And there are some written texts online that will tell you that a variation of this can be poisonous. A native to tropical Asia, air potato, Dioscorea bulbifera, was first introduced to the Americas from Africa.In 1905 it was introduced to Florida. This is my list of the health benefits of air potato. The Air Potato - Features and Benefits Use the Air Potato to get control of Wide, Tight and EZ; We have 2 Different Air Potato Configurations -1 SL/ 1 EZ or 2 SL/1 EZ; End up with the same number of clips for all your angles when the game is over, eliminating the need to match angles; Recently shown to slow Alzheimers in combination with sea buckthorn and bacopa. Here’s an article about the health benefits of the African tulip tree that you may want to check. However, newer research shows that the potato, when cooled down, is actually a cheap and nutritious superfood, able to help weight loss, improve mood and boost the immune system. I’ve written multiple times on edible vs. non-edible air potatoes but what I haven’t covered much is the edible Dioscorea bulbifera.. Dioscorea bulbifera is the common wild variety of air potato that will mess you up if you eat it.. To make things complicated, however, there are some edible cultivars – though they’re very rare. After escaping from the lab, it multiplied and smothered native plant communities in all of Florida's 67 counties. There are many different of types of potatoes that come in all shapes and sizes. Thank you! -Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding. Apparently, air potato is rich in flavonoids and isoflavonoids which can be sources of antioxidants. The bizarre thing about these plants is that each fall they produce heavy crops of aerial tubers along the vines. You may ask and answer a query. Please do not use SMS English, Short Text and Words like hi, hello. How Air Potato is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Here’s an article about the health benefits of the African tulip tree, 5 Effects Of Turmeric Curcumin On Our Kidneys, 7 Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric And Cinnamon. Air Potato Contains Antioxidants. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Names of Air Potato in various languages of the world are also given. Spread via birds and other animals may occur, but this has not been confirmed. Consuming air potato can help improve or keep your digestive system healthy and away from some common digestive disorders. Air potatoes are a good source of flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory benefits. Please share this article with someone you know who may find value in it. air potatoes ( dioscorea bulbifera) - information: health benefits and uses of air potatoes AIR POTATO, DIOSCOREA BULBIFERA The air potato is a member of the yam ( Dioscorea batatas ) family which includes Dioscorea deltoidea , much used by body … The air walker family of exercise machines does offer a very low-impact cardio workout, but these machines have limits, including limited resistance and range of motion. Lastly, unlike deep-frying, air-frying typically won’t fill your home with the smell of fried foods for hours. It is good for treating asthma, coughs, and tonsillitis. Apparently, air potato is rich in flavonoids and isoflavonoids which … Environmental Impact. Cinnamon vine is more winter hardy and will survive as far north as Zone 5; air potato is only hardy to Zone 7. Still, this is something to look into more. List of various diseases cured by African Potato. If I’m going to choose the best health benefit of air potato, the anti-inflammatory qualities it has my vote. First, it seems to be able to decrease your blood cholesterol levels. It is an effectual cure for Eye ailments like Conjunctivitis, which is also familiar as PinkEye. Tubers are used internally and externally as remedies for sore throat, boils, swelling, and poisonous snakebites in China. Pros and Cons of Air Potato Air potato is extremely toxic and should not be consumed. Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a tuber that is commonly eaten as a starchy vegetable. Normal levels of cholesterol and blood pressure can both help in keeping your heart healthy and reducing the risk of different kinds of heart diseases. 2) lowering blood sugar ? It spread beyond … They’re all females in Florida. Air Potato – Invasive Plant Species Dioscorea bulbifera. How African Potato is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Eating air potato can do different things to your body that can lead to a healthier heart. Whether this herb is beneficial in the treatment of mucous carcinoma ? What Benefits Will I Get From Using an Air Walker? Potatoes are packed with nutrients such as potassium, thiamin and niacin as well as vitamin C, making them an ideal part of a healthy diet.They can also be used to treat various ailments, either taken internally or as a topical treatment., [Note: You are requested to write correct English only. Growth rates of 8 inches per day with the vine reaching 65 feet or more in Powder obtained from scraping the axial fruit (bulblets) is rubbed on the abdomen in Philippines. It can grow very quickly (up to … List of various diseases cured by Air Potato. … Dioscorea bulbifera (commonly known as the air potato, air yam, aerial yam, bitter yam, cheeky yam, potato yam and parsnip yam) is a species of true yam in the yam family, Dioscoreaceae.It is native to Africa, Asia and northern Australia. i am interested in this documentation because I breeding three types of this bulbifera. If you're a spud lover but try to keep your calorie or carbohydrate count to a minimum, the thought that presoaking potatoes might remove carbohydrates could have you cheering. The powdered form of air potato has been traditionally used for treating different skin conditions. This can be very helpful for different conditions like swelling caused by injuries as well as arthritis. Air Potato Publications. 