanks to remote interactive tools like Petcube pet cameras, you can check in on them anytime. Elevating the structure off the ground and providing warm bedding inside will help ensure your feline friend can retreat to safety from the bitter cold. We left our cats at home for 3.5 weeks whilst abroad and an elderly neighbour who diligently fed them and let them outside every … If you weigh these options and elect to allow your pet to explore outside, make sure to discuss additional vaccinations, preventive medications and annual testing with your veterinarian. The truth is that letting your cat outside is dangerous. Unplug paper shredders to prevent accidents. Or, there could be something in your home environment that could be pushing the cat away. Keep the toilet lid closed. If you have to leave your cat alone regularly for longer periods of time, watch out for signs of depression and cat separation anxiety. The Journal of Wildlife Managemen t claims that most … Leave your … This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply, Leaving Cats Home Alone: Everything You Need to Know, 10 Father's Day Gift Ideas for Modern Pet Dads, My Dog is Not Eating: Reasons & Solutions For Loss of Appetite in Dogs, 9 Free Courses and Books Pet Parents Shouldn’t Miss, pet camera that doubles as a treat dispenser, Petcube Play 2 pet camera with the laser toy, Cat Behaviors and Common Problems Explained, Twitchy Kitty Syndrome: Why Some Kitties Wear Clothes, Cats are creatures of habit that need interaction and playtime, Weather changes can have severe consequences on your feline, Food and water can go bad and cause health issues, There can be weather changes that will affect your cat’s well-being, The litter boxes will be full, and your cat will start house-soiling, Toys (balls, catnip toys, feather toys, wand toys, mouse toys, food mazes, cardboard boxes, etc. Minimize the time alone for your kitten or get a pet sitter to drop by. Kittens younger than four months of age should not be left alone for more than a couple of hours. Regardless of their reputation, cats do get lonely when they are left unattended for long periods of time. If your feline is healthy and you can ensure a safe environment, leaving a cat alone overnight should not cause big problems. Other symptoms may include clinginess, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, vomiting and diarrhea, and house-soiling. Have a question you’d like to ask a vet? », Understanding your cat doesn't have to be hard. If you leave your cat at home, at least he has his familiar surroundings. Here’s a rough estimate of how long you can leave your kitty alone based on age: Keep in mind that this is the maximum amount of time you should leave your cat home alone. You can go to work without having to worry that your cat will trash your entire place or upset the neighbors. The problem with all of these responses – even the conservative suggestion of just 24 hours – is that they invariably fail to account for the unexpected. Have a play session and make any arrangements before you leave. A: Some of the best toys for cats home alone include cat food trees, scratch toys, balls, puzzle feeders, cat tunnels, interactive pet cameras, and motorized toys they can chase around. Building an outside shelter for a cat can be an inexpensive and fun project for the family. 12. There are even stories about cats who were left alone for a week or more and lived to tell the tale. Read why. When you know you will only be gone a few hours, you can skip this step and stick to the regular feeding schedule. If you board your cat, bring his usual food, cat litter and favorite toys so he feels more comfortable while away from home. If no one is available, consider a boarding facility. It may even be outside of your control, like an unruly dog in the neighbor’s yard. If you want to keep an eye on your feline while you are away, you can set up a pet camera such as Petcube Play 2. but cats can go out for weeks or days so you shouldnt worry . Ask a Vet: How Cold Is Too Cold to Let a Cat Stay Outside? Cars, parasites, and wild animals are all problems of the outside world that can threaten your cat. My wife thinks it’s irresponsible to not go hunting for her if it is too cold. A: Some cats will do OK by themselves while others will get lonely and destructive. Soon these cues will lose their power and your cat won’t become quite so anxious when they see them. Also, try not to get too close to something your cat can climb, such as tree trunks, as you may find yourself holding the end of a leash with your cat … Plus, they can get in all kinds of trouble when left home alone. Too many things can go wrong. Cats are known for being independent, but you still feel guilty leaving them alone during the day while you’re at work. When your cat gets used to it, you can start going outside with the cat for short periods. You should observe your cat’s behavior and habits. Building an outside shelter for a cat can be an inexpensive and fun project for the family. By continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of our cookies. Some may handle alone time well while others can have problems. The shelter should be large enough … Your cat can use this scent as a means of calming themselves in your absence. Indoor cats are protected from viruses and disease