Habakkuk huh-BAK-uhk, Habor HAY-bawr, Hadadrimmon hay-dad-RIHM-uhn, Hades HAY-deez, Haggai HAG-ay-ai, Hagur HAH-goor, Halah HAY-luh, Haman HAY-muhn, Hamath HAY-mehth, Hananiah han-uh-NAI-uh, Hannah HAN-uh, Haran HAY-ruhn, Hazael HAZ-ay-ehl, Hebrews HEE-brooz, Hebron HEE-bruhn, Heifer HEH-fer, Hermes HER-meez, Herod HEHR-uhd, Herodian hehr-O-dee-uhn, Herodias hehr-O-dee-uhs, Hezekiah heh-zeh-KAI-uh, Hezikiah heh-zih-KAI-uh, Hezron HEHZ-ruhn, Hilary HIHL-uh-ree, Hilkiah hihl-KAI-uh, Hippolytus hih-PAHL-ih-tus, Hireling HAI-er-lihng, Hittite HIH-tait, Hivite HAI-vait, Hoglah KHAHG-lah, Holocaust HAHL-o-kawst, Homage HAH-mudzh, Hophni HAHF-nai, Horeb HAWR-ehb, Hosannah ho-ZAH-nuh, Hosea ho-ZEE-uh, Hoshea ho-SHEE-uh, Hyssop HIH-suhp, Iconium ai-KO-nih-uhm, Iddo IHD-o, Idumea id-dzhoo-MEE-uh, Ignatius ihg-NAY-shuhs, Irenaeus ai-rehn-EE-uhs, Isaac AI-zuhk, Isaiah ai-ZAY-uh, Ishbosheth ish-BAWSH-ehth, Ishmael ISH-may-ehl, Ishmaelites ISH-mayehl-aits, Isles ailz, Israel IHZ-ray-ehl, Israelite HZ-ray-ehl-ait, Italica ih-TAL-ih-kuh, Ituraea ih-TSHOOR-ree-uh, Jaar DZHAY-ahr, Jabbok DZHAB-uhk, Jacob DZHAY-kuhb, Januarius dzhan-yoo-EHR-ee-uhs, Japheth DZHAY-fuhth, Javan DZHAY-van, Jebusites DZHEHB-oo-zaits, Jechoniah dzhehk-o-NAI-uh, Jeconiah dzhehk-o-NAI-uh, Jehoash dzhee-HO-ash, Jehoiachin dzhee-HOI-uh-kihn, Jehoiachim dzhee-HOI-uh-kihm, Jehoiada dzhee-HOI-uh-duh, Jehoram dzhee-HOR-am, Jehoshaphat dzhee-HAHSH-uh-fat, Jehosheba dzhee-HAHSH-ee-bah, Jehozadak dzhee-HOZ-uh-dak, Jehu DZHEE-hyoo, Jemimah dzhee-MAI-muh, Jephthah DZHEHF-thuh, Jeremiah dzhehr-eh-MAI-uh, Jericho DZHEHR-ih-ko, Jeroboam dzhehr-o-BO-uhm, Jeroham dzhehr-RO-ham, Jerusalem dzheh-ROU-suh-lehm, Jeshurun dzhe-SHOO-ruhn, Jesreel DZHEHZ-reel, Jesse DZHEH-see, Jesus DZHEE-suhs, Jethro DZHEHTH-ro, Jezreelite DZHEHZ-ree-ehl-zit, Joab DZHO-ab, Joachim DZHO-uh-kihm, Joanna dzho-AN-uh, Joash DZHO-ash, Job dzhob, Joel DZHO-ehl, Jogues dzhogz, John dzhahn, John-Eudes dzhahn_YOU-dehz, Jonah DZHO-nuh, Jonathan DZHAHN-uh-thn, Joppa DZHAH-puh, Joram DZHO-ram, Jordan DZHAWR-dn, Josaphat DZHAH-suh-fat, Joseph DZHO-zf, Joses DZHO-seez, Joshua DZHAH-shou-ah, Josiah dzho-SAI-uh, Jotham DZHO-thuhm, Judah DZHOU-duh, Judas Iscariot DZHOU-duhs_ihs-KEHR-ee-uht, Judea dzhou-DEE-uh, Junias dzhou-nih-uhs, Justin DZHUHS-tihn, Justus DZHUHS-tuhs. (h7225) - ber-uh-SHITH, BER-uh-shith] * [ Bernice - Ber•ni'ce - Acts 25:13 (g959) - ber-NI -see, ber-NEES] * [ Beroea] * [ (Berea in some Bibles, modern Véroia or Veria, Macedonia) - Be•roe'a - Acts 17:10 (g960) - bih-REE-uh] * [ Berossus* - — - dp 17 - buh-ROS-suhs] * [ beryl - beryl - Revelation 21:20 (g969) - BEHR-uhl] * [ besom ("broom") - ("broom" in NW) - Isaiah 14:23 AS, Douay (h4292) - BEE-zuhm] * [ bestiality* - — - it "Bestiality" - bes'chee-AL-ih-tee, bees'-] * [ Bethany - Beth'a•ny - Matthew 26:6 (g963) - BETH-uh-nee] * [ Beth-eden - Beth-e'den - Amos 1:5 (h1040) - beth-EE-duhn] * [ Bethel] * [ (aka Luz) - Beth'el - Genesis 28:19 (h1008) - BETH-uhl, BETH-el] * [ Beth-ezel - Beth-e'zel - Micah 1:11 (h1018) - beth-EE-zuhl, beth-EE-zehl] * [ Bethlehem - Beth'le•hem - Genesis 35:19 (h1035) - BETH-lih-hem(') (listen), also BETH-lee-uhm] * [ Bethlehem Ephrathah - Beth'le•hem Eph'ra•thah - Micah 5:2 (h1035, h672) - beth'lih-hem EF-ruh-thuh] * [ Beth-pelet] * [ (Bethphaleth, Beth-phelet in some Bibles) - Beth-pel'et - Nehemiah 11:26 (h1046) - beth-PEE-lit, beth-PEL-it] * [ Bethphage - Beth'pha•ge - Matthew 21:1 (g967) - BETH-fuh-jee] * [ Bethsaida - Beth•sa'i•da - Matthew 11:21 (g966) - beth-SAY-uh-duh] * [ Bethuel - Be•thu'el - Genesis 22:23 (h1328) - bih-THYOO-uhl, buh-THOO-uhl] * [ Bethzatha] * [ (Bethesda, Bethsaida in some Bibles) - Beth•za'tha - John 5:2 (g964) - beth-ZAY-thuh] * [ Beulah - ("Owned as a Wife" in NW; it Beu'lah) - Isaiah 62:4 AS, HNV, KJ, WEB (h1166) - BYOO-luh, BYOO-lah] * [ Bezae* - — - w90 2/15 24 - BEE-zee] * [ Bezae