2 0 obj Aim: To investigate the therapeutics benefits of Dioscorea bulbifera in breast cancer. There you have it. When potatoes are cooked through, then left to cool down, they form a firm texture. Learn about the research and control methods being developed to fight this invasive plant. Another benefit: If you have picky vegetable eaters at home (I’m thinking of kids, in particular), air-frying is a great way to crisp up veggies and make them tastier. D. bulbifera is a monocotyledonous, dioecious, herbaceous perennial vine, which has been described as one of the most aggressive weeds ever introduced into the United States (Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council, 2008).It is a highly invasive plant included in the Global Compendium of Weeds (Randall, 2012), and which creates management problems in many parts of the world. In a… How Air Potato is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. It should be helpful in regulating your stool movement thus avoiding conditions like constipation and diarrhea. | How these bulbils are spread throwing of the bulbils during the mowing operation. % 3 0 obj Recently shown to slow Alzheimers in combination with sea buckthorn and bacopa. USDA Forest Service, Southern Region, National Forests in Florida, September 2000, Protection Report R8-PR 45. These are just some of the health benefits of air potato. I thought that this was just some other form of the sweet potato but it’s not. They support vision. In some countries, this tuber even become an important staple food. The anticancer effects were related to direct toxicity on tumor cells. They reproduce … Water is also a major means of dispersal, so care must be taken to first eliminate populations along water bodies where bulbils may be easily spread. It cuts calories by 70% to 80% and has a lot less fat. When used properly, air fryers offer many healthful benefits: Using air fryers can promote weight loss A higher intake of fried foods has direct links with higher obesity risk. Although there have been mentions that flavonoids are poorly absorbed in your body, it could be insignificant when it comes to antioxidant activity. Air potato has an insignificant in-ground tuber but the aerial tubers are edible and weight up to a pound. Air potatoes are also a good source of flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory benefits. An air fryer is a popular kitchen appliance used to make fried foods such as meat, pastries and potato chips. You may be more interested in something more uncommon that’s helpful with your skin health. Dioscorea bulbifera (scientific name: Dioscorea bulbifera L., also known as air potato, air yam, bitter yam, cheeky yam, potato yam, Chinese Pinyin: Huang Yao Zi, Simplified Chinese: 黄药子, 黄独, 木药子, 大苦, 赤药, 红药子), is a species of perennial vine in genus Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae family). Potatoes – Health Benefits. Air potato is non-native to the United States, and it is an aggressive invader species. Click Here. • Liver Toxicity Studies: Names of African Potato in various languages of the world are also given. Dr. Jagdev Singh says: April 9, 2018 at 12:30 pm . You should check the African tulip tree. Traditional uses and benefits of Air Potato Plant is considered to be a galactagogue in Upper Myanmar. Is a non-native, exotic plant (from tropical Asia, Africa) … The air potato plant (Dioscorea bulbifera) is an exotic vine from Asia that was introduced to Florida about 115 years ago to make medicine. The air potato is an exotic vine that outcompetes native vegetation and disrupts natural processes. The edible air potato, or “winged yam,” does grow wild here and there in patches across Florida. Conjunctivitis or pink eye is the inflammation of the outermost layer of the white part of your eye as well as the inner surface of your eyelids. Does discorea bulbifera have any effect in 1) lowering High Blood pressure? Male air potato plants have not been found in Florida. It is an herbaceous twining vine which climbs up other plants for support. Both the hanging “air potatoes” and the roots beneath the ground are edible. Dioscorea oppositifolia Campbell Pulugan (Bik.) Air potato is a perennial, inedible yam; while it will die back during the winter months, it will readily grow back each spring from its underground tuber. Potatoes contain important nutrients, even when cooked, that can benefit human health in various ways. Next time you boil some potatoes and they cool down, take note. Check your mobile for SMS (Didn't get the message, repeat Step 1). Benefits as per Ayurveda Known by multiple names in India (gaithi being the most famous), air potato finds its mention in old scriptures for its properties of 1. Air potato has been used as a home remedy to treat or cure some respiratory disorders. You’ll probably know it by its other names like Dioscorea bulbifera, air yam, aerial yam, bitter yam, cheeky yam, potato yam, parsnip yam, and ubi-ubihan. How about you, if you’re able to consume this vegetable, which health benefit of air potato will suit your needs the best? Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Air Potato. Another thing is that it is also able to help regulate your blood pressure. By most measures, air frying is healthier than frying in oil. Your Query - This is a community service. Air potato, Dioscorea bulbifera, is an invasive, high-climbing vine capable of outcompeting native vegetation and displacing other organisms.It forms dense blankets that smother native trees and understory plant species. You can apply it topically to relieve blisters and boils. This is my list of the health benefits of air potato. Let me explain. Therefore, you and I should first discuss it first with your doctor or medical professional before consuming it. Air potato has been consumed to help cure or prevent different kinds of eye ailments like conjunctivitis. Bulbils are the primary mechanism of spread, and research has shown even minutely small propagules can sprout and form new plants. Air potato has been found to have anti-inflammatory activity. It’s a beautiful Monday to take a look at the health benefits of air potato. Do you know what an air potato is? Scientific studies on benefits and uses of bitter yam or air potato • Anticancer: Anticancer screen carried out in vivo with HepA in mice showed active anticancer compounds from the hydrophobic constituents of D. bulbifera. If you're like me, your mom told you that eating carrots would help your vision. 6 Amazing Health Benefits Of African Tulip Tree. Copyright © 2021 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Because of the negative impacts to the Florida environment, the United States Department of Agriculture started a biological control program of air potato with explorations of natural enemies in Asia. Does discorea bulbifera have any effect in 1) lowering High Blood pressure? It is widely cultivated and has become naturalized in many regions (Latin America, the West Indies, the Southeastern United States, and various oceanic islands). Do you know this herb by any other name ? I am told that it has medicinal values for kidney related diseases and antibiotics for body injuries, etc. Prevention is a key step in the management of air potato. ]. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program (and other potential affiliate networks), an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in African Potato.

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