that can be spread from cat fights, and interactions (as can vaccinating!) i normally dont let my cats out but my cat tends to jump out the windows and go out hes unneutured but he come back after 7-8 hours . Having a friend or a family member over will also give you peace of mind and reduce the cost of hiring a pet sitter. Here, they are protected from the elements and the engine can put off heat hours after it has been turned off, but if the car is started while they are hidden away, they can be severely injured or even killed. Aug 27, 2015: Your article subject NEW by: Anonymous Dear Courtney! The reasons listed above apply in this case as well. Cats that spend unsupervised time out of doors are exposed to a variety of potential dangers, not just the weather. Scratch posts, toys to keep, window posts, and quiet resting places are a start. I would strongly recommend against leaving your cat alone for that long. Try playing with real pets in shelters using our Petcube app. Cats can stay overnight provided that there is enough food and water. You may wish to confine your kitten or cat at twilight so that it can remain indoors at night, or limit its access outside at times when traffic may be busy locally. Spay or neuter your … Getting a pet sitter is the best solution if you have a kitten or a grown-up cat with medical problems. Unfortunately, feline separation anxiety often goes unnoticed until it becomes severe. Get the latest news from Petcube about pet care, rescue and funny videos. Beware of chemicals, sharp objects, cables, plants, plastic items and small objects that the kitten could swallow. Dr. Chris Miller, AtlasVet DC: First things first, letting your cat outside at all is a big decision. We'll help you live your best #DCLIFE every day. If you’re leaving for long periods of time, consider getting a water fountain. They can also get separation anxiety. During periods of cold weather, cats will go looking for a warm place to hunker down. If your cat happens to suffer from separation anxiety, you may want to leave a few of your own unwashed shirts or other clothing articles on your bed or in another easily accessible place. ), Having somebody drop by for a play session. Q: What are the best toys for cats home alone? There are many ways to keep cats entertained. Fact: You may well be allergic to … Also, remove any sharp items and poisonous plants. Thomas slept on my head for over a week and would not leave … If you will be away for hours or days at a time, plan ahead. Most kittens are prepared to leave the house and to explore the outside world at six months old. If you have no other option, consider a boarding facility. You want to think about food, water, safety, and entertainment. A: You can leave a kitten home alone for short periods of time. Q: Our cat likes to go outside at night. Every cat owner has been boggled by certain cat behaviors. You can talk to your cat remotely through a Petcube Bites 2, a pet camera that doubles as a treat dispenser. Even though they may play it cool, they will notice you’re gone and they will miss your attention. A friend who’ll check up on your cat at least every third day is always a better choice than anything else. A: You can leave a healthy adult pet home alone for 8 hours or more at a time. For indoor cats, many people want to know if their cat gets outside … The world outside is a world of tooth and claw – an aggressive, violent … », Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS) is often called a Twitchy Kitty Syndrome. Keep in mind that all devices can malfunction and have a backup plan in place. Copyright © 2021 Petfeed ®. A veterinary clinic should have a scanner to scan lost cats and return them to their own after they ran away. Also, a safe electric heat source can be added for the most luxurious of shelters. You can maintain a feeding schedule if you get a pet food dispenser. Other factors are the environment, their health, and age. I need to let my cat out of the house because I’m allergic to her. The sitter will ensure your pet is safe and cared for and your house remains clean. Each cat is different and will respond according to their personality and habits. Turns Out “Cyber” Is One of the Year’s Trending DC Dog Names. So if your cat goes outside, how cold is too cold? Cats are generally more independent than dogs. Cats are pretty well adapted for cold weather, but when the temperature dips below freezing they are susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite. “Outdoor cats will need additional vaccinations like the feline leukemia vaccine and possibly others depending on what part of the country you live in,” Miller says. Water fountains combined with water bowls will prevent the water from becoming stale. If somebody will be dropping by to check on your pet, inform them of the feeding schedule, your cat’s habits and health condition. Learn to read cat body language and interpret meows, and finally find out what your cat is trying to tell you! All Rights Reserved. Send your query to pets@washingtonian.com with the subject line “Vet Q.”. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Cats love routine. Otherwise, it’s a huge gamble. However, there are special considerations to … Food, fresh water, and at least a couple litter boxes are a must. Trying to decipher cat behavior problems can be tricky, but here’s how to better understand your cat's behavior. Subscribe to receive a free dog anxiety treatment guide. ... You will know if your kitten wants to be an outdoor cat … A stimulating environment can prevent boredom, and you can also check in on your cat if you set up a pet camera, such as a Petcube Bites 2 which lets you fling treats out to them. Sure, you can always leave … How long you can leave your cat alone depends on your pet’s personality and habits. However, if you stay away more than a day, they can be traumatized and this can be dangerous.In as much as it can … The biggest problem of leaving a cat inside over extended periods and unsupervised, is boredom. Let your vet know if your cat goes outdoors so they can make sure they have the proper shots. Remove dangerous chemicals, poisonous plants, sharp objects, small toys, and plastic bags from your cat’s reach. There’s no question that letting your cat outside poses serious dangers. ... Urinates outside the box ... Leave your jacket out for a few days. A new environment with all those unfamiliar faces will not be easy but the stress your cat will endure during those three days in a boarding facility is better than leaving them completely unattended. Ask a Vet: Why Does the Cat Poop on the Bed? When you do leave … No matter if you’re leaving for a couple of hours or a couple of days, here are some tips on how to leave your cat home alone. So That’s Weird. Automatic cat feeders can deliver food to your pet at regular times. Make sure your cat has enough food at disposal. Dangling cables, poisonous plants, chemicals, plastic bags, paper shredders – all these things pose huge threats to your little feline explorer. Whether you have to leave your cat alone for work or on an extended weekend trip, you will have some peace of mind knowing that at least your pet’s basic needs are being met. Microchipping is very helpful as it can help insure a cat from being lost as well as being stolen or taken in accidentally as a stray. But, if your cat has a health issue or separation anxiety, get a pet sitter or minimize the time spent alone. We see cats as very independent creatures, but just how independent are they? Petcube uses cookies to personalize content and ads on our website, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. If you’re a cat person, it might appear pretty easy to set things up for your cat while you’re away, and in general, for a lot of cats, it is pretty easy. Whenever you need to leave your cat alone for more than 24 hours, you should have somebody checking in on them. As independent as they are, cats still crave attention and interaction. A friend, a family member or a pet sitter are all viable options. When their needs for companionship are not met, cats can become depressed. Lastly, leave the air conditioning on to maintain comfortable room temperature for your cat. You can mitigate some of these things if you are sure that your cat is confident and resourceful enough to get through the weekend on their own. Enrich the environment. During periods of cold weather, cats will go looking for a warm place to hunker down. Leaving a cat alone for a week can end in a disaster. When they turn six months, they should be able to handle your 8-hour workday. What I want to know is, how cold is too cold to let a cat stay out overnight? You can also use a spare bedroom or a bathroom. Understanding the risks of letting your cat outside and helping minimize them by preparing a shelter, discussing preventative measures with your veterinarian, and getting the whole family involved with the care of the family feline are all helpful in decreasing the dangerous variables of the outside world. Kitty-proof your home. Many people believe that cats can be left alone for long hours every day, and can even safely be left alone for days or even weeks, as long as food and freshwater are made available to them. When leaving a kitten home alone, pay special attention to food, water, toys, and potential hazards. I built a small house from wood and insulated it ,I placed it off the ground just below the roof between our house and garage,it's about 4 feet from the ground with a wooden slope to get up to it and a cat … Most cats can handle and even enjoy their alone time. if the cat as been living indoors he's really going to try everything to get inside ,our cat lives outside and prefers it so. Q: Do cats get lonely on their own? Consider getting a large crate for the kitten where it will be safe and have enough room to play. But, your kitty may start acting more clingy, stop using the litter box, and meow excessively. If you opt for any room in your home, make safety a priority. If your cat starts meowing loudly when you leave the room, that’s one sign they miss you. Set up your Petcube pet cam so you will be able to check in on your cat from time to time. In this case, the old saying goes: “Do what I say; not what I do.” Seeing country cats enjoy the great outdoors is a … Here are some situations that might occur: Plan ahead and don’t neglect your cat when you have to go away for long periods of time. You may think that your feline will be happy there with all the other cats and people to play with, but cats are territorial animals.

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