Cantabrigiensis* - — - si 314 - BEE-zee-kan'tuh-brij-ee-EN-sis] * [ Bezalel - Bez'al•el - Exodus 31:2 (h1212) - BEZ-uhl-el] * [ Bhagavad Gita* - — - sh 103 - bah'guh-vahd' GEE-tuh, BUG-uh-vuhd GEE-tuh] * [ Biblicist* - — - w01 5/1 30 - BIB-luh-sist] * [ Bichri - Bich'ri - 2 Samuel 20:2 (h1075) - BIK-ri] * [ Bikath-aven] * [ (Aven Valley, plain of Aven in some Bibles) - Bik'ath-a'ven - Amos 1:5 (h1237 + h206) - bik'ath-AY-ven] * [ Bildad - Bil'dad - Job 2:11 (h1085) - BIL-dad] * [ Bilhah - Bil'hah - Genesis 29:29 (h1090) - BIL-huh, BIL-hah] * [ bishopric - ("office of oversight" in NW) - Acts 1:20 DRB, KJ (g1984) - BIH-shuh-prik('), BISH-uhp-rik] * [ Bithiah - Bi•thi'ah - 1 Chronicles 4:18 (h1332) - bih-THI -uh] * [ Bithynia - Bi•thyn'i•a - Acts 16:7 (g978) - bih-THIN-ee-uh] * [ bitumen - bitumen, it bi•tu'men - Genesis 11:3 (h2564) - bi -TOO-muhn, -TYOO-, bih-, BICH-ih-muhn, esp. For example, the word eight may sound like ay. 1) improved Bible pronunciation shows that have become more skilled in their categorical perception of sounds. Alan The longer a ignores the subject, the less his/her bible readers will ever be able to learn about it. - — - w91 2/1 12 - day'oh(')-voh-LEN-tee, dee'-] * [ Derbe - Der'be - Acts 14:6 (g1191) - DUHR-bee] * [ Desiderius Erasmus* - — - w97 9/15 26 - des-ih-DEER-ee-uhs ir-AZ-muhs, ih-RAZ-muhs] * [ deuterocanonical* - — - g89 3/22 12 - doo'tuh-roh-kuh-NAH-nih-kuhl, also dyoo'-] * [ Deutero-Isaiah* - — - ip-2 8 - dyoo'tuh-roh-i -ZAY-uh] * [ Deuteronomic* - — - w61 2/1 93 - doo'tuh-ruh-NAH-mik, also dyoo'-] * [ Deuteronomy - Deuteronomy (Bible book) - it "Deuteronomy" - doo'tuh-RON-uh-mee, not doo'tuh-ROM-uh-nee] * [ dharma* - — - sh 110 - DUHR-muh, DAHR-] * [ diachronic* - — - ip-2 9 - di 'uh-KRON-ik] * [ diadem - diadem - 2 Chronicles 23:11 (h5145) - DI -uh-dem', -duhm] * [ Diádochi* - — - w59 8/1 474 - di -AD-uh-ki] * [ Diana] * [ (aka Artemis) - ("Artemis" in NW) - Acts 19:24 AS, DRB, KJ (g735) - di -AN-uh] * [ Diaspora* or diaspora* - — - it "Captivity"; w98 8/15 28 - di -AS-puh-ruh] * [ Diatessaron* - — - it "Versions" - di 'uh-TES-uh-ron] * [ Didache* - — - w92 2/1 19 - DID-uh-kee, not -chee] * [ didactic* - — - w96 3/15 30 - di -DAK-tik, duh-] * [ didrachma* - — - it "Didrachma" - di -DRAK-muh] * [ Didymos, Didymous, Didymus - ("The Twin" in NW) - John 11:16 KJ "Didymus" (g1324) - DID-uh-muhs] * [ Dinah - Di'nah - Genesis 30:21 (h1783) - DI -nuh] * [ diocesan* - — - g95 4/8 28 - di -AH-suh-suhn] * [ diocese* - — - w97 12/1 32 - DI -uh-suhs, -sees', -seez'] * [ Diocletian* - — - it "Roman Empire" (page 533) - di 'uh-KLEE-shuhn] * [ Diodorus* - — - it "Chronology" - di 'oh-DAWR-uhs, -DOHR-] * [ Dionysius] * [ (compare Dionysus) - Di•o•nys'i•us - Acts 17:34 (g1354) - di 'uh-NIS-ee-uhs, -NISH-, -NISH-uhs, -NI -see-uhs] * [ Dionysus*] * [ (aka Bacchus)] * [ (compare Dionysius) - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - di 'uh-NI -suhs, -NEE-] * [ Dioscuri] * [ (Castor and Pollux, the Heavenly Twins, [The] Twin Brothers in some Bibles) - ("Sons of Zeus" in NW) - Acts 28:11 Analytical-Literal Trans., BE, Da, Yg (g1359) - di 'uhs-KYU(UH)R-i, di-AHS-kyuh-ri'] * [ Diotrephes - Di•ot're•phes - 3 John 9 (g1361) - di -OT-ruh-feez, dee-OT-ruh-feez] * [ dipsas] * [ (drought, thirsty ground in most Bibles) - ("thirsty ground" in NW) - Deuteronomy 8:15 DRB (h6774) - DIP-sas] * [ dirge - dirge - 2 Samuel 1:17 (h7015) - DUHRJ] * [ disannul - ("invalidate" in NW) - Job 40:8 KJ (h6565); Galatians 3:17 (g208) - dis'uh-NUHL] * [ discomfit - ("rout" in NW) - Deuteronomy AS (h1949) - dis-KUHM(P)-fuht] * [ discomfiture - ("rout" in NW) - Deuteronomy 7:23 AS (h4103) - dis-KUHM(P)-fuh-chur', -chuhr] * [ Dishon (proper name); dishon (antelope) - Di'shon; ("antelope" in NW) - Genesis 36:21 (h1787); Deuteronomy 14:5 Da (1788) - DI -shon] * [ dithyramb* - — - g96 6/8 15 - DITH-ih-ram(b)'] * [ dittography* - — - Isaiah 9:7 ftn. shah-LAWM ah-le-KHEM; Ashk. cruxes or cruces) - — - w87 8/15 23 - KRUKS, KRUHKS (pl. The name Abiah is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "God is my father". When you ask, "How do I pronounce...", remember, the 'short' vowel sounds (short because that's what we call them, not because they necessarily have to be said quickly) are often the most useful sounds to work on for reading and spelling improvement. } ", From the book "Teaching English Pronunciation" -ZI -] * [ Iscariot - Is•car'i•ot - Matthew 10:4 (g2469) - is-KAR-ee-uht, is-KAIR-] * [ Ishtar* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - ISH-tahr] * [ Isis* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - I -sis] * [ Ish-bosheth - Ish-bo'sheth - 2 Samuel 2:8 (h378) - ish-BOH-shith, ish-BOH-sheth] * [ Ishmael - Ish'ma•el - Genesis 16:11 (h3458) - ISH-may-uhl, ISH-may-el] * [ Islam*; Islamic* - — - g01 12/22 29 - is-LAHM, iz-, -LAM, IS-lahm', -lam', IZ-lahm', -lam'; is-LAH-mik, iz-, -LAM-ik] * [ Israel - Israel, it Is'ra•el - Genesis 32:28 (h3478); Matthew 2:6 (g2474) - IZ-ree-uhl (listen), -ray-, IZ-ruhl, IZ-ray-el not iz'ree-EL] * [ Issachar - Is'sa•char - Genesis 30:18 (h3485) - IS-uh-kahr'] * [ Italian - Italian - Acts 10:1 (g2483) - ih-TAL-yuhn, uh-, not i -TAL-yuhn] * [ Ithamar - Ith'a•mar - Exodus 6:23 (h385) - ITH-uh-mahr] * [ Ithiel - Ith'i•el - Proverbs 30:1 (h384) - ITH-ee-uhl, ITH-ee-el] * [ Ituraea - It•u•rae'a - Luke 3:1 (g2484) - it'yoo-REE-uh, ih-too-REE-uh] * [ Ivvah] * [ (Ivah in some Bibles) - Iv'vah - 2 Kings 18:34 - IV-uh (I -vuh in some Bibles)] * [ Iyar* or Iyyar*] * [ (aka Ziv) - — - it "Ziv" - EE-yahr('), ee-YAHR (listen)] * [ Iye-abarim] * [ (Ijeabarim, Ije-abarim, Ije Abarim, Ijim-Abarim, Iyeabarim, Iye Abarim, Jeabarim, ruins of Abarim in some Bibles) - I'ye-ab'a•rim - Numbers 21:11 (h5863) - i 'yuh-AB-uh-rim] * [ Izmir*] * [ (aka Smyrna) - — - it "Smyrna" - iz-MIHR (listen), IZ-meer] *. John Matze, CEO and founder of the social network Parler, joins "Squawk Box" to discuss. yawm' kee-POOR, Ashk. We say wanna. Da, KJ, Yg (h4744) - kahn'vuh-KAY-shuhn] * [ Copt* - — - g94 11/22 24 - KOPT] * [ Coptic* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - KOP-tik] * [ corban - corban, it cor'ban - Mark 7:11 (g2878) - KOR-ban('), KOR-buhn] * [ Core] * [ (Korah in most Bibles) - ("Ko'rah" in NW) - Numbers 16:16 DRB (h7141) - KOH-ree] * [ coriander - coriander - Exodus 16:31 (1407) - KAWR-ee-an'duhr, KOHR-,] * [ Corinth - Corinth, it Cor'inth - 1 Corinthians 1:2 (g2882) - KOR-inth, -uh(t)th, KAWR-, kawr'ee-AN-duhr, kohr'-] * [ Corinthians - Corinthians (Bible books) - 2 Corinthians 6:11 (g2881) - kuh-RIN(T)-thee-uhnz] * [ cormorant - cormorant - Deuteronomy 14:17 (h7994) - KAWRM-ruhnt, KAWR-muh-ruhnt, -rant', KAW-muhr-uhnt] * [ Cornelius - Cornelius - Acts 10:1 (h7994) - kor-NEEL-yuhs, kor-NEE-lee-uhs] * [ cosmos* - (Gr. The abandonment of bible pronunciation attention has been based on the mistaken belief that bible pronunciation means only sounds. Do you hear the way they pronounce their words correctly? Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce P words in the Bible: [ Paarai - Pa'a•rai - 2 Samuel 23:35 (h6474) - PAY-uh-ri] * [ Paddan-aram - Pad'dan-a'ram - Genesis 25:20 (h6307) - pad'uhn-AY-ram, pad'an-AY-ram] * [ Pahlavi* (Persian) - — - it "Tartak" - PAL-uh-vee('), PAH-luh-vee(')] * [ palanquin - ("litter" in NW) - Song of Solomon 3:9 AS, By, Da (h668) - pal'uhn-KEEN, PAL-uhn-keen', pal'an-KEEN, puh-LANG-kwuhn] * [ Palestine] * [ (Philistines in most Bibles) - ("Philistines" in NW) - Jeremiah 47:1 DRB (h6430) - PAL-uh-sti n(')] * [ palimpsest* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - PAL-im(p)-sest', puh-LIM(P)-sest'] * [ palmerworm, also palmer-worm - ("caterpillar" in NW) - Joel 1:4 DRB, KJ (h1502) - PAH-muhr-wuhrm', PAHL-, PAW-, PAWL-] * [ Palmyra - — - it "Tadmor" - pal-MI -ruh (listen)] * [ Palti - Pal'ti - Numbers 13:9 (h6406) - PAL-ti, PAWL-ti] * [ Paltiel] * [ (Phaltiel in some Bibles) - Pal'ti•el - 2 Samuel 3:15 (h6409) - PAWL-tee-el, PAL-tee-uhl, -ti -] * [ Pamphylia - Pam•phyl'i•a - Acts 2:10 (g3828) - pam-FIL-ee-uh] * [ pantheism* - — - w81 2/15 5 - PAN(T)-thee-ih'-zuhm] * [ Pantheon*; pantheon* - — - g01 7/8 15; ip-2 54 - PAN(T)-thee-ahn'] * [ Paphos - Pa'phos - Acts 13:6 (g3974) - PAY-fos, not PAF-uhs] * [ Papias* - — - it "Canon" - PAY-pee-uhs] * [ papyrology* - — - w98 12/15 29 - pa'puh-RAH-luh-jee, pap'uh-ROL-uh-jee] * [ papyrus] * [ (pl. One of the simple discoveries in the research is the importance of a believer investing time in the Bible. window.stayTopLeft=function() sphinxes or sphinges) - — - it "Memphis" - SFING(K)S (listen), pl. 5. That's one reason audio can help. SFIN-jees (listen)] * [ spikenard] * [ (also nard) - spikenard - Song of Solomon 4:13 (h5373) - SPI K-nahrd(') (listen), -nuhrd] * [ spurious* - — - w97 6/15 6 - SPYUR-ee-uhs] * [ Stachys - Sta'chys - Romans 16:9 (g4720) - STAY-kis, STAY-kuhs] * [ stacte - stacte - Exodus 30:34 (h5198) - STAK-tee] * [ stela*] * [ (pl. El Shad•dai‘; ‘El Shad•da‘y - Exodus 6:3 HNV, JPS (h410 + h7706) - el shah-DI] * [ Elul - E'lul - Nehemiah 6:15 (h435) - EE-luhl (most sources eh-LOOL, -LUHL)] * [ Elymais*] * [ (Elam) - — - it "Elam" - el'uh-MAY-uhs] * [ Elymas - El'y•mas - Acts 13:8 (g1681) - EL-uh-muhs] * [ emaciate] * [ (consume, famish, make feeble, make lean, shrink to nothing in some Bibles) - emaciate - Zephaniah 2:11 (h7329) - ih-MAY-shee-ayt'] * [ emerod] * [ (hemorrhoids, tumors in some Bibles) - ("piles" in NW) - 1 Samuel 5:12 KJ (h6076) - EM-uh-rod] * [ Emmanuel] * [ (compare Immanuel) - Lat. aggadot) - — - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-duh, Seph. al tashcheth, Al-tashheth, Destroy not, Do Not / Don't Destroy in some Bibles) - ("Do not bring to ruin" in NW) - Psalm 75 superscription BE, KJ (h516) - al-TAS-kith] * [ Amalek; Amalekite - Am'a•lek; A•mal'ek•ite - Genesis 36:12 (h6002); 2 Samuel 1:8 (h6003) - AM-uh-lek; uh-MAL-uh-ki t] * [ amanuensis* - — - w67 4/15 230 - uh'man-yuh-WEN(T)-suhs, uh-man'yoo-EN-sis] * [ Amariah - Am•a•ri'ah - Zephaniah 1:1 (h568) - am'uh-RI -uh] * [ Amarna, Tell el-*] * [ (also Tel) - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - tel(') el uh-MAHR-nuh] * [ Amasa - A•ma'sa - 2 Samuel 17:25 (h6021) - ah-MAY-suh, uh-, not uh-MAS-uh] * [ Amaziah - Am•a•zi'ah - 2 Kings 14:1 (h558) - am'uh-ZI -uh] * [ ambidextrous] * [ ("left-handed" in most Bibles) - ("left-handed" in NW) - Judges 3:15 ftn. VIDEO Tallulah Willis se déshabille pour parler de ses difficultés à accepter son ... Arkansas police chief reported to FBI, resigns over Parler posts, Police chief calls for ‘death to all’ Democrats on Parler, 'Awakened a sleeping giant': Parler jumps to most popular app as conservatives rally support to leave Twitter and Facebook, Twitter Fact Checks on Trump Are 'Pretty Ludicrous' Parler CEO Says as Supporters Claim Censorship. - NUHM-buhrz] * [ nun] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Nun - Psalm 119:105 (verse heading) - NUHN, NUN (listen)] * [ nuncio* - — - w80 7/1 25 - NUHN(T)-see-oh', NOON(T)-] * [ Nut* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - NUT] * [ Nuzi* - — - it "Archaeology (Mari and Nuzi)" - NOO-zee] * [ Nympha] * [ (Nymphas in some Bibles) - Nym'pha - Colossians 4:15 (g3564) - NIM-fuh (NIM-fuhs in some Bibles)] *. intonation. Do you mispronounce Bible names and words often because you just can't remember the correct Bible pronunciation? For example, when one word ends with a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, we usually link the final consonant sound to the front of the next word. Heb. How the audio sounds are organized plays a greater role in communication than the sounds themselves. Heb. Sometimes you might ask, "How do you pronounce ...?" Heb. - KAN-tih-kuhlz] * [ Capernaum - Ca•per'na•um - Matthew 4:13 (g2584) - kuh-PUHR-nay-uhm, kuh-PUHR-nih-uhm] * [ Caphira - ("Chephirah" in NW) - Joshua 9:17 DRB (h3716) - kih-FI -ruh] * [ Caphtor; Caphtorim - Caph'tor; Caph'to•rim - Deuteronomy 2:23 (h3631; h3732) - KAF-tor; KAF-tuh-rim] * [ Capitoline* - — - g97 11/8 27 - KA-puh-tuhl-i n'] * [ Cappadocia - Cap•pa•do'ci•a - Acts 2:9 (g2587) - kap'uh-DOH-shee-uh] * [ caravan - caravan - Genesis 37:25 (h736) - KAR-uh-van'] * [ caravansary* - — - it "Hospitality (Inns and Lodging Places)" - kar'uh-VAN(T)-suh-ree] * [ carbuncle - ("emerald" in NW) - Exodus 39:10 AS, KJ, Yg (h1304) - KAHR-bung-kuhl] * [ Carchemish - Car'che•mish - 2 Chronicles 35:20 (h3751) - KAHR-kuh-mish] * [ Carian - Ca'ri•an - 2 Kings 11:4 (h3746) - KAY-ree-uhn] * [ Carmel - Car'mel - 1 Kings 18:19 (h3760) - KAHR-muhl, KAHR-mel] * [ carnelian] * [ (onyx in most Bibles, shoham in some Bibles) - (onyx in NW, ftn., carnelian) - Exodus 28:9 TEV - ] * [ Carpus - Carpus - 2 Timothy 4:13 (g2591) - KAHR-puhs] * [ Carthage* - — - w90 12/1 6 - KAHR-thij] * [ Carthaginian* - — - w97 7/15 14 - kahr'thuh-JIH-nyuhn, -nee-uhn] * [ cartouche*] * [ (also cartouch) - — - g71 11/22 25 - kahr-TOOSH] * [ Caspian* (Sea) - — - g80 6/8 29 - KAS-pee-uhn] * [ Cassander* - — - it "Alexander" - kuh-SAN-duhr] * [ cassia - cassia - Exodus 30:24 (h6916) - KASH-uh, KAS-ee-uh] * [ Cassius* - — - it "Herod" - KA-sh(ee-)uhs] * [ casuistry* - — - w01 12/15 18 - KAS-yoo-is-tree, KAZH-wuh-stree, KA-zhuh-stree, KAZH-oo-ih-stree (Listen)] * [ catachresis* - — - g82 8/22 27 - kat'uh-KREE-suhs] * [ cataclysm* - — - 2 Peter 2:5 ftn. ko'smos) - it "World" - KAHZ-muhs, -mohs', -mahs', KOZ-muhs, -mohs] * [ Kyrie Eleison* - — - w72 1/15 63 - KIR-ee-ay' uh-LAY-(uh-)sahn', -(uh-)san] * [ kyrios* - (Gr. This makes it REALLY difficult for listeners. peekiegng, peakeignt, piqueint, how to say pakeyng, piakiegng, pakeignt, piaking, pekeyng, piqueiegng, pekeignt, piakint, peekeyng, peakiegnt, peekeignt, peakeigng, piakeyng, pakiegnt, piakeignt, pakeigng, peakeynt, pekiegnt, piqueeignt, pekeigng, pakeynt, peekiegnt, peakiegng, paking, peking, peeking, peakint, pakint, pekint, peekint, speak1ng, tramslationtrans1at1om, translat1om, translatiom, tramslatiom, tramslatino, tramslatoin, tramslaiton, tramsltaion, tramsaltion, tramlsation, trasmlation, trmaslation, tarmslation, rtamslation, tramslatio, tramslatin, tramslaton, tramslaion, tramsltion, tramsation, how to say tramlation, traslation, trmslation, tamslation, ramslation, tramslation,saying, seighing, seighint, sayint, say1ng, sayimg, sayign, saynig, saiyng, syaing, asying, sayin, sayig, sayng, saing, sying, aying, understanding, understandig, unerstanding, undrstandint, undrstanding, undrstandyng, undestanding, undrstandynt, undertanding, undersanding, understnding, understading, understaning, understandng, uderstanding, understandint, understandyng, understandynt, undelstanding, undelstandint, undelstandyng, undelstandynt, understand1ng, umderstanding, understandign, understandnig, understanidng, understadning, understnading, undersatnding, undertsanding, undesrtanding, undrestanding, unedrstanding, udnerstanding, nuderstanding, understandin, nderstanding, phonetics, phonetic, fonetics, fonitics, phonedics, ponetics, fonedics, phnetics, phoetics, phontics, phoneics, phonetcs, phonetis, phonitics, fonetik, phonitic, fonitic, ponetic, phonitik, phnetic, fonitik, phoetic, phonedic, phontic, phonedik, phoneic, fonedic, phonetc, fonedik, phonetik, fonetic, fonet1cs, phonet1cs, phometics, phonetisc, phonetcis, how to say phoneitcs, phonteics, phoentics, phnoetics, pohnetics, hponetics, honetics, n1spromouc1ng, nispromoucing, mispromoucing, mispronoucign, mispronoucnig, mispronouicng, mispronocuing, mispronuocing, misproonucing, misprnooucing, mispornoucing, misrponoucing, mipsronoucing, msipronoucing, imspronoucing, mispronoucin, mispronoucig, mispronoucng, mispronouing, mispronocing, mispronucing, misprooucing, misprnoucing, misponoucing, misronoucing, mipronoucing, mspronoucing, ispronoucing, mispronoucing, n1spromouce, nispromouce, mispromouce, mispronouec, mispronocue, mispronuoce, misproonuce, misprnoouce, mispornouce, misrponouce, mipsronouce, msipronouce, imspronouce, mispronouc, mispronoue, mispronoce, mispronuce, misproouce, misprnouce, misponouce, misronouce, mipronouce, mspronouce, ispronouce, mispronouce, bibical, bilical, bblical, biblcal, biblicl, biblical, biblial, bibrical, bybrical, biblicar, byblicar, bibricar, bybricar, byblical, b1b11ca1, b1bl1cal, biblicla, bibliacl, biblcial, bibilcal, bilbical, bbilical, ibblical, biblica, iblical, koran, korin, kolin, koren, kolen, kolan, koram, korna, koarn, kroan, okran, "jewish, jew1sh, jewihs, jewsih, jeiwsh, jweish, ejwish, jewis, jewih, jewsh, jeish, jwish, ewish, 1a1yreader, lalyreader, lalyreadre, lalyreaedr, lalyredaer, lalyraeder, lalyerader, lalryeader, laylreader, llayreader, allyreader, lalyreade, lalyreadr, lalyreaer, lalyreder, lalyrader, lalyeader, lalreader, layreader, llyreader, alyreader, pastor, paster, pastur, pastol, astor, astur, aster, astol, pasto, pastro, pasotr, patsor, psator, apstor, pastr, pasor, pator, pstor, priust, pliust, prest, plest, pleis, prius, plius, preis, plies, pries, prize, preist, priest, pleist, pliest, pr1est, priets, priset, pirest, rpiest, priet, prist, piest, riest, rabbi, rabi, rabby, raby, labbi, labi, labby, laby, rab1, rabib, rbabi, arbbi, written, wrtten, writtn, writeign, writtin, wlitteign, writtan, wliteign, writin, writtiegn, writan, writiegn, wlittin, wlittiegn, wlittan, wlitiegn, wlitin, wlitan, writteign, writen, wlitten, wliten, witten, wittan, witin, witan, witteign, witeign, wittiegn, witiegn, wittin, witen, wr1t3n, wr1t3m, wr1ten, writtne. - EK-see HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ ecclesia*; ekklesia* - — - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. Keep up. Some Commonly Misspelled Words On This Page: prononciation, prenunciation, how to prononce, prenounce, pronunce, speek, biible, bibel, writetn, wrtiten, wirtten, rwitten, correction, colectiom, correcchon, crrection, colrecchon, corrction, corecchon, corretion, correcchun, correcion, colrecchun, correctin, corecchun, correctiom, corectiom, colrectiom, colrecsion, colection, colecsion, colrecton, corection, colecton, correcton, colrecshun, corecton, colecshun, correcshun, colrecshon, corecshun, colecshon, correcshon, correcsion, corecshon, corecsion, colrection, colectons, correctons, colrecshuns, corectons, colecshuns, correcshuns, colrecshons, corecshuns, colecshons, correcshons, correcsions, corecshons, corecsions, colrections, colrecsions, colections, colecsions, colrectons, corections, corrections, colectioms, crrections, correcchons, corrctions, colrecchons, corretions, corecchons, correcions, correcchuns, correctins, colrecchuns, correctios, corecchuns, how to say correctioms, corectioms, colrectioms, cor3ct1ons, cor3ct1oms, corect1ons, correctiosn, correctinos, correctoins, correcitons, corretcions, corrcetions, corerctions, crorections, ocrrections, correction, colectiom, correcchon, crrection, colrecchon, corrction, corecchon, corretion, correcchun, correcion, colrecchun, correctin, corecchun, correctiom, corectiom, how to say colrectiom, colrecsion, colection, colecsion, colrecton, corection, colecton, correcton, colrecshun, corecton, colecshun, correcshun, colrecshon, corecshun, colecshon, correcshon, correcsion, corecshon, corecsion, colrection, colectons, correctons, colrecshuns, corectons, colecshuns, correcshuns, colrecshons, corecshuns, colecshons, correcshons, correcsions, corecshons, corecsions, colrections, colrecsions, colections, colecsions, colrectons, corections, corrections, colectioms, crrections, correcchons, corrctions, colrecchons, corretions, corecchons, correcions, correcchuns, correctins, colrecchuns, correctios, corecchuns, correctioms, corectioms, colrectioms, cor3ct1ons, cor3ct1oms, corect1ons, correctiosn, correctinos, correctoins, correcitons, corretcions, corrcetions, corerctions, crorections, ocrrections, words, wolds, worreds, worsd, wodrs, wrods, owrds. charismata* - — - w98 2/15 23; g82 2/8 3 - kuh-RIZ-muh; kuh-RIZ-muh-tuh, kar'iz-MAH-tuh, kuh-RIZ-muh-tah] * [ charismatic* - — - ip-2 164 - kar'uhz-MAT-ik, kair'riz-MAT-ik] * [ Charlemagne* - — - dp 243 - SHAHR-luh-mayn'] * [ chasm - chasm - Luke 16:26 (g5490) - KAZ-uhm] * [ chaste - chaste - James 3:17 (g53) - CHAYST] * [ chasten - — - Proverbs 18:17 KJ (h3256) - CHAY-suhn] * [ chastise - chastise - Proverbs 18:17 (h3256); Luke 23:16 (g3811) - chas(')-TI Z, CHAS-ti z'] * [ chastisement - chastisement - Isaiah 53:5 (h4148) - chas(')-TI Z-muhnt] * [ chastity - chastity - 2 Corinthians 11:3 - CHAS-tuh-tee] * [ Chebar - Che'bar - Ezra 1:1 (h3529) - KEE-bahr] * [ Chedorlaomer - Ched•or•la•o'mer - Genesis 14:1 (h3540) - ked'uhr-lay-OH-muhr, ked'or-lah-OH-mer] * [ chehth, also cheth, heth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Chehth - Psalm 119:57 (verse heading) - KETH, KHET (listen), KHETH, KHAYT, KHAYTH] * [ Chemosh - Che'mosh - Judges 11:24 (h3645) - KEE-mosh] * [ Cheng* - — - g86 5/22 25 - JUHNG] * [ Chephirah; also Caphira - Che•phi'rah - Joshus 9:17 (h3716) - kuh-FI -ruh, kih-] * [ cherub] * [ (angelic creature) - cherub, it cher'ub - Exodus 25:19 (h3742) - CHER-uhb] * [ Cherub] * [ (city) - Che'rub - Ezra 2:59 (h3743) - KEE-ruhb] * [ cherubim - ("glorius cherubs" in NW) - Hebrews 9:5 KJ (g5502) - CHER-uh-bim', also CHER-yuh-bim'] * [ Chesed - Che'sed - Genesis 22:22 (h3777) - KHEE-sed] * [ chesedh*] * [ ("loving-kindness; loyal love") - Heb. How to pronounce them will then become easy! As communication occurs more frequently in speech than in writing, our objective should be to make sure that we are always understood when we speak. Heb. Diphthong --A vowel sound that glides from one sound to another, such Some segmentals are very difficult for Bible readers from certain language backgrounds to say, especially if the sound does not exist in their language. for "Areopagus" - AR-eez('), AIR-eez, ER-eez(')] * [ Aretas - A•re'tas - 2 Corinthians 11:32 - uh-REE-tuhs, -tas] * [ Arian*; Arianism* - — - w98 3/15 27, 28 - AR-ee-uhn, ER-; AR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ER-] * [ Ariel - Ar'i•el - Isaiah 29:1 (h740) - AIR-ee-uhl, AHR-ee-el] * [ Arimathea] * [ (Arimathaea in some Bibles) - Ar•i•ma•the'a - Matthew 27:57 (g707) - air'uh-muh-THEE-uh] * [ Arioch - Ar'i•och - Daniel 2:14 (h746) - AIR-ee-ok] * [ Aristarchus - Ar•is•tar'chus - Acts 20:4 (g708) - air'is-TAHR-kuhs] * [ Aristobulus - A•ris•tob'u•lus - Romans 16:10 (g711) - air'is-TOB-yuh-luhs] * [ Aristotelian* - — - dp 155 - air'uh-stuh-TEEL-yuhn, -TEE-lee-uhn] * [ Aristotle* - — - dp 155 - air'uh-STAH-tuhl, ar'ih-STOT-uhl] * [ Arius* - — - w98 3/15 28 - AR-ee-uhs, ER-] * [ Armada* (Spanish) - — - w88 5/15 24; dp 138 - ahr-MAH-duh, -MAY-] * [ Armageddon] * [ (aka Har-Magedon) - (Armageddon in KJ, DRB, and others) - Revelation 16:16 ftn. in NW) - Revelation 19:1 AS (g239) - hal'uh-LOO-yuh, not hal'ay-LOO-jah] * [ Halys*] * [ (River, modern Kizil Irmak) - — - sh 82 - HAY-luhs] * [ Hamadan*] * [ (ancient Ecbatana) - — - it "Ecbatana" - ham'uh-DAN (listen), -DAHN, HAM-uh-dan'] * [ Hamath] * [ (modern Hama) - Ha'math - Isaiah 36:19 (h2574) - HAY-math, HAY-muth] * [ Hammurabi* - — - it "Babylon" - ham'uh-RAH-bee, ham'oo-, hah(')-moo-RAH-bee] * [ Hamor - Ha'mor - Genesis 33:19 (h2544); Acts 7:16 (g1697) - HAY-mahr, HAY-mor] * [ Hanani - Ha•na'ni - 1 Kings 16:1 (h2607) - huh-NAY-ni] * [ Hanamel] * [ (Hanameel in some Bibles) - Han'a•mel - Jeremiah 32:7 (h2601) - HAN-uh-mehl (huh-NAM-ee-uhl, hay-, HAN-uh-meel in some Bibles)] * [ Hananiah - Han•a•ni'ah - Daniel 1:6 (h2608) - han'uh-NI -uh] * [ Hanes - Ha'nes - Isaiah 30:4 (h2609) - HAY-neez, HAY-nes] * [ Hannah - Han'nah - 1 Samuel 1:2 (h2584) - HAN-uh] * [ Hanukkah] * [ (also spelled Chanukah, Chanukkah) - ("festival of dedication" in NW) - John 10:22 ALT, ISV - HAH-nuh-kuh, Ashk. Achaemenids) - — - it "Darius" - uh-KEE-muh-nid, uh-KEM-uh-nid; pl. Heb. Heb. appointment with Dr. Brown Of Gaelic derivation, meaning ‘fire’ 8. You can perfect your Bible words pronunciation and know how to say most of them correctly. The longer a ignores the subject, the less his/her bible readers will ever be able to learn about it. First of all, what is bible pronunciation? Some readers think they need to say each word separately, but they are wrong. me-drah-SHEEM, Ashk. codices) - — - it "Book" - KOH-deks; pl. Heb. In many ways, they may be right about that. in NW) - Revelation 19:1 DRB, KJ, Yg (g239) - al'uh-LOO-yuh] * [ almond - almond - Ecclesiastes 12:5 (h8247) - AH-muhnd, AM-uhnd, AL-muhnd, AHL-, AWL-] * [ almug] * [ (juniper wood, sandlewood, thyine in some Bibles) - ("algum" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:11 KJ (h484) - AL-muhg] * [ aloes (aloeswood) - aloes - Song of Solomon 4:14 (h174) - AL-ohz] * [ Alpha - Al'pha - Revelation 1:8 (g1) - AL-fuh] * [ Alphaeus - Al•phae'us - Acts 1:13 (g256) - al-FEE-uhs] * [ Al-taschith] * [ (Altaschith. { el.x = startX; sheikh) - sheik - Genesis 36:15 (h4441) - SHEEK, chiefly Brit. in NW) - John 12:13 AS, Da, DRB, KJ, Yg (g5614) - hoh-ZAN-uh, -ZAHN-] * [ Hosea - Ho•se'a (Bible book) - Hosea 1:1 (h1954); w62 12/15 767 - hoh-SEE-uh in NW, hoh-ZEE-uh, not hoh-ZAY-uh, HOH-zay] * [ Hoshea - Ho•she'a - 2 Kings 17:1 (h1954) - hoh-SHEE-uh] * [ hough] * [ (hamstring, hock in some Bibles) - ("hamstring" in NW) - Joshua 11:6 Da, KJ, Yg (h6131) - HOK, HOKH] * [ Huguenot* - — - w98 8/15 26 - HYOO-guh-naht'] * [ Huldah - Hul'dah - 2 Kings 22:14 (h2468) - HUHL-duh, HUL-] * [ humble - humble - Proverbs 29:23 (h8217) - HUHM-buhl, HUM-, also chiefly Southern US UHM-] * [ humility - humility - Proverbs 18:12 (h6038) - hyoo-MIL-uh-tee, -ih-, often yoo-] * [ Hur - Hur - Exodus 17:10 (h2354) - HUHR] * [ Huram - ("Hiram" in 2 Chronicles 2:3 in NW) - 1 Chronicles 8:5 (h2361); 2 Chronicles 2:3 AS, Da, KJ, JPS (h2361) - HYOOR-uhm, HYOO-ruhm] * [ hurly-burly] * [ (iniquity, overturn, overturned, ruin, ruins in some Bibles) - ("ruin" in NW) - Ezekiel 21:27 By (h5754) - huhr'lee-BUHR-lee] * [ Hurrian* - — - w85 3/1 31 - HOOR-ee-uhn] * [ Hushai - Hu'shai - 2 Samuel 15:32 (h2365) - HYOO-shi, HOOSH-i] * [ hyacinth] * [ (jacinth, turquoise in some Bibles) - hyacinth, it hy'a•cinth - Revelation 21:20 (g5192) - HI -uh-sinth (listen)] * [ Hyades] * [ (Pleiades, Kimah in most Bibles) - — - Job 9:9 in DRB - HI -uh-deez'] * [ Hydaspes*] * [ (River) - — - — - hi -DAS-peez] * [ Hyksos* - — - it "Egypt, Egyptian ('Hyksos Period')" - HIK-sohs (listen), -sos] * [ Hymen* - — - it "Hymenaeus" - HI -muhn] * [ Hymenaeus - Hy•me•nae'us - 1 Timothy 1:20 (g5211) - hi 'muh-NEE-uhs, not hi -MIN-ee-uhs] * [ hymn] * [ (song of praise, the Hallel in a few Bibles) - ("praises" in NW) - Matthew 26:30 KJ (g5214) - HIM] * [ Hypnos* - — - sh 43 - HIP-nuhs, HIP-nohs'] * [ hypocrisy - hypocrisy - Matthew 23:28 (g5272) - hih-PAH-kruh-see, hi -] * [ hypocrite - hypocrite - Luke 6:42 (g5273) - HIP-uh-krit'] * [ hyrax] * [ (see coney) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 JB (h8227) - HI -raks] * [ Hyrcania* - — - w96 1/15 27 - huhr-KAY-nee-uh] * [ Hyrcanus* - — - w02 1/1 11 - hihr-KAY-nuhs] * [ hyssop - hyssop - Exodus 12:22 (h231) - HIS-uhp] * [ Hystaspes*] * [ (also Hystaspis) - — - it "Darius" - his-TAS-peez] * [ Hystaspis*] * [ (Darius I; also Hystaspes) - — - Esther 1:1 ftn